Into the Night
Verified User
You need more than an AR-15 for that.
You need more than an AR-15 for that.
Continued gameplaying. If you ever had any intention of answering even a single one of my questions, then you would have done so by now. It's obvious that you are merely here to troll at this point.GM7175, your inability to swim does not deter anyone else. If you dare ask your questions one at a time, I will answer them in the sequence you choose; but only one at a time. I doubt if you're able to logically discuss your post's 5 items. Supposn
My name is gfm7175, by the way... It's sad that you can't even get my name right...Into the Night, stand by! If GM7175 answers my challenge, he may need you to dive in and rescue him. Respectfully, Supposn
You seem to be unaware of the purpose of laws.So, we should have one law, because all the additional laws fail.
Law, be nice
Any law that is more specific has failed. Look at our prisons and jails. Full of people not being nice. Maybe not nice while driving, perhaps physically not nice, perhaps not nice to a neighbor or spouse.
Every law trying to create a society of people being nice has failed so why have them on the books.
An additional law might work. The might is worth the life of a child, teacher, suicidal person, spouse, or an asshole driver.
This is an American problem because the poorly educated have taken over.
You need more than an AR-15 for that.
Plus, Lefty's question to you included any guns, not just "all guns", and you provided an example of someone openly calling for the confiscation of at least some guns. Lefty is now shifting the goalposts because he was clearly shown to be wrong.No, I'm saying you're being too literal. It's clear someone like Beto would not stop with just confiscating "assault weapons." He, and most other anti-gun nuts, would gleefully confiscate every gun in the country if they could. They just can't say that out loud if they want to be elected.
Plus, Lefty's question to you included any guns, not just "all guns", and you provided an example of someone openly calling for the confiscation of at least some guns. Lefty is now shifting the goalposts because he was clearly shown to be wrong.
And yes, we both know full well that lefties would never stop at "some guns", regardless of what they openly say. They just want to get their foot in the door and go after the buzzword soup of "dirty super scary military style AR-15's and AR-15 style assault rifles". Once they get "some guns", that will then be their platform and precedence for going after ALL guns.
That will also be an extension of the current push relating to the J6 sham and "red flag laws"... "Oh looky here, the 4th Branch of Government (Intelligence Branch, includes the FBI, DOJ, DHS, and the ODNI) have determined that some conservatives have exercised their 1st Amendment right to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances... Let's arbitrarily "red flag" them and take all of their guns away"
It doesn't take a genius to figure this stuff out...
None of your business. You don't get to determine the needs of others.What do you need it for? Certainly not for hunting for food.
It can be used to hunt for food. It does not "shred apart animals".So it isn't used to hunt for food? Just killing animals, shredding them apart, just for fun?
People DO live in those places... That's what you leftist morons typically call "flyover country"... You know, the part of the country that you leftists continually shit on and make fun of even though those people produce your food, your energy, and other such necessities (and even luxuries) that provide for your current standard of living.That would make sense if people live in those places.
Self defense.Cities? What on earth would they possibly need AR-15s for?
Nah, an AR-15 would work plenty fine for that. You lefties consider them to be "military style" weapons, and even "assault weapons", remember?? You don't think that a "military style assault weapon" could handle stopping a murderer in a school, stopping gang activity, or stopping a rogue government?You need more than an AR-15 for that.
Apparently he thinks that AR-15's are suitable for performing mass shootings at schools but are somehow not suitable for preventing said mass shootings at schools.Why?
And if banning "scary" semi-automatic rifles is successful, handguns won't be far off.
Nah, an AR-15 would work plenty fine for that. You lefties consider them to be "military style" weapons, and even "assault weapons", remember?? You don't think that a "military style assault weapon" could handle stopping a murderer in a school, stopping gang activity, or stopping a rogue government?
I guess AR-15's aren't very dangerous after all then...![]()
Already happening in Canada.
After THAT announcement, folks in Canada packed the gun stores and bought every pistol they could get their hands on...and ammunition of course.
To leftists REALLY think people are just going to give up their guns??? They had better do some SERIOUS navel gazing before starting such an obvious power grab. It is pretty obvious they discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They also discard the inherent right of self defense.
People are NOT going to give up their guns. People are going to shoot their guns at anyone stupid enough to try to take away this right. This is how wars get started.
Lefty has oceanfront property in Paradox City.Lefty has locked himself in yet another paradox.
Nah, an AR-15 would work plenty fine for that. You lefties consider them to be "military style" weapons, and even "assault weapons", remember?? You don't think that a "military style assault weapon" could handle stopping a murderer in a school, stopping gang activity, or stopping a rogue government?
I guess AR-15's aren't very dangerous after all then...![]()
People DO live in those places... That's what you leftist morons typically call "flyover country"... You know, the part of the country that you leftists continually shit on and make fun of even though those people produce your food, your energy, and other such necessities (and even luxuries) that provide for your current standard of living.
Self defense.
It can be used to hunt for food. It does not "shred apart animals".