Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium


I thought the knuckle-draggers comment was funny, myself. Regional insults are par for the course. I call californians crazy tree-huggers sometimes. When somebody calls us tree huggers, I don't go ballistic about it.

I think the topper outrage is false. He probably is just upset cause he lost money on some stocks. ;)

Actually I think you called Ornot a No. Cal extremist once.

I thought that was hilarious.
(Topper) Please show me where in this thread, or anywhere else EVER on this board, where I said there's "zero racism" in california.

This board as a good search function. I'll wait, while you search, to prove your allegation.


I'll take the long, extended silence from you, as an indication that you have not found a single example of me saying there is "zero racism" in california.

So, you just tried to put words in my mouth.

Very good....carrry on then.

That still doesn't negate from that the fact that its instutionalized and its a tradition that is apparently continuing strong. Teachers and parents know this is going on and they facilitate this as, to them its acceptable behavior. Once again, no one is saying that this is illegal but rather immoral.
Were my child to attend public school (over my dead body) ---

The subdivision in which I live, and another (even nicer) area across the road are forced integated with drug slums / gang problem areas (the kind of areas where street thugs shoot cops). My child would wind up in the (provably) most violent high school in the county. Since the two populations - druggy street gang thugs and middle class kids also separate pretty closely along racial lines, I would have NO problem with a segregated prom.

I do recognize that mine is a specific circumstance, but perhaps we should not be so quick to label 'racism' without a further understanding.
As I have finally read through the whole thread I tend to think it was the title that got topper fired up. It is very obvious that many northerners, especially people from the northeast, think that people from the south are uneducated and dumb, just like there are many from the south who think that people from the northeast are arrogant. That mindset is only supported with a title like: Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium. I think Topper took it to apply to ALL Southerners and not just this group that has obviously supported this behavior, which is how I took it.
As I have finally read through the whole thread I tend to think it was the title that got topper fired up. It is very obvious that many northerners, especially people from the northeast, think that people from the south are uneducated and dumb, just like there are many from the south who think that people from the northeast are arrogant. That mindset is only supported with a title like: Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium. I think Topper took it to apply to ALL Southerners and not just this group that has obviously supported this behavior, which is how I took it.

Top didn't take it that way until Watermark came in here and told him to take it that way. A little weakminded if you ask me.

But I take your other points.
Since the two populations - druggy street gang thugs and middle class kids also separate pretty closely along racial lines, I would have NO problem with a segregated prom.

Well, if you admit you'd support a racially segregated prom for your kids then I'd say that makes you racist.
It is not a school event, and has NOTHING to do with school policy. It is a private party, on private property, paid for with private funds.

YES private funds, while the school CONTINUED to NOT have a prom for their graduating students, so that these PRIVATE prom parties could continue as they did....separate for blacks and whites........ until today, no?

Were my child to attend public school (over my dead body) ---

The subdivision in which I live, and another (even nicer) area across the road are forced integated with drug slums / gang problem areas (the kind of areas where street thugs shoot cops). My child would wind up in the (provably) most violent high school in the county. Since the two populations - druggy street gang thugs and middle class kids also separate pretty closely along racial lines, I would have NO problem with a segregated prom.

I do recognize that mine is a specific circumstance, but perhaps we should not be so quick to label 'racism' without a further understanding.

Since the two populations - druggy street gang thugs and middle class kids also separate pretty closely along racial lines, I would have NO problem with a segregated prom.

Trog, I don't know if you have teenage kids, but in my experience, having lived in many school districts, white teenagers do as much drugs as anyone else. Maybe more - they tend to have more money to buy drugs. Especially the elite white kids. I've never seen as much drug use, as I did at some of the elite "white" schools I've lived near.
I'm still amazed that the school has two Class Presidents. One for the "whites" and another for the "blacks". Seriously... How is that supported by law?
Since the two populations - druggy street gang thugs and middle class kids also separate pretty closely along racial lines, I would have NO problem with a segregated prom.

Trog, I don't know if you have teenage kids, but in my experience, having lived in many school districts, white teenagers do as much drugs as anyone else. Maybe more - they tend to have more money to buy drugs. Especially the elite white kids. I've never seen as much drug use, as I did at some of the elite "white" schools I've lived near.
I think it is the violence he wishes to avoid. I would never separate it by race though. Whites join gangs as well. It is silly to say "pretty much" then think your kid is safe enough by such a separation by pigmentation.
I'm still amazed that the school has two Class Presidents. One for the "whites" and another for the "blacks". Seriously... How is that supported by law?

Actually, that's a very good point and I'm shocked I missed it. That is unlawful.
I think it is the violence he wishes to avoid. I would never separate it by race though. Whites join gangs as well. It is silly to say "pretty much" then think your kid is safe enough by such a separation by pigmentation.

I think it is the violence he wishes to avoid.

Virtually all of the mass killings and mass executions happen in middle class white schools.
I think it is the violence he wishes to avoid. I would never separate it by race though. Whites join gangs as well. It is silly to say "pretty much" then think your kid is safe enough by such a separation by pigmentation.

Well, if he'd made a stipulation about gang members and those that engage in illegal activity, htat would have been one thing, but Trog implied (I noticed how careful he was not to be explicit about as to make it easier to back track and act shocked as he gets called on it) otherwise.
I think it is the violence he wishes to avoid.

Virtually all of the mass killings and mass executions happen in middle class white schools.
Not true. We are constantly barraged with the "Where is the outrage?" threads on gang violence in inner-city schools.

The rarity of the circumstance of the heinous violence in the middle class school makes it news when a Cho comes into the picture.
Not true. We are constantly barraged with the "Where is the outrage?" threads on gang violence in inner-city schools.

The rarity of the circumstance of the heinous violence in the middle class school makes it news when a Cho comes into the picture.

My understanding, is that since the 1990s, urban schools are relatively safe. They're basically on lock-down, with metal detectors, and locker searches.

I think you may be refering to the neighborhoods they are in. The neighborhoods may not be safe. The schools themselves are generally on lockdown. I think that's why you hardly ever hear of a school shooting inside an urban school.
My understanding, is that since the 1990s, urban schools are relatively safe. They're basically on lock-down, with metal detectors, and locker searches.

I think you may be refering to the neighborhoods they are in. The neighborhoods may not be safe. The schools themselves are generally on lockdown. I think that's why you hardly ever hear of a school shooting inside an urban school.
Yup. Here in Denver, in fact. They passed the guns through the windows. In the story it hinted that it happened more often than reported. Also stabbings and other types of murders have been reported here in Denver schools. Putting up metal detectors doesn't seem to stop the violence.
Yup. Here in Denver, in fact. They passed the guns through the windows. In the story it hinted that it happened more often than reported. Also stabbings and other types of murders have been reported here in Denver schools. Putting up metal detectors doesn't seem to stop the violence.

Well, I don't know what the statistics are.

It's just that I've never, ever heard of a gun battle or a knife fight breaking out at a school prom in urban boston or urban atlanta. I'd feel safe letting my kid attend a prom at an urban Atlanta high school. I can only base my fears on things I have empirical evidence for. I can't base my fears on unsubstantiated psychological fears.
Well, I don't know what the statistics are.

It's just that I've never, ever heard of a gun battle or a knife fight breaking out at a school prom in urban boston or urban atlanta. I'd feel safe letting my kid attend a prom at an urban Atlanta high school. I can only base my fears on things I have empirical evidence for. I can't base my fears on unsubstantiated psychological fears.

What kind of American are you?
I'd feel safe letting my kid attend a prom at an urban Atlanta high school.

Well, what about the fear of your kid graduating without grasping the concept of comlicated fractions like, 1/3?

Or worse, unable to pronounce, "Nuclear"