So they found this shooter before he ever took a shot...

Trumptards are losing it, as they are now even trying to assassinate Donald Trump!
Stop making shit up, Lizard.
Here after two assassination attempts, both are gun-toting Republicans, and this last idiot even voted for Trump in 2016.
He's a Bernie supporter, ya dumb Lizard. Bernie isn't running, so he has a Biden/Harris sticker on his truck.
This does not even surprise me, as I knew these GUN-TARDED TRUMPTARDS would eventually turn on each other and even TRUMPTY DUMPTY HIMSELF.
Democrats don't support Trump, ya dumb Lizard.

The "deep state" is doing a great job protecting Donald Trump.
Is it even an assassination attempt, if the dude didn't even fire a bullet?

MAGA morons are screaming in alarm about this, like teenage girls scream at a slasher film. But there were numerous assassination plots during Obama's presidency, and I don't remember liberals wetting the bed.

The "deep state" is doing a great job protecting Donald Trump.

Yeah, great Job SS and THE FBI....which stopped this dude...but here's the real deal, you would think Trump, the cheap bitch would hire his own fuckin security instead of tax payers footing the bill to keep this whore safe. He's like a fuckin fire ball running around the country setting fires and expecting firemen to dowse out flames that he himself create??? Like what the fuck is wrong with this picture?? The whore wants to keep playing with fire, ie these crazie motherfuckers he keeps playing with, than damit I say, let the FUCKIN CHIPS FALL WERE THEY MAY, AMERICA...I'M SICK OF THIS GUY AND COULD CARE LESS ABOUT HIS FUCKIN WELFARE. OH and lets not forget, he'll throw the FBI under the bus and never give them a fuckin thank you!!​


Yeah, great Job SS and THE FBI....which stopped this dude...but here's the real deal, you would think Trump, the cheap bitch would hire his own fuckin security instead of tax payers footing the bill to keep this whore safe. He's like a fuckin fire ball running around the country setting fires and expecting firemen to dowse out flames that he himself create??? Like what the fuck is wrong with this picture?? The whore wants to keep playing with fire, ie these crazie motherfuckers he keeps playing with, than damit I say, let the FUCKIN CHIPS FALL WERE THEY MAY, AMERICA...I'M SICK OF THIS GUY AND COULD CARE LESS ABOUT HIS FUCKIN WELFARE. OH and lets not forget, he'll throw the FBI under the bus and never give them a fuckin thank you!!​

Nice rant. The oversized font and words of violence are not conducive to people believing you are sane and non-violent.
Nice rant. The oversized font and words of violence are not conducive to people believing you are sane and non-violent.

has..News Flash, we not gonna waste time attacking my font size...I'm 65 years old, I can barely see and this works for me...if you find it a problem, than please put me on ignore and lets keep it with that being said, I am the least violent person you'll ever meet, but I'm not some bleeding heart liberal with sugar water running through my they go low, we go fuckin high create a problem with me, I'm down with dealing wit it....ok?​
