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The function of an insurance company is purely administration.
Unless it's a government administration, with the power to regulate. Then it becomes an authoritarian business making the laws for the business.
The function of an insurance company is purely administration.
Since Conservatives have done absolutely nothing for this country, I see no point in them having representation in government as a participation trophy.
Republicans say government is the problem, then get elected and prove it.
All that changes with a single payer is the entity that reimburses your doctor after you receive treatment. That's all single payer does; streamline administration under one entity, accountable to voters, as opposed to myriad private insurance which is not.
Worry not commie, you're certainly not one of them!!!!!
On the other side of this virtual battlefield are the insurers whose vast armies of workers try their best to get out of paying.
Back and forth these two armies battle for our health care dollars, not a single one of them providing any form of health care whatsoever. But we pay for it all. All those workers have to be paid. And their pay comes out of our health care dollars. All that money, and none of it, not a single dollar, going to providing any care whatsoever. What a colossal waste!
If we had a National Health Service like the UK, there would be no such waste. Then we would be able to provide health care for everybody for far less. Like they do.
Why do we waste so much money on health care?
If what you say is true about private insurers, I do believe you’re gonna be sadly disappointed with any Single Payer system. There’s gonna be more procedures you won’t qualify for and you’ll have fewer choices than you have now and the procedures you are allowed to get, you may die waiting for them.
Then of course you can provide us with the actual provable “SAVING” numbers that a federal government Single Payer bureaucracy system will cost and where the money will come from, right?
Trump's Right: The U.K.'s Health System Is Broke And Failing
Health Care: Amid the news crush of the week, it would have been easy to miss President Trump's tweet blasting Britain's National Health Service. As with everything else he does or says, Trump managed to get people riled up. This time, it was for telling the truth.
On Monday, Trump tweeted that "The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their UK system is going broke and not working. Dems want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and non-personal medical care. No thanks!"
The usual suspects expressed shock and horror that Trump would say such a thing, including outraged members of the British government, who said that the protesters love the NHS, they just want the government to spend more money on it.
The New York Times even devoted 1,000 words "fact-checking" Trump's 41-word tweet, but ended up admitting that in Britain, "patients often wait months, even for essential procedures" and that "some patients wait up to 12 hours in emergency wards before being seen." Isn't that what Trump was saying?
In any case, the problems at the NHS are far worse than the Times lets on.
Just a few months ago, in fact, the British Red Cross described conditions in U.K. hospitals as a "humanitarian crisis." The president of the Royal College of Medicine recently said the emergency care system was "on its knees."
Hello Robo,
I just want proper medical care from a system designed to deliver that. The system we have now is not. It is designed to make money for the super-rich.
That would take an investigative journalist to produce that figure. I know there are darn few of those left, but it would be educational to learn how much is wasted by corporate bureaucrats.
That's an EDITORIAL! The slant is OBVIOUS:
There are government run health care systems all over the world and they are doing just fine.
The Brits don't want a system like the US. They are simply demanding much needed changes.
That system has been in place since WWII. There is no movement to replace it with what we have. They like their universal healthcare. They simply want it to work better.
Again, I’ll remind you that is an “insurance” flaw not a healthcare flaw. If you truly want to fix that, good luck! You’ll need to find a way to reform the bribed swamp rats and install moral standards in their corporate bosses. That might be accomplished with legislation, but, from other elected folks other than Democrats and Republicans.
Successful corporations don’t waste money,
they use it to make them even more successful and that’s their duty to their investors.
Well you could always go to the UK and see for yourself and those other Single Payer countries you “investigated” when you were convinced that the WHO’s slant was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, huh?
And you know that because the WHO told you so, right?
I’ll tell you friend, I’ve had 83 years of watching central governments around the world operate. And I’m totally convinced that central governments, especially in large countries are an abomination to humanity. They’re stupid, incompetent and always corrupt! There’s no greater saying than, “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!” That friend is what our founders knew when they created our government experiment of checks and balances and three separate but equal branches of central government. To bad we’ve trashed our Constitution!
And you know what the Brits want because?
Yeah well! We want our private market healthcare insurance system to “just work better” too! Seems we have similar but different problems, huh?
Actually friend if you’ll bother to look around while leaving your progressive socialist biases on the sideline, you’ll find what I’ve found. The Single Payer systems that are somewhat successful around the globe are somewhat successful because, they’re mostly smaller more sparsely populated countries that pay next to nothing in a percentage of their GDP on their national defense compared to America, (they depend on America’s military to carry the major load for their national defense). Another thing they have in common is the fact that they operate a “Two Tiered” healthcare system, a Single Payer system, and a Private Market system. Their private market system subsidizes their single payer system, just the opposite of America where Medicare and Medicaid subsidize our private healthcare system.
Hello Robo,
I don't ever expect the immoral to become moral due to legislation. The challenge is to find ways to minimize the devastation wracked by their immorality.
Total baloney. I know better. I worked for plenty of them. Every large organization wastes money whether it is public or private.
Success? The 911 attackers were successful in their goal. In the case of the health insurance industry success means they get as much of your money as possible while spending as little as possible providing you with health care. They will twist poke, and dig at the law until they find every possible way to extract your wealth. If the law doesn't suit them, they will use some of the money they already extracted from you to influence the government to change the law to their favor, so they can extract even more of you money. Crony capitalism at it's finest. The system works to mask immoral activities so the investors don't have to feel guilty that the combined power of their investments is being used to rip people off.
you would prefer the lack of government. An example of this can be found in Somalia. It doesn't appear to be working out too well. War lords rule. Prosperity is crushed. One thing is similar to the USA. They have extreme wealth inequality.
If they wanted a US style system, they would be protesting for that, and the US right would never shut up about it.
Our problem is more grave.
That gives me an idea. Why not use the power of our military to provide health care? That would be a far better use than to send them to camp on the border waiting for a ficticious 'invasion.' Simply expand the number of medical workers in the military to accommodate the entire population of the USA. President Trump could easily accomplish this by delcaring the rising cost of health care in the USA a national emergency and redirecting Congressionally allocated funds for military expenditures to build military hospitals instead of walls.
WHO has no reason to cheat. The AMA and our medical system does.
Unless it's a government administration, with the power to regulate.
Then it becomes an authoritarian business making the laws for the business.
And the leftist have done ------- for this country?
Democrats say government is the answer to everything, then get elected and prove they're insanely wrong!
Government streamlining of anything results in a stack of paperwork regulations six feet high! Remember Obamacare? congressional aids are still reading that stack.
Believing that our federal government taking over health insurance would not result in a mountain laws and regulations is either insanity or naivety on steroids