Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium


Seriously, I just can't get freaked out about the "urban jungle" mythology. Have you ever heard of a gun battle breaking out at an urban Atlanta school prom?

No, we don't hear about them in NYC either. You are right, the schools are in lockdown. Not that I find that comforting, I mean, it is kind of ugly. But they don't get the guns into the schools. I am sure that it happens, isolated incidents and of one person. More than that would make the national news.
Well, what about the fear of your kid graduating without grasping the concept of comlicated fractions like, 1/3?

Or worse, unable to pronounce, "Nuclear"

Or unable to grasp the finer points of creation "science"?

Dixie did give us quite an insight, into alambama public schools, didn't he?
No, we don't hear about them in NYC either. You are right, the schools are in lockdown. Not that I find that comforting, I mean, it is kind of ugly. But they don't get the guns into the schools. I am sure that it happens, isolated incidents and of one person. More than that would make the national news.

This is not to say there isn't significan urban crime. Of course there is. But, I think the drug dealers are out in the streets doing business. I don't think they're "packing" and walking into prom dances looking to start a gun battle.

In some respects, the whole "urban jungle" mythology, I think is an over blown, exaggerated fear. I've walked around some of the worst neighborhoods in new orleans and atlanta. It's depressing, and I did feel sort of uncomfortable. But, not because I felt my life was in imminent danger. But, because it was such an alien environment for me. But, I blame that on my own biases. I'm in no way a perfect human being.
This is not to say there isn't significan urban crime. Of course there is. But, I think the drug dealers are out in the streets doing business. I don't think they're "packing" and walking into prom dances looking to start a gun battle.

In some respects, the whole "urban jungle" mythology, I think is an over blown, exaggerated fear. I've walked around some of the worst neighborhoods in new orleans and atlanta. It's depressing, and I did feel sort of uncomfortable. But, not because I felt my life was in imminent danger. But, because it was such an alien environment for me. But, I blame that on my own biases. I'm in no way a perfect human being.

There's crime everywhere. In some of the best neighborhoods on Long Island (suburbia by the way) we've had horror stories of breakins that ended up as murders. It happens.

I don't blame someone who is comfortable in rural america for being a little uncomfortable about the idea of walking through an urban area. I mean Damo lives in the sticks of Colorado, do they even have running water there yet? lol But you'd be highly surprised at how often you could go walking through an urban area and you'd be just fine. did you see Borat? I didn't like it that much, but there were two scenes in there that I thought said a lot. The first, he was in character at a rodeo. I will tell you what, after seeing it, I wouldn't want to go to a Rodeo and pull the crap he pulled. The second scene he is in an urban neighborhood, at night, and he walks up to a group of young black men, again in character. Where do you think he was safest? The black guys were totally cool to him (keep in mind, in both cases, he did not reveal himself, they thought he was what he presented himself to be), and they were helping him to "fit in" and teaching him the lingo.

It said something. Things are not always as they appear to be. You might very well get yourself into a more dangerous situation surrounded by a bunch of redneck type cowboys, than you would approaching a group of black youths on a street corner in the Bronx. I will tell you where I'd rather be if I got lost. But then, that is my comfort zone, everybody's is different.
Since the two populations - druggy street gang thugs and middle class kids also separate pretty closely along racial lines, I would have NO problem with a segregated prom.

Trog, I don't know if you have teenage kids, but in my experience, having lived in many school districts, white teenagers do as much drugs as anyone else. Maybe more - they tend to have more money to buy drugs. Especially the elite white kids. I've never seen as much drug use, as I did at some of the elite "white" schools I've lived near.
Do they shoot cops?
I support a prom where there are no thugs. I'm a classist FWIW.

You implied otherwise as there clearly was no caveat.

I suspect you intentionally left your verbiage vague so that you could backpeddle and say exactly what you are saying.

In short, I saw this coming a mile away.
There's crime everywhere. In some of the best neighborhoods on Long Island (suburbia by the way) we've had horror stories of breakins that ended up as murders. It happens.

I don't blame someone who is comfortable in rural america for being a little uncomfortable about the idea of walking through an urban area. I mean Damo lives in the sticks of Colorado, do they even have running water there yet? lol But you'd be highly surprised at how often you could go walking through an urban area and you'd be just fine. did you see Borat? I didn't like it that much, but there were two scenes in there that I thought said a lot. The first, he was in character at a rodeo. I will tell you what, after seeing it, I wouldn't want to go to a Rodeo and pull the crap he pulled. The second scene he is in an urban neighborhood, at night, and he walks up to a group of young black men, again in character. Where do you think he was safest? The black guys were totally cool to him (keep in mind, in both cases, he did not reveal himself, they thought he was what he presented himself to be), and they were helping him to "fit in" and teaching him the lingo.

It said something. Things are not always as they appear to be. You might very well get yourself into a more dangerous situation surrounded by a bunch of redneck type cowboys, than you would approaching a group of black youths on a street corner in the Bronx. I will tell you where I'd rather be if I got lost. But then, that is my comfort zone, everybody's is different.

this is great stuff. I totally agree.

And BTW, I'm not really some rural hayseed ;).

I've live in large, urban california cities. Cities with, statistically, some of the worst gang violence problems around. And you know what? I've walked virtually every inch of those cities, and I never felt my life was in any imminent danger. Most of the people living there were decent, working class people.

I think Hollywood and Television has helped pertpetuate a myth of the out of control "urban jungle". And your also right, BTW, that middle class neighborhoods can have a ton of problems too. Frankly, anecdotally, the most drug use I ever saw, were the upper middle class "white" high schools my stepsons went too.
this is great stuff. I totally agree.

And BTW, I'm not really some rural hayseed ;-).

I've live in large, urban california cities. Cities with, statistically, some of the worst gang violence problems around. And you know what? I've walked virtually every inch of those cities, and I never felt my life was in any imminent danger. Most of the people living there were decent, working class people.

I think Hollywood and Television has helped pertpetuate a muth of the out of control "urban jungle". And your also right, BTW, that middle class neighborhoods can have a ton of problems too. Frankly, anecdotally, the most drug use I ever saw, were the upper middle class "white" high schools my stepsons went too.

I know that you're not!

Cypress, you know where the worst drug use I ever saw was? On Wall Street. Swear to God.
Well, I don't know what the statistics are.

It's just that I've never, ever heard of a gun battle or a knife fight breaking out at a school prom in urban boston or urban atlanta. I'd feel safe letting my kid attend a prom at an urban Atlanta high school. I can only base my fears on things I have empirical evidence for. I can't base my fears on unsubstantiated psychological fears.
Nor do I base my judgment on subsubstantiated fears.
Nor do I base my judgment on subsubstantiated fears.

And since we were talking about prom dances, then you should be able to substantiate your claim about urban (or "black") prom dances, being the focal point for gun battles and violence.

One example will do. An example of an urban high school prom dance, where a gun battle broke out.

what's wrong with drug use?
Marijuana has bou cou medicinal benefits!!!
You were prob seeing cocain!!!
There's crime everywhere. In some of the best neighborhoods on Long Island (suburbia by the way) we've had horror stories of breakins that ended up as murders. It happens.

I don't blame someone who is comfortable in rural america for being a little uncomfortable about the idea of walking through an urban area. I mean Damo lives in the sticks of Colorado, do they even have running water there yet? lol But you'd be highly surprised at how often you could go walking through an urban area and you'd be just fine. did you see Borat? I didn't like it that much, but there were two scenes in there that I thought said a lot. The first, he was in character at a rodeo. I will tell you what, after seeing it, I wouldn't want to go to a Rodeo and pull the crap he pulled. The second scene he is in an urban neighborhood, at night, and he walks up to a group of young black men, again in character. Where do you think he was safest? The black guys were totally cool to him (keep in mind, in both cases, he did not reveal himself, they thought he was what he presented himself to be), and they were helping him to "fit in" and teaching him the lingo.

It said something. Things are not always as they appear to be. You might very well get yourself into a more dangerous situation surrounded by a bunch of redneck type cowboys, than you would approaching a group of black youths on a street corner in the Bronx. I will tell you where I'd rather be if I got lost. But then, that is my comfort zone, everybody's is different.

Not to mention the scene where the kids from cali were talking about how they wanted to bring slavery back.
Not to mention the scene where the kids from cali were talking about how they wanted to bring slavery back.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I think those were the morons who later sued him, for "making them look bad". I just don't see them winning that argument.
I think it is the violence he wishes to avoid.

Virtually all of the mass killings and mass executions happen in middle class white schools.
Yes, it violence and the violent element that I wish to avoid. We have some form of gang violence in the mall nearly every damn weekend...and it's not the white kids!