So they found this shooter before he ever took a shot...

Or posted several plain clothes agents along the tree line to cover the entire side of the road. Sometimes closing off a highway for a golf game is a bit much... There are several ways they can handle it. Thankfully there was an eagle eyed agent, so we're talking hypotheticals.
I'm just glad Routh didn't get a hole in one.
Sort of.... Mostly pResident Braindead is the Chief Inflationeer, Chief Vacationer, Chief Warmonger, and Chief Teleprompter Reader. But whatever makes you feel good about the bad decisions you've made.
Like him or not he is the President of the United States of America.
Sort of.... Mostly pResident Braindead is the Chief Inflationeer, Chief Vacationer, Chief Warmonger, and Chief Teleprompter Reader. But whatever makes you feel good about the bad decisions you've made.
Wow, you had a bad day?
Given this moron chose an AK 47, and the range to Trump was on the order of 300 to 500 yards, he could have easily gone through a dozen magazines and never hit Trump or a secret service agent. Come on, the guy hung two backpacks on that chain link fence with floor tiles in them as a sort of ad hoc 'mall cop' armor. The guy is a friggin' moron.

For that sort of range you need something like a Winchester 400 or a Weatherby 300 with a wide view scope so you can gage the drop on the rounds. At those ranges with an AK you can't hit shit.
Given this moron chose an AK 47, and the range to Trump was on the order of 300 to 500 yards, he could have easily gone through a dozen magazines and never hit Trump or a secret service agent. Come on, the guy hung two backpacks on that chain link fence with floor tiles in them as a sort of ad hoc 'mall cop' armor. The guy is a friggin' moron.

For that sort of range you need something like a Winchester 400 or a Weatherby 300 with a wide view scope so you can gage the drop on the rounds. At those ranges with an AK you can't hit shit.
No doubt assassins appreciate your advice, Terry. :thup:
Given this moron chose an AK 47, and the range to Trump was on the order of 300 to 500 yards, he could have easily gone through a dozen magazines and never hit Trump or a secret service agent. Come on, the guy hung two backpacks on that chain link fence with floor tiles in them as a sort of ad hoc 'mall cop' armor. The guy is a friggin' moron.

For that sort of range you need something like a Winchester 400 or a Weatherby 300 with a wide view scope so you can gage the drop on the rounds. At those ranges with an AK you can't hit shit.
you're not at all familiar with the marksmanship skills of a US Marine, are you?
you're not at all familiar with the marksmanship skills of a US Marine, are you?
Marines don't use AK-47's, he wasn't an ex-Marine, he didn't have a scope on the rifle, and he had limited range time, if any.

That's at 100 yards, with a good rest and a marksman shooting.
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They are not part of the usual armory, correct, however a Marine can usually pick up any weapon and hit targets at 500 yards without much issue at all.
Well, if that nutter were a Marine you might have something, but he's not. He's a sloppy, second-rate handyman on occasion and an unemployed whack-a-doodle Social Justice warrior the rest of the time...