Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium

Did you know that this very same High School voted in 2002 to have an integrated prom, but the next year they voted again to re-segregate? Seriously. The white students specifically voted to have their own prom while the black students voted to integrate the party again in 2003.

What I find equally odd is that they have two student body presidents. One for the "white" students, one for the "black" students.

And here is a link to the story about their vote in 2002 as well as information about the re-segregation of schools in the cities across the nation...
Did you know that this very same High School voted in 2002 to have an integrated prom, but the next year they voted again to re-segregate? Seriously. The white students specifically voted to have their own prom while the black students voted to integrate the party again in 2003.

What I find equally odd is that they have two student body presidents. One for the "white" students, one for the "black" students.
Damn that freedom of association!
Tiania, you're being a bigoted bitch. I've never heard of a segregated prom in my entire life - and I live in fucking Mississippi! Give up on trying to find flaws with us already! God damn, it's almost an obsession with you!

Actually, you quoted cypress and referenced me. Can you tell me specifically where I'm being bigoted so I can respond please.

Thanks in advance.
Yes, both.

Neither is a school sponsored event, all funds are raised by the students, and the students work it out amongst themselves regarding non-conflicting days. It's by mutual agreement of the students, not a school policy.

No one has argued that the students shouldn't or don't have a "right" to do this. We're just appalled that such practices exist in 2007.
Yes, both.

Neither is a school sponsored event, all funds are raised by the students, and the students work it out amongst themselves regarding non-conflicting days. It's by mutual agreement of the students, not a school policy.

Does that make it ok Trog? Would you be proud if your child came home and said they were raising funds for their prom, because they wanted it segregated? I doubt it.
A little false outrage perhaps from tina.
Makes her feel a little superior maybe?

Knock it off with your false outrage stuff Top. False outrage is something we can clearly see on the part of public officials. For instance, you send troops to war without armor, and then claim "outrage" on behalf of those same troops when the opposition party talks about cutting off funding to get them out of there, that's clearly false outrage.

Here is a newsflash for you. In real life, real people actually feel outrage over outrageous deeds. Don't presume to tell someone their feelings are false.
Tiania, you're being a bigoted bitch. I've never heard of a segregated prom in my entire life - and I live in fucking Mississippi! Give up on trying to find flaws with us already! God damn, it's almost an obsession with you!

Well, now you've heard of one.
No one has argued that the students shouldn't or don't have a "right" to do this. We're just appalled that such practices exist in 2007.

I'd argue it. The school should step in and teach them some damned ethics. Schools tell students they "don't have the right" to drink at their proms all of the time. They can step in on this too, as far as I am concerned. And where are the parents? I'd go through the roof.
I'd argue it. The school should step in and teach them some damned ethics. Schools tell students they "don't have the right" to drink at their proms all of the time. They can step in on this too, as far as I am concerned. And where are the parents? I'd go through the roof.

the school? Ummm, Darla:

'My mommy and daddy -- they don't agree with being with the colored people,'
the school? Ummm, Darla:

'My mommy and daddy -- they don't agree with being with the colored people,'

Jesus, right out of the 50's. I always wondered, you know, what happened to all that hate that you saw in those lynching pictures, in the crowds from then. They had their little kids with them in some. Did that hate just dissipate after the civil rights movement? It seemed unlikely.

And there it is. And now they're raising more like them. That's great.
Jesus, right out of the 50's. I always wondered, you know, what happened to all that hate that you saw in those lynching pictures, in the crowds from then. They had their little kids with them in some. Did that hate just dissipate after the civil rights movement? It seemed unlikely.

And there it is. And now they're raising more like them. That's great.

Yep. Which is why I kind of agree with cypress with his anyone over 35 theory. These kids are getting the money for this event from their parents who clearly want their traditions to live on. I think you'd probably get more push back from the parents than the students to be honest.
Racial prejudice is alive and well, and probably always will be. We are just so limited in our comprehension as humans.
Yep. Which is why I kind of agree with cypress with his anyone over 35 theory. These kids are getting the money for this event from their parents who clearly want their traditions to live on. I think you'd probably get more push back from the parents than the students to be honest.

Yeah. The idiot who made that statement abour their parents and the "colored people" better hope they are hiring in MS. Because someone like that, on the east coast in either of our states, can you even imagine? They couldn't get a decent job here and keep it. No way. And not in the more border states either, like Maryland and VA. You can't talk like that. She's stuck in MS, so I hope she likes "plucking chickens" as our Dear Leader would say.
It's ok to descriminate against southerners, just don't do it to woman and blacks.
It's ok to act like a simpleton as well. LOFL
That's my defenition of false outrage.
the three Yankees compensating for something?:clink:
It's ok to descriminate against southerners, just don't do it to woman and blacks.
It's ok to act like a simpleton as well. LOFL
That's my defenition of false outrage.
the three Yankees compensating for something?:clink:

Putting up a newstory is not "discriminating against Southerners". Sorry, this happened in the South. No one on this thread has said anything that even implies this is all Southerners.

I guess that posting the bad news about the South makes one suspect. We should only post the good news! You sound like George Bush, blaming the messenger.
Bullshit Darla, any adult knows this is wrong.
using the title southerners knuckledragging is insulting to all southerners.
Each of you who posts this crap could find similar instances up North, but shit who needs honesty when you can make a cheap joke of a large portion of the country.
Bullshit Darla, any adult knows this is wrong.
using the title southerners knuckledragging is insulting to all southerners.
Each of you who posts this crap could find similar instances up North, but shit who needs honesty when you can make a cheap joke of a large portion of the country.

No, any adult does not know it's wrong. Don't try and turn this into the bad behavior of a couple of kids. Their parents know about it, and that quote about "not mixing with the coloreds" is about a parent. An adult.

If you can find a similar instance "up north" post it. I would be just as disgusted. Why don't you post it and give me a chance to prove that? shouldn't be hard to find, according to you.
obvioulsy it would be harder, Atlanta with a majority of blacks is going going to be an easier place to find racism than North Dakota where blacks are in single digit %.
Plus I'm not into producing false outrage.
If you think racism is 100% exclusive to the south you are in fairy land with Tina and Dano, Cypress
obvioulsy it would be harder, Atlanta with a majority of blacks is going going to be an easier place to find racism than North Dakota where blacks are in single digit %.
Plus I'm not into producing false outrage.
If you think racism is 100% exclusive to the south you are in fairy land with Tina and Dano, Cypress

None of us think that racism is "exclusive to the South". I haven't asked any of them, actually, but I feel pretty certain that none of that group is stupid enough to believe that. I am certain that I'm not that stupid. I am assuming you meant to write Damo and not Dano. If you do mean Dano, all bets are off as too how stupid he is.

It looks to me like this news report touched a nerve with you Top. Try and calm down.