They will regulate even your ass boils.
How will M4A regulate ass boils?
They will regulate even your ass boils.
They'll tell you what doctor you can see, what treatment you can get, and when you have to d
You'll wait months to see a doctor and you'll have to go to Mexico for care to save your life.
And if you believe for a New York minute that BIG Pharma and BIG insurance corps won't have their grubby paws in the government pot, think again!
Why Mexico? Oh, right, because they have a universal health care, single-payer system.
Since single payer renders private insurance moot, why would private insurance companies have any hand in M4A?
Right now, Medicare is prohibited from negotiating for lower prescription drug prices. The reason? Medicare Part-D, passed by your second favorite President, Bush the Dumber.
AND THE ANSWER IS????? Go to mother government and see more and more vicious immorality backed by the force of arms and government loving idiots!
Plenty of them? Had a problem dealing with capitalism and keeping a job, right? That explains everything!
I thought I was making the best possible decision when I signed up to keep my healthcare insurance provided through my employer in the retirement plan, when I retired. Some employees dropped it to get a few bucks more in their retirement checks. Now I feel like a genius for making that decision. Every time I see the lefties tell everybody how rotten America’s healthcare system is, I wonder what the hell system are they talking about. Seems I have top shelf, gold standard healthcare and healthcare insurance. Makes me think if some folks, (lefties), had paid attention to their opportunities as they moved through their life’s experiences they’d have been as smart as me! I can go to any doctor I want GP or specialist of any kind without referral. My premiums are not cheap, but still manageable and I never paid an out of pocket co-pay until the feds shoved Obamacare down the citizen’s throats.
No just a limited federal government shackled to the actual real dictates of our Constitution. The federal government’s only justifiable reason to even exist is to protect the rights and immunities of the union’s citizens against violations between each other, against hostilities between the States and against acts of war by foreign nations. I once believed there was a justifiable reason for the feds to deliver the mail too. I’ve since rejected that opinion, they have no clue how to make a profit doing it or even break even.
Why would they protest for an American style system when the vast majority of generations in the UK now have been brainwashed by their majority socialist media, just like America and their institutions of learning have been teaching socialist theory since WWII? Hell, they don’t even know anymore that America bailed their asses out in WWII. All they know About America and Americas system is what the socialist have told them, just like you.
Because the WHO told you so, right?
Our Vet hospitals can’t keep up with what they have to handle now. They have waiting list like every other government run healthcare program.