So what exactly isn't acceptable to Republicans? It's Important to know your limits.

You have been watching Morning Joe. Good girl


None of the witches have been nabbed for witchcraft. Sooooooo

It's a snitch hunt.

All Trumps people are flipping like burgers at a church picnic.

IF someone presents FACTUAL DATA ... then I become a believer

But that person is not guilty because you believe factual data supports it. Republicans believe factual data supported Hillary's prosecution and Democrats believe factual data support's Trump's prosecution.
Almost 2 years later and still no evidence of wrongdoing, so lets pose a question your way,

When, will you stop whining like a little school girl?
trump is the President, Hillary is home sitting on the couch watching Oprah re-runs, move on cupcake

Mueller started in May. Not exactly 2 years . More like 1. And is the concept that an investigator is not releasing what he has found tough for you? Perhaps you should email Mueller and have his send his findings directly to you. Truth is no leaks . Nobody knows what Mueller has found. Except you. Somehow you know he has found nothing,.
deleting emails, running guns to other countries, whats the definition of 'is'.

is this really something thats going to change the face of politics today?
But that person is not guilty because you believe factual data supports it. Republicans believe factual data supported Hillary's prosecution and Democrats believe factual data support's Trump's prosecution.

No I'm in favor of allowing the accuser and the accused their day in court to prove out the Facts ... deal?
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So, if Trump is not found guilty of collusion ... but is found guilty, of money laundering.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Just curious, would the President of the United States being found guilty of money laundering and other financial frauds, be OK with you?

Would you also find that acceptable?


The Democrat Party launders money all the time. For example, they write spending bills that finance Planned Parenthood, then Planned Parenthood contributes back to the DNC for political campaigns.

Why is laundering money important to you now?
So, if Trump is not found guilty of collusion

This is a FACT. Russian collusion was a leftist lie.

... but is found guilty, of money laundering.

I have a great idea; why don't we wait to see what Mueller has discovered and take it from there instead of bloviating false hyperbole all over the internet on a daily basis?

Just curious, would the President of the United States being found guilty of money laundering and other financial frauds, be OK with you?

Would you also find that acceptable?

If a President has committed a crime, like Obama, I would not be fine with it and impeachment would be the next step. Unfortunately for lying leftists like you, this will ultimately be proven to be a bunch of wishful thinking.

I have one for you and all the leftists who have spent the last year and some months impugning Trump, his character and Trumps family; when he is found to be not guilty, will the FAKE media and whiny lying leftists like you apologize for all your lies, distortions and insults?

Would you also find that acceptable?
First they have to answer the question of whether a current president can be prosecuted for criminal offenses. Some claim yes and others say no. If not, then he cannot be found guilty of anything while in office.

A President cannot be prosecuted for such offenses. He must first be impeached and removed from office. Then they can prosecute. So yes, Barry Obama can be pursued, investigated and prosecuted for his Fascist conduct while in office.
What about obstruction of justice?
There will be at least five counts of that. Will republicans defend that?

Another moronic prediction that will be proven to be false. So when it is done and there are no charges, will you appoloigize for all the nasty things you falsely claimed about Trump, his family and his friends and for being such a willful dumbfuck?
As far as I'm concerned ... Trump supplied the Rope and Hung himself with that.

That's the easy part.

Yet, there have been no claims he has broken the law, not charges or indictments suggesting such and the whole investigation about Russian Collusion is proving to be a FALSE narrative which makes a mockery of Mueller, of Rosenstein and the cabal of deep state actors who began this witch hunt.
The American conservatives of this board would allow Donald Trump to shit in their mouths...and defend his right to do it.

He tells us what would NOT bother them, namely that he could shoot someone to death on Fifth Avenue.

Nothing will do the job for the Kool Aid addicts.
A President cannot be prosecuted for such offenses. He must first be impeached and removed from office. Then they can prosecute. So yes, Barry Obama can be pursued, investigated and prosecuted for his Fascist conduct while in office.

I don't think that is a settled question. Legal scholars disagree. People did not think a president could be sued in a civil case until the courts ruled he could in the Paula Jones case. If they had settled that case when it arose it would not have come up during his presidency and he would not have committed perjury.
If you're really not Guilt ... why Flip like you are .... that's what I always say.

In the last few days Trump has been saying his people won't "flip", over and over.
Not exactly consistent with someone who claims he did nothing wrong, is it.

He (Trump) said the Times is “going out of their way” to try to destroy Cohen and his relationship with Trump in the hopes that Cohen will “flip.”