Plus, Lefty's question to you included any guns, not just "all guns", and you provided an example of someone openly calling for the confiscation of at least some guns. Lefty is now shifting the goalposts because he was clearly shown to be wrong.

And yes, we both know full well that lefties would never stop at "some guns", regardless of what they openly say. They just want to get their foot in the door and go after the buzzword soup of "dirty super scary military style AR-15's and AR-15 style assault rifles". Once they get "some guns", that will then be their platform and precedent for going after ALL guns.

That will also be an extension of the current push relating to the J6 sham and "red flag laws"... "Oh looky here, the 4th Branch of Government (Intelligence Branch, includes the FBI, DOJ, DHS, and the ODNI) have determined that some conservatives have exercised their 1st Amendment right to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances... Let's arbitrarily "red flag" them and take all of their guns away"

It doesn't take a genius to figure this stuff out, as I am merely a "rural backwoods partially educated homophobic transphobic xenophobic islamophobic negrophobic hispanophobic epistemophobic solarphobic bible thumping hick"...

I did not shift any goalpost. AR-15 is a weapon of war. You seem obsessed with the word "any".
They claim the constitution is outdated and needs revised.
That is just one way of discarding the Constitution. Obviously, age has no affect on the Constitution.
Once they (and it won't be the military) hit the rural areas, they're in for a rude awakening.
Before that even. Suburbia will defend themselves too. It already has to some extent, though with not shots needing to be fired yet.
We ain't afraid to protect what is ours, that means our guns and constitution will stay intact
The rural areas do not stand alone. You have allies in the suburbs and even in the cities.
I doubt it will lead to an all-out war..
I know you do not want to see war. Neither do I. I see no alternative however. It's just a matter of time now. Nothing is going to stop these fucks until people actually stand up and defend themselves and the communities from it.

As clueless as these people are, and as hoplophobic as they are, they will have no clue what the fuck happened when it does happen.
Pretty obvious that the gun huggers here
I don't hug my guns. Keep your perversity to yourself.
have a serious problem with paranoia,
That's you. You are afraid of someone carrying a gun.
they just can’t shake the possible reality of a kid with a hoodie walking down their street,
What's wrong with a kid in a hoodie walking down the street?
that, and mistakenly, they see themselves as Clint Eastwood when Barney Fife would be more appropriate
Obviously have you have no idea about guns or gun owners. All you learned about guns comes from Hollywood. :rofl2:
And the “arguments” of needing semiautomatic weapons to go hunting is hysterical,
You've obviously have never been hunting or even done pest control.
like their going after a pride of Jurassic Park rafters
Nah. The bear that lives out behind my property is not a dinosaur. Neither is some idiot that tries to break into my house or tries to take my guns away.