Socks, trolls, and racists on the right

In reality this is more like the truth.


You actually believe that? Wow.
He was riffing on Legion who did it first. "Legina" is well known to be a latent homosexual which is why he acts like a drama queen but claims to be rabidly homophobic.
Dude has everybody blocked. Epitome of snowflake. Why even post an OP if you only want to talk to yourself?
I'll post an OP of some sort here soon. Nobody will be blocked. I like things everyone can participate in. If you wanna argue? Okay! I will argue! But not going to ignore people for nothing.
Nothing is ever pure black and white. There are always exceptions.
Correct, even insanity and extremism. It still amazes me how many people want to see the world in only B&W.

That said, on the political spectrum I described, extremism is a move toward authoritarianism and being moderate is a move toward freedom. How many "extreme" freedom fighters want freedom only for themselves and seek to impose their way upon others?

We should protect Republic so that we may keep it.

Most people understand that a pure democracy on a national or global scale is equivalent to the old maxim of "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner." Tyranny by the Majority is best tempered by a strongly followed and rights oriented Constitution and also through a Republic. The United States government isn't perfect, but the Founders were wise in their "checks and balances". Too many people on this forum want to impose authoritarian rule by shredding the Constitution for biased political reasons.

In a December 1814 letter from John Adams to John Taylor, Adams wrote this:
Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a Democracy Yet, that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to Say that Democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious or less avaricious than Aristocracy or Monarchy. It is not true in Fact and no where appears in history. Those Passions are the same in all Men under all forms of Simple Government, and when unchecked, produce the same Effects of Fraud Violence and Cruelty.

In a 1773 letter from Benjamin Franklin to Jane Mecom (Franklin's youngest, closet sister), Franklin wrote this:
In my own private Concerns with Mankind, I have observ’d that to kick a little when under Imposition, has a good Effect. A little Sturdiness when Superiors are much in the Wrong, sometimes occasions Consideration. And there is Truth in the Old Saying, That if you make yourself a Sheep, the Wolves will eat you.
Dude has everybody blocked. Epitome of snowflake. Why even post an OP if you only want to talk to yourself?
I'll post an OP of some sort here soon. Nobody will be blocked. I like things everyone can participate in. If you wanna argue? Okay! I will argue! But not going to ignore people for nothing.

Agreed on ignoring; if someone posts something too stupid to bother with, it's easy to skip over it. Some people are well known to be nutjobs.
That one really grinds my gears though. So many OPs so many nobody can respond, What a fucking peckerneck.

Hence, the nuttiness. He's just burning time on the Internet. It's not like he's Thomas Paine publishing “Common Sense". It's just 1's and 0' quickly going to the bottom of the "New Posts" list.
You pegged that. "Anti-religion" means "not Christian like us."

Unfortunately true. What shocks me is how high up "Prosperity Christianity" has moved into our government. Professional Snakeoil Salesmen are being feted by our government leaders.
Just look at this board. Virtually all dims here think that a Libertarian is one of the following:
- Extreme right wing anarchist
- Republican

Forums aren't real life. Heavy on political partisans, political junkies and/or the mentally ill.
To a certain extent, regular members of forums could all benefit from counseling. :)
You have heard the same thing in every election? It must be a northern liberal thing. I never heard such whining until Bush beat Gore. I remember your side having a hissy fit.

Nanny Pelosi knew she didn't stand a chance of removing Trump from office. It was nothing more than ploy to embarass Trump and ruin his legacy.

Hahahaha, that's hysterical. Your Toadstool does that each and every day w/o help from anyone.

Pelosi did as her oath of office dictated, and so did every single (D) in that impeachment hearing. Your chickenshit (R)s? Not so much.