As a teacher in Texas this is what i deal with:
"What about my own Social Security benefit? I have heard that there is also a restriction on how
much Social Security a TRS member may receive.
Yes, there is a restriction and it is important to understand both this limitation and the GPO before making a
retirement decision. The restriction on the Social Security benefit of a TRS member (or most people receiving a
retirement benefit from a state or federal plan) is called the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
For individuals to receive a retirement benefit from Social Security they must have worked in positions covered
by Social Security (paying FICA taxes on wages) for a minimum of 10 years or 40 quarters. For members of
TRS to qualify for a retirement benefit from Social Security they too must have worked the required minimum
of years or quarters required by Social Security (paying FICA taxes on wages). The amount of benefit
calculated by Social Security is based on yearly income, age, and other factors. . However, after their benefit is calculated by Social Security, it will be reduced by application of the WEP. The reduction is based on the
number of years during which the TRS member paid into Social Security and the number of years the member
earned at or above the “substantial earnings” level set by Social Security."
I'd love to know what happens to the money i paid in from age 16-22. And collecting spousal SS??? Forget it...doesnt happen for texas teachers. Apparently we're overpaid or something