Some questions for our leftist friends at JPP.

Right, you make bad predictions all the time. So why would this be any different.

Wait times won't be affected by single payer...but your choice for which doctor you want to see will expand since a single payer renders provider networks moot.

And yet no doctor would want to work for the pittance under single payer. There would be no specialists, all new R&D and innovations? Gone under single payer. Sorry but single payer IS Soviet-style government run "medicine"
Mine are 3 to 5 days to see a specialist.

Doctors only refuse to see Medicare only, Medicaid only and folks without any insurance. It speaks volumes about what America’s doctors think of government program, the chinchy payments and mountains of paperwork.

Mountains of paperwork are the result of being forced to deal with multiple insurance companies. Every day in America, two vast armies do battle. Not with guns, but with computers. On one side there are the providers. Filling out multiple forms, contacting multiple payers, filing claims for payment for multiple procedures which have been broken down to their smallest components, sliced and diced for profit. Health care providers have people in their offices or they contract out to others, who do nothing but try to get the business paid for their work. These many workers provide no health care at all. We pay them, but they don't make a single person well.

On the other side of this virtual battlefield are the insurers whose vast armies of workers try their best to get out of paying. Back and forth these two armies battle for our health care dollars, not a single one of them providing any form of health care whatsoever. But we pay for it all. All those workers have to be paid. And their pay comes out of our health care dollars. All that money, and none of it, not a single dollar, going to providing any care whatsoever. What a colossal waste!

If we had a National Health Service like the UK, there would be no such waste. Then we would be able to provide health care for everybody for far less. Like they do.

Why do we waste so much money on health care?
To reduce wait times, the obvious solution is to have more capacity to provide services. So our medical school capacity needs to be expanded. Part of the problem with that is that is not happening. Ivy League schools do not expand. They simply become more and more elite. The size of each class each year remains the same. That is hurting our nation, adding to the class war. Doctoring is nothing but knowledge and skill plus experience. It's not like doctors are special. They are just smart dedicated people. Guess what. There are LOTS of smart dedicated people. We can and should train more doctors and medical professionals.

India and other foreign nations are picking up our slack in doctors, they love our “for profit” system” and we’re seeing more and more nurse Practitioners.

America’s colleges are elitist socialist bastions of leftist propaganda. They’re fueling the socialist next generation of socialism and the equal distribution of the misery, ENJOY! I’ll be moving on soon thank God!
Mountains of paperwork are the result of being forced to deal with multiple insurance companies. Every day in America, two vast armies do battle. Not with guns, but with computers.

the majority of it government regulations.
Hello Robo,

The only employers who ever gave me a raise were the rare exceptionally good people. Most greedy employers would sooner let a good man walk than to give a raise.

Apparently they didn't think you were worth a raise or a "good man?"
India and other foreign nations are picking up our slack in doctors, they love our “for profit” system” and we’re seeing more and more nurse Practitioners.

America’s colleges are elitist socialist bastions of leftist propaganda. They’re fueling the socialist next generation of socialism and the equal distribution of the misery, ENJOY! I’ll be moving on soon thank God!

The reason we don't have enough doctors is because it is so nearly impossible to become one. There's nothing special about doctors. They are just people doing a job. By keeping entry exclusive, doctors prevent their pay and prestige from sliding. Doctors often have pretty big egos, think they are special. What I see is a lot of pretty insolent workers.

We need to blow that all away. We need more doctors so the whole profession needs to be demystified. What's a doctor? Somebody who is intelligent, educated, dedicated and skilled. There's nothing there which cannot be multiplied out on a mass scale. We have a lot of people who could do that but they never get the chance, don't think they could get through the daunting process to become one so they don't even try. That can be fixed.

Why should doctors be running a business? I want my doctor to be concentrating on doing a good job of providing medical care, not worried about profit/loss statements, overhead or employee management.

It would be better if doctors simply served their nation the same way officers in the military do. The USA should educate and employ all the doctors the nation needs to take care of the people.

If rich people want luxury care, let them pay more for that. But first, let us fund a national health care system out of taxes and make it available to every person in the USA. That's just basic logic.
the majority of it government regulations.

Because capitalism let people die for profits.

Senator Rick Scott ran Hospital Corporation of America. He is a crook. They ripped off taxpayers for billions, ended up paying the largest fine in history for medicare fraud. $1.7 billion. The profit motive caused him to do that. Government regulations are there to prevent people like Rick Scott from ripping off the public.
And yet no doctor would want to work for the pittance under single payer. There would be no specialists, all new R&D and innovations? Gone under single payer. Sorry but single payer IS Soviet-style government run "medicine"


All that changes with a single payer is the entity that reimburses your doctor after you receive treatment. That's all single payer does; streamline administration under one entity, accountable to voters, as opposed to myriad private insurance which is not.
Apparently they didn't think you were worth a raise or a "good man?"

Bullshit. I have a glowing resume. Stellar reviews. Letters of accolade from clients. Top notch references. I was always able to get a better paying job somewhere else.

Back when 'America was great' people stayed in jobs 30 years, got the gold watch. That never happens anymore. Guess why. Capitalism eliminated that.
Bullshit. I have a glowing resume. Stellar reviews. Letters of accolade from clients. Top notch references. I was always able to get a better paying job somewhere else.

Back when 'America was great' people stayed in jobs 30 years, got the gold watch. That never happens anymore. Guess why. Capitalism eliminated that.
30 plus years happens all the time....
Hey Robo,

Still no comment on Jonas Salk or Alfred Loomis?

We know why.

It's OK.

It's hard to claim the profit motive is the only reason people work hard when these examples blow that out of the water.

What about Nikloa Tesla?

He just wanted to make scientific advancements. He thought Edison would recognize the superior design of his AC motor and the beauty of AC power. No. Edison was strangled by capitalism. Edison had already invested too much in his limited DC power system. He blew Tesla off. It took George Westinghouse to capitalize on Tesla's invention. Westinghouse was in it for the money. Westinghouse swindled Tesla, took his invention and gave him a one-time payment for it. Westinghouse got rich. Tesla died poor.

The guy who invented AC power died poor. Somebody else ripped him off and got rich.

Tesla didn't do it for the profit motive, didn't hold out for a good deal.

He just wanted to advance science.

Just fund his laboratory and turn him loose. That's all he wanted. And we got AC power out of it. Wow.


Got anything plugged into AC Power in your house?

It wasn't the profit motive that invented that.

It was a desire to help society. It was SOCIALISM that invented that.
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Bullshit. I have a glowing resume. Stellar reviews. Letters of accolade from clients. Top notch references. I was always able to get a better paying job somewhere else.

Back when 'America was great' people stayed in jobs 30 years, got the gold watch. That never happens anymore. Guess why. Capitalism eliminated that.

So you advocate Communism? Gotcha.

All that changes with a single payer is the entity that reimburses your doctor after you receive treatment. That's all single payer does; streamline administration under one entity, accountable to voters, as opposed to myriad private insurance which is not.

Not nonsense when you consider there are zero innovations or breakthroughs anywhere else EXCEPT the US. Plus, I don't trust the government, with their piss poor record of handling anything of import other than the military (and even that's questionable), with my healthcare on any level. I'll take my PRIVATE BC/BS insurance with zero deductible and $41/week premium anyday and twice on Sundays, thank you.
Plus, I don't trust the government, with their piss poor record of handling anything of import other than the military (and even that's questionable), with my healthcare on any level

1. That is a bias informed by 40 years of Conservative propaganda that has turned your weak mind against the institution of government.

2. The government funds most medical research in this country.

I'll take my PRIVATE BC/BS insurance with zero deductible and $41/week premium anyday and twice on Sundays, thank you.

Wait - I thought the ACA caused your premium to spike 100000000000%???? So you're saying the ACA kept your insurance costs low.
