Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium


Zombie, it's not like all the Jews just suddenly popped up as soon as Israel was made. It had been a majority Jewish place before then. So, whenever the British were looking for a homeland for this badly beaten minority, Israel obviously seemed like a good place, especially being as that it had been taken from them thousands of years before in any case.

Zombie, it's not like all the Jews just suddenly popped up as soon as Israel was made. It had been a majority Jewish place before then. So, whenever the British were looking for a homeland for this badly beaten minority, Israel obviously seemed like a good place, especially being as that it had been taken from them thousands of years before in any case.

Does anyone else get an ethnic homeland? If you constitute an ethnic majority somewhere, does that mean you can seize the land by force?

It it justifiable in international relations to seize land because god gave it to you a long time ago?
"Does anyone else get an ethnic homeland?"

White people? Black people? Asians? Anyone's entitled to live in Israel, it's just that Jews are given preference. I don't think that making a Jewish state for this scattered minority is really too terrible a deed.

"If you constitute an ethnic majority somewhere, does that mean you can seize the land by force? "

No land was seized. The British owned it and they just gave it to the Jews after the holocaust - is that ununderstandable?

"It it justifiable in international relations to seize land because god gave it to you a long time ago?"

It was there homeland long ago before Muslims and Christians pilaged it and took it for their own and scattered the Jews throughout Europe. That is all that is relevant. That modern Christians would be generous and enlightened enough to give it back is a good thing.
"Does anyone else get an ethnic homeland?"

White people? Black people? Asians? Anyone's entitled to live in Israel, it's just that Jews are given preference.
SO does anyone else get a place where their ethnicity is given "preference". And what does it mean to live in a state of preference? Is it like the old plantation era south?
I don't think that making a Jewish state for this scattered minority is really too terrible a deed.
So if there aren't very many of you, you get a homeland where your race is preferred? Like the endangered species list? Is that what it is?
"If you constitute an ethnic majority somewhere, does that mean you can seize the land by force? "

No land was seized. The British owned it and they just gave it to the Jews after the holocaust - is that ununderstandable?
So what has the violence in the mideast been about? DO you think maybe it wasn't england's to give away? Can I give away your property? IS that kosher?
"It it justifiable in international relations to seize land because god gave it to you a long time ago?"

It was there homeland long ago before Muslims and Christians pilaged it and took it for their own and scattered the Jews throughout Europe. That is all that is relevant. That modern Christians would be generous and enlightened enough to give it back is a good thing.

So should the native americans get their land back? Is it "modern christians" land to give away?
Are social constructs "real"? In other words, will this tangential factoid you keep harping on be an acceptable expalanation when a white child is passed over for admission because of the color of his skin? You keep offering your "viewpoint" as some sort of "rebuttal" when I point out the injustices being committed against caucasian individuals. WHy do you keep "confronting" ME with this stupidity when you admit what's being done is wrong and exacerbates racial problems?
Of course they are real. They're more real than any bogus, pseudo-Platonic "ideals" you might claim to believe in.

You deliberately mislead people about what affirmative action does, simply because you can't stand the idea that white people aren't intrinsically superior. Get used to it, Bubba.
Are social constructs "real"? In other words, will this tangential factoid you keep harping on be an acceptable expalanation when a white child is passed over for admission because of the color of his skin? You keep offering your "viewpoint" as some sort of "rebuttal" when I point out the injustices being committed against caucasian individuals. WHy do you keep "confronting" ME with this stupidity when you admit what's being done is wrong and exacerbates racial problems?
They are real but have no real basis other than in emotion and ancient tribalism. It is so easy to demonize others, and easiest to define "other" because of pigmentation. "They" look different, therefore "they" are bad in whatever way you want to suggest.

And no, I have stated very clearly that basing laws on such things is wrong. Are you being deliberately retarded when reading my post? I stated, and I am quoting directly here, "They create laws that focus on "race" to fix "racial problems" and actually exacerbate the problem rather than work to end such negative value systems."

What part of that suggests I think that those laws are a good thing? You just assume my opinion and wind up looking foolish. Why don't you actually read my posts instead of assuming some assinine opinion based on my membership in a Fraternity?

It is wrong to make laws that use pigmentation to either give or take from another.
So institutions collect racial data, because we separate into "ethnicities"? So it's ethnic data? IS ok to discriminate based on this "ethnic data"?
I will say it again, because you won't actually read a post before you just attempt to 'give' me an opinion...

"SO does anyone else get a place where their ethnicity is given "preference". And what does it mean to live in a state of preference? Is it like the old plantation era south?"

You can go and make white-people-ville in Anatarctica if you'd like. No one's stopping you.

"So if there aren't very many of you, you get a homeland where your race is preferred? Like the endangered species list? Is that what it is?"

There's plenty of Jews. It's just that they were all scattered. But Palestine was majority Jewish before then in any case.

"So what has the violence in the mideast been about? DO you think maybe it wasn't england's to give away? Can I give away your property? IS that kosher?"

Of course it was England's to give away. They owned it.

No. You may not give away my property.

Kosher is something to do with the Jewish religion. I don't know if what you propose is Kosher or not. I've yet to do signifigant study in the area.

"So should the native americans get their land back? Is it "modern christians" land to give away?"

Have you ever heard of tribal reserves? Are they wrong too? Should we keep on killing Indians because of htis? Are you realizing why I tire of your inane questions? Why do you love raping little girls?
Hey damo, what do you mean "jews are likely to be part of my dream of destruction?" What does that mean?
Most Jews are no longer 'semitic' as they have joined with people outside that ethnicity. Most of them are 'white', and couldn't be discerned from any other white outside their religion and their name. Being 'white' they would be included in this fantasy of destruction of an ethnicity.
Most Jews are no longer 'semitic' as they have joined with people outside that ethnicity. Most of them are 'white', and couldn't be discerned from any other white outside their religion and their name. Being 'white' they would be included in this fantasy of destruction of an ethnicity.

No. They're special. They're jews. Gods chosen people. Their "religion" is a cult dedicated to their racial superiority and god given right to rule the world. This is why they're so quick to denounce the racial identity of others. they understand the potency of positive self regard.
"SO does anyone else get a place where their ethnicity is given "preference". And what does it mean to live in a state of preference? Is it like the old plantation era south?"

You can go and make white-people-ville in Anatarctica if you'd like. No one's stopping you.
I'm certain the concept would be denounced by politicians, media, corporations, and jew brainwashed whites like yourself.
"So if there aren't very many of you, you get a homeland where your race is preferred? Like the endangered species list? Is that what it is?"

There's plenty of Jews. It's just that they were all scattered. But Palestine was majority Jewish before then in any case.
So if you're majority somewhere, you can seize the land by force?
"So what has the violence in the mideast been about? DO you think maybe it wasn't england's to give away? Can I give away your property? IS that kosher?"

Of course it was England's to give away. They owned it.
So if you own property in a country, you can change the whole immigration policy of that nation? That's like saying you can have a terrorist training camp in your backyard because it's your property.
No. You may not give away my property.

Kosher is something to do with the Jewish religion. I don't know if what you propose is Kosher or not. I've yet to do signifigant study in the area.

"So should the native americans get their land back? Is it "modern christians" land to give away?"

Have you ever heard of tribal reserves? Are they wrong too? Should we keep on killing Indians because of htis? Are you realizing why I tire of your inane questions? Why do you love raping little girls?

The difference is that here the indians are not in control and are not ghetto-izing the other populations.
No. They're special. They're jews. Gods chosen people. Their "religion" is a cult dedicated to their racial superiority and god given right to rule the world. This is why they're so quick to denounce the racial identity of others. they understand the potency of positive self regard.

Do you have any shred of proof substantiating yet another one of your assinine statements?

(I don't know why I'm bothering with this idiot)