You , Truth Deflector, and a few others are so blinded by Trump that you do not even know it.
You, and the cabal of leftist liars on this forum, are so blinded by your hatred of Trump you don't even comprehend it.
You morons wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and slapped you upside your thick empty skulls.
Your response it typical and what i am referring to. I give explanations and provide evidence.
FALSE! You spam this forum with outright bullshit and lies and think that because you say it, it must be so.
You guys are drive by insults.
When you start whining about leftists doing their drive by insults, we might take your stupidity more seriously. But it is obvious that you are a massive dishonest lying hypocrite on steroids who is to be derided and laughed at.
Truth Deflector runs a rolling page of stupid with a couple stupid words that make you scroll through his shit. That is why I cut him off. Just too annoying to tolerate and devoid of argument.
You might want to buy a mirror; a rolling page of stupid with a couple stupid words describes your posts perfectly.