T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Sure. You're still wrong anyway. Beto owns guns. That shoots your narrative to death. And yes pun intended.![]()
Yea, sure... Like you Beto and you are some sort of Texas Sharpshooters...
Sure. You're still wrong anyway. Beto owns guns. That shoots your narrative to death. And yes pun intended.![]()
Yea, sure... Like you Beto and you are some sort of Texas Sharpshooters...
Sorry that Beto owning guns doesn't help your narrative.
BTW are you watching the hearing? It doesn't fare well for GQP.![]()
So, we should have one law, because all the additional laws fail.[1a] Given the fact that murder laws do not stop mass murders from happening, why do you believe that additional laws (e.g. gun regulation/confiscation laws) will somehow stop mass murders from happening?
[1b] Isn't your belief in [1a] the very definition of insanity?
[2] MANY millions of Statesman own guns and have not committed any crimes with them. Why do you wish to blame and punish those many millions of innocent people for the actions of a select few people?
[3] Given the fact that you support various politicians, celebrities, assemblies, and locations all across the States being protected with guns, why do you oppose protecting schools, and more importantly the children within them, with guns?
[4a] Why do you immediately blame the gun rather than the person using it?
[4b] Why do you never examine the murderers themselves in order to find common links between them which could then be addressed (e.g. prescription of psychoactive drugs)?
[4c] Why do you never consider taking simple preventative measures (e.g. installing special doors that can be quickly closed and locked)?
[5] What gives you the right to tell other people what they do or do not "need"?
Yes you are gaslighting. You're trying to gaslight me into distorting the reality, making me believe that Beto and the Democrats are really out to get all of our guns.
They are.
That would make sense if people live in those places. Cities? What on earth would they possibly need AR-15s for?
Yes you made a false claim. You even doubled down on it after I showed that you were wrong.
Stopping a murderer in a school. Stopping gang activity. Stopping a rogue government.
Sure. You're still wrong anyway. Beto owns guns. That shoots your narrative to death. And yes pun intended.![]()
You never did. You just denied his argument without counterargument. That's known as an argument of the Stone fallacy.
Yeah it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is a 18 year old boy purchasing an AR-15 with no training and no problem at all,
what a fucking asshole, you aren't worth responding to.
GM7175, your inability to swim does not deter anyone else. If you dare ask your questions one at a time, I will answer them in the sequence you choose; but only one at a time. I doubt if you're able to logically discuss your post's 5 items. Supposn
Into the Night, stand by! If GM7175 answers my challenge, he may need you to dive in and rescue him. Respectfully, Supposn
Sorry that Beto owning guns doesn't help your narrative.
BTW are you watching the hearing? It doesn't fare well for GQP.![]()
Lie. Trolling.