Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium

None of us think that racism is "exclusive to the South". I haven't asked any of them, actually, but I feel pretty certain that none of that group is stupid enough to believe that. I am certain that I'm not that stupid. I am assuming you meant to write Damo and not Dano. If you do mean Dano, all bets are off as too how stupid he is.

It looks to me like this news report touched a nerve with you Top. Try and calm down.
Well, if he did mean me he shot his own argument down. I posted a link in this very thread that spoke of the resegregation happening across the nation, including in "Northern" schools and mostly in large cities.
And, Darla, I think what touched a nerve was the whole, "Southerners knuckle-dragging" remark. Yes, this is a racist thing. Most people however take pride in their direct action (if only in their own life) against racism, even those from the South. Therefore associating this to the entire region is a huge leap.

I doubt Tina feels that way to all southerners. She's just making a low brow joke. I've never done that.:cof1:
What I find particularly interesting is that Watermark on another thread was being an apologist for reports that gratuitously bring up ethnicity:


In a society mostly white, Asians are always going to be different. And to report on the difference is almost natural in human beings...

It would be the same if it had happened in the middle east. Or if I had committed a shooting in China or Africa."

However, when the group brought up is about him and it DOES have relevance to the story, suddenly its, "oooooohhhh you're such a bigot"

Well, I'm glad I posted this and titled it as such.
Racism does exist in the North, not nearly as much as the south but I have been a witness to racism in Massachusetts twice in the 8-9 years that we lived there.

Once when we first moved there my parents came to visit so we went in to Boston for lunch.... there was a group of people at the table next to us that were mostly black with some hispanics it appeared....

Anyway, the waitress would not serve them.... we got there after them and got our meal while they sat there and inquired about their own meals...this went on the entire time, they were never served....we got up before our meals were even finished when we realized what was going on and asked for our check, my dad paid it and we left, meals unfinished.

The second time in Massachusetts, Matt and I were on our way to Martha's Vinyard....

We had parked our car in the parking lot that is about 3 miles from the port with the ferry that brings you is called Woods Falmouth, is required to park at this lot since 911, you are not allowed to park at the parking lot at the port itself...

Well, we were on the bus waiting to take us and we saw a black couple getting out of their car with their luggage....EVERYONE SAW THEM that were on the bus INCLUDING THE BUS DRIVER....who was a 75 year old Irishman as my best guess....

Well the bus driver took off, leaving this couple behind...the next bus would have been twenty minutes and this couple would have missed the Ferry if they did not catch this bus...

All of us on the bus started shouting at the bus driver to stop....yes shouting but he kept going for quite a bit with the black couple chasing the bus trying to get the bus driver's attention...

Then finally, with all of our repeated shouting at him to STOP, he did and the black couple had to go a few hundred yards with their luggage to reach the bus and finally get on...

My husband and I were furious with the bus driver and totally embarrassed by what had just happened to this lovely couple wanting to go over to the Island for a nice stay...

Matt grabbed me and moved to the seats directly in front of this couple and said very loudly that he was sorry for what THIS BUSDRIVER had just put them through and that he "hoped that they would not come away thinking that all white folk are as rude as he was...." the couple smiled and then began talking to us....and we could see their relief that this bad experience lead them to meeting us so it wasn't so bad afteralll....!

But still, the Bus driver was a racist....this was in the NORTH.....

HOWEVER, I do not believe that ANY SCHOOL in the north would be able to have a policy like this Southern school did.

In fact, I am shocked that this kind of stuff still goes on in a government provided school....

And I am shocked that this still goes on in the south, with parents "teaching" such is okay to their children.

That's for Tiana to address, I'm not her, but if I were her, maybe I might have a little left-over bad feelings towards the South, when I considered that not very long at all, a clear majority of their white population would have told me where I could sit, would have lynched my brother as entertainment, would have stopped me from voting, would have beaten me in the streets for trying to register to vote, do you want me to go on??

And maybe I'd get a little pissed that it's now poltically incorrect! that's right, PC, to mention that, and to wonder out loud, hey, they all changed? Wow, they all changed, huh?

In fact, there's no maybe about it, I'd tell to go f yourself if you didn't like the thread title.

But again, I'm not Tiana! So that's up to her.
Wow Darla, it's way deeper rooted false outrage than I would have guessed.
Not long ago. LOFL!!!
Thanks for the false outrage comedy taken to a new level.
Thank God you live in the North. BaHAHAHAHH:pke:
Does that make it ok Trog? Would you be proud if your child came home and said they were raising funds for their prom, because they wanted it segregated? I doubt it.
No, but I wanted the point clarified that this is not a 'state' institution, and no state education funds are used in this nor is it held on school property.

Free people have a right to associate with whomever they choose. Would I want my child to participate in this? I lean toward an "open to all" event, but I can see some circumstances where this might not be an idea I oppose.
HOWEVER, I do not believe that ANY SCHOOL in the north would be able to have a policy like this Southern school did.

In fact, I am shocked that this kind of stuff still goes on in a government provided school....


It is not a school event, and has NOTHING to do with school policy. It is a private party, on private property, paid for with private funds.
Wow Darla, it's way deeper rooted false outrage than I would have guessed.
Not long ago. LOFL!!!
Thanks for the false outrage comedy taken to a new level.
Thank God you live in the North. BaHAHAHAHH:pke:

I suppose you believe that all of the Southerners who supported public segregation, and had to be dragged, kicking, screaming, fighing, and law-breaking, into the 1970's, are dead, huh?

You're historically ignorant Top. Go play with your stock certificates.
Yes, both.

Neither is a school sponsored event, all funds are raised by the students, and the students work it out amongst themselves regarding non-conflicting days. It's by mutual agreement of the students, not a school policy.

I don't believe I indicated that they were breaking any laws.

I'm suggesting that the fact that they choose to have segregated proms, speaks volumes about the time warp this rural southern town is stuck in.
No, but I wanted the point clarified that this is not a 'state' institution, and no state education funds are used in this nor is it held on school property.

Free people have a right to associate with whomever they choose. Would I want my child to participate in this? I lean toward an "open to all" event, but I can see some circumstances where this might not be an idea I oppose.

I can't. They're free to do it, and I'm free to consider them knuckle-dragging racists for it. And, to treat them as such.
It's ok to descriminate against southerners, just don't do it to woman and blacks.
It's ok to act like a simpleton as well. LOFL
That's my defenition of false outrage.
the three Yankees compensating for something?:clink:

Calling out a racist to account for their bigoted behaviour is perfectly legitimate. Or are our high-minded ideals written in our Constitution, just a bunch of phony words?

And, yes, I've met northern racists too. And I call them what they are: bigots.
Calling out a racist to account for their bigoted behaviour is perfectly legitimate. Or are our high-minded ideals written in our Constitution, just a bunch of phony words?

And, yes, I've met northern racists too. And I call them what they are: bigots.

I disagree Cypress. I'm with Top. What is all of this false outrage on this thread about? Racism?

For Christ Sakes, it's not like it was about toilet paper! Then, I could see getting upset.
I disagree Cypress. I'm with Top. What is all of this false outrage on this thread about? Racism?

For Christ Sakes, it's not like it was about toilet paper! Then, I could see getting upset.


I thought the knuckle-draggers comment was funny, myself. Regional insults are par for the course. I call californians crazy tree-huggers sometimes. When somebody calls us tree huggers, I don't go ballistic about it.

I think the topper outrage is false. He probably is just upset cause he lost money on some stocks. ;)
Yeah, certainly zero racism in Cali.
You wanna be elitist can bite me.:pke:

Please show me where in this thread, or anywhere else EVER on this board, where I said there's "zero racism" in california.

This board as a good search function. I'll wait, while you search, to prove your allegation.

It is not a school event, and has NOTHING to do with school policy. It is a private party, on private property, paid for with private funds.

That still doesn't negate from that the fact that its instutionalized and its a tradition that is apparently continuing strong. Teachers and parents know this is going on and they facilitate this as, to them its acceptable behavior. Once again, no one is saying that this is illegal but rather immoral.
Yeah, certainly zero racism in Cali.
You wanna be elitist can bite me.:pke:

Strawman. No one has said there are no racists in liberal areas. Quite the contrary - there have been plenty examples of racism in the north thrown at you.