Some pictures...

I think "Bum" is just a more polite way of saying "Butt".

But when you get to the second word in BFE, politeness is sorta gone out the window.

Its the way I always heard the phrase.

HAHA! Ok I was thinking of bum in a totally different sense. I wonder where this phrase came from.
I think "Bum" is just a more polite way of saying "Butt".

But when you get to the second word in BFE, politeness is sorta gone out the window.

Its the way I always heard the phrase.

LOL. Where I'm from it's the other way around. :)

I heartily agree with you about living far away from the noise and crowding, though. I start to feel panicky just seeing pictures of crowded NYC streets on TV. It's worth having to plan a little better; the convenience for me just isn't worth the hassle.
LOL. Where I'm from it's the other way around. :)

I heartily agree with you about living far away from the noise and crowding, though. I start to feel panicky just seeing pictures of crowded NYC streets on TV. It's worth having to plan a little better; the convenience for me just isn't worth the hassle.


I kind of have weird taste in lifestyles. I kind of like the extremes: a hip, culturally rich, urban liberal city. Or, a hip, liberal and educated smaller college town atmosphere.

What I hate is the souless and heartless suburban lifestyle. The whole sanitary, commuter bedroom community thing is hell on earth, to me.
Anyway, I thought I'd take some pictures of the hive, the camera had something on the right side of the lens, I'll take some more tomorrow without the blur on that side of the photos...


Top bar with a bit of Comb... The bees use the part hanging down to add comb on. The comb is used to breed, and to put honey and pollen.


A top bar, clean of comb upside down to show how they are made... It's pretty easy, you groove a 2X1 and put a small bit of wood into the groove...


The hive from the front...


And just for thrills... One of my goats. A Nubian, he's been weathered and dehorned..

Very cool Damo. Wish I had your skills and land. Good for you, going self-sufficient.
You just use the bars Damo instead of the racks ?

I am planning on using the racks.
You have to buy extractors and other equipment to use Langstroth hives. The Top Bar hive is more natural to the bees, but you get less honey as they have to build their own comb. You do get the benefit of more wax from the hive though.

I plan on using both types and over time trying out new things to get the best result I can.
You have to buy extractors and other equipment to use Langstroth hives. The Top Bar hive is more natural to the bees, but you get less honey as they have to build their own comb. You do get the benefit of more wax from the hive though.

I plan on using both types and over time trying out new things to get the best result I can.

Yeah Just started reading up on it a bit. My uncle just scraped off the combs and honey and let the bees build more on the center thingy. But is was a long time ago and I did not pay real good attention , so pretty much going to start over.

Mark and Amy Jones discovered their home in Concord, N.C., had 60,000 clandestine tenants living rent-free — but instead of taking the squatters to court, they found them new accommodations.

Acting on a report from their tenant that the 100-year-old home had honey oozing from a wall in a vacant upstairs bedroom, the couple did a little detective work and discovered a massive honeybee haven 2 feet wide and 6 feet long, nestled into the wall.

“The honey was seeping out of the wall,” Mark Jones told Matt Lauer on TODAY. “I actually tasted it. I heard the buzzing in the wall — it was obvious that it looked like honey, smelled like honey, tasted like honey.”
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Yeah Just started reading up on it a bit. My uncle just scraped off the combs and honey and let the bees build more on the center thingy. But is was a long time ago and I did not pay real good attention , so pretty much going to start over.
Your uncle was using top bar then.