Some pictures...

Ohhh. In NY, we say “Bumfuck Idaho”. It's not generally a compliment here.

As a general rule, I have found that people living in an urban area tend to look down on those of us who have chosen to live in BFE.

Having lived in Atlanta, Baltimore and Tampa, I can say without a doubt that I am hapier in BFE than in a major metro area.

Eh, its not a compliment, but I wouldn't be bothered.
If Bum fuck Egypt is in the middle of nowhere then what would you call living in the center of say NY, Rich eunuch Alaska?

What would I call living in the center of NY? A damn shame.
I live in the burbs.

I do pretend I dont have nieghbor in most respects. Im quiet so as not ot bother them but I grow the yard in such a way as to make them as invisibale as possible. I do love the convinience of the city though. Everything is right there.
It’s the best place in the whole world. God I love it. The smells, the sounds, the people, the stores, the theatres, the museums, the everything.
I have this thing called a car. It takes me to the city if I feel the need to see a museum. Which I do often.

It may take more than an hour to get there, but I find the rural life to have huge benefits.
Good for you Darla, all the times I was there I was ready to leave.

I can’t imagine wanting to live anywhere else other than one of American’s great cities. I mean, I can imagine relocating to the West Coast if need be. San Francisco, Seattle, etc, I could. But to me, NYC is the best. If I were ever financially able, I would love to have a second home. For instance, I often take a share on Fire Island for the summer. I’d love to buy a house there outright, or in Sag Harbor, or several other options. But not full time. I don’t think I would ever lose my love for New York City. Different strokes I guess.
I can’t imagine wanting to live anywhere else other than one of American’s great cities. I mean, I can imagine relocating to the West Coast if need be. San Francisco, Seattle, etc, I could. But to me, NYC is the best. If I were ever financially able, I would love to have a second home. For instance, I often take a share on Fire Island for the summer. I’d love to buy a house there outright, or in Sag Harbor, or several other options. But not full time. I don’t think I would ever lose my love for New York City. Different strokes I guess.

The last sentence is the key. I have loved NYC everytime I visited. But only because I was visiting. I cannot imagine living someplace like that full time.

I much prefer the sights, sounds and smells where I live. On a nice summer evening I can sit outside and listen to the frogs on the pond, smell magnolia & honeysuckle blossoms, and see a billion stars. I get up early on the weekends and take my coffee outside on the deck and see Talladega National forest covered in mist. And nobody ever comes to my door wanting to sell me anything. Living out away from it all has its drawbacks, like anything else. Since stores are not as convenient you have to plan a little better ect, and we are not a top priority when the power goes out because of a storm. But I like it.

If I had the money for a second home, it would be somewhere in west central Florida. Venice Island would be ideal.
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Anyway, I thought I'd take some pictures of the hive, the camera had something on the right side of the lens, I'll take some more tomorrow without the blur on that side of the photos...


Top bar with a bit of Comb... The bees use the part hanging down to add comb on. The comb is used to breed, and to put honey and pollen.


A top bar, clean of comb upside down to show how they are made... It's pretty easy, you groove a 2X1 and put a small bit of wood into the groove...


The hive from the front...


And just for thrills... One of my goats. A Nubian, he's been weathered and dehorned..

Damn,Damo...for a country guy ya really need to work out a little that a pic of your (L) arm with the honey comb...really pasty and sorta girlie...:cof1:
BFE is really Bum Fuck Egypt?? Years ago I was told the B stood for Butt. I suppose this makes more sense.
I think "Bum" is just a more polite way of saying "Butt".

But when you get to the second word in BFE, politeness is sorta gone out the window.

Its the way I always heard the phrase.