Some pictures...


Staff member
Anyway, I thought I'd take some pictures of the hive, the camera had something on the right side of the lens, I'll take some more tomorrow without the blur on that side of the photos...


Top bar with a bit of Comb... The bees use the part hanging down to add comb on. The comb is used to breed, and to put honey and pollen.


A top bar, clean of comb upside down to show how they are made... It's pretty easy, you groove a 2X1 and put a small bit of wood into the groove...


The hive from the front...


And just for thrills... One of my goats. A Nubian, he's been weathered and dehorned..
Man, you really do live in BFE. Do you still go to Karl's for your milk in a glass bottle with metal top? I still have one of their wooden nickels. I'll sell it to you half price - :$0.50, cash only.
Man, you really do live in BFE. Do you still go to Karl's for your milk in a glass bottle with metal top? I still have one of their wooden nickels. I'll sell it to you half price - :$0.50, cash only.
Karl's is on the other side of the city. I go to Kiowa and get it at Hoo's...
Very cool, Damo. Well made hives you have there.

And living in BFE is the only way to go.
Sorry folks, it means Bum Fuck Egypt. Its just saying he lives off the beaten path.

I tell people I live on the backside of nowhere. When you think you have gotten to the middle of nowhere, you are halfway to my house.
Sorry folks, it means Bum Fuck Egypt. Its just saying he lives off the beaten path.

I tell people I live on the backside of nowhere. When you think you have gotten to the middle of nowhere, you are halfway to my house.

Ohhh. In NY, we say “Bumfuck Idaho”. It's not generally a compliment here.
BFE is an 80s term. It may be a Western phenomena, but I remember people in the military using it from all areas of the nation.
If Bum fuck Egypt is in the middle of nowhere then what would you call living in the center of say NY, Rich eunuch Alaska?