Southerns drag their knuckles into the new millennium

Well, I don't know what the statistics are.

It's just that I've never, ever heard of a gun battle or a knife fight breaking out at a school prom in urban boston or urban atlanta. I'd feel safe letting my kid attend a prom at an urban Atlanta high school. I can only base my fears on things I have empirical evidence for. I can't base my fears on unsubstantiated psychological fears.
I wasn't defending his assertion, nor his point. I was only reiterating that it was violence he believed he was attempting to avoid.
Rural areas have their share of crime. What Darla said about the "comfort zone" rings true. I am more comfortable in the rural setting, especially when in trouble. I have to admit my worst fear when traveling, whether with my family or on my motorcycle, is breaking down in a city like Memphis or Atlanta, or even Nashville. It's definitely a comfort thing. I am almost always armed when I travel and make sure I pass through any city in the daylight.
Yes, it violence and the violent element that I wish to avoid. We have some form of gang violence in the mall nearly every damn weekend...and it's not the white kids!

Okay, but you're still tap dancing away from the original topic.

You felt your kids you be under theat of violence at a black prom dance. We weren't talking about malls, alleyways, or crack houses. We were talking about a school prom dance.

You said you could empirically substantiate your fear, that "black" prom dances are the focal points of violence and gun battles. I haven't seen you provide an example.

Don't you think a daughter, or son of yours is at more risk, driving the family car on the interstate, than they are attending a "black" school prom dance, with a black boy or girl date?
I was also going to say as pertains to rural areas and crime, yesterday we had a student report that another student was going to shoot up the school. We immediately went into lockdown. No big deal for me but my wife who just started working here year before last and had lived in the city most of her life was not so calm. Turns out it was nothing but you have to treat these things as if they were real wherever you are.
"I've walked virtually every inch of those cities, and I never felt my life was in any imminent danger. Most of the people living there were decent, working class people. "

You have quite OBVIOUSLY NOT attended a Raiders game wearing Chiefs colors. Frigging bastards.... just an fyi... LA is far worse than Oakland in that regards. By the way... I would not recommend doing the above... it wasn't a fun day either time.
"I've walked virtually every inch of those cities, and I never felt my life was in any imminent danger. Most of the people living there were decent, working class people. "

You have quite OBVIOUSLY NOT attended a Raiders game wearing Chiefs colors. Frigging bastards.... just an fyi... LA is far worse than Oakland in that regards. By the way... I would not recommend doing the above... it wasn't a fun day either time.

You have quite OBVIOUSLY NOT attended a Raiders game wearing Chiefs colors.

LOL, did you have a deathwish, dude?
"I've walked virtually every inch of those cities, and I never felt my life was in any imminent danger. Most of the people living there were decent, working class people. "

You have quite OBVIOUSLY NOT attended a Raiders game wearing Chiefs colors. Frigging bastards.... just an fyi... LA is far worse than Oakland in that regards. By the way... I would not recommend doing the above... it wasn't a fun day either time.

Oh well, now that's different. My brothers have been in fights at Shea stadium when they go there to see a Met/Yankee game.

That's a whole other universe, and I claim no knowledge of that bizzaro world.
"LOL, did you have a deathwish, dude?"

In LA, I was naive. Expected a lot of trash talk and verbal abuse... did not anticipate the 4387 objects that were hurled my way.

In Oakland, I should have known better. Maybe it was the proximity to the "ultra liberal San Fran" that made me believe they would be more "accepting" of someone "different" :D
"Oh well, now that's different. My brothers have been in fights at Shea stadium when they go there to see a Met/Yankee game.

That's a whole other universe, and I claim no knowledge of that bizzaro world."

LOL. Who CARES about baseball??? Baseball died in 1994.

Back to football... three stadiums you DON'T want to wear an opposing teams colors.... LA, Oakland, Philly.
"LOL, did you have a deathwish, dude?"

In LA, I was naive. Expected a lot of trash talk and verbal abuse... did not anticipate the 4387 objects that were hurled my way.

In Oakland, I should have known better. Maybe it was the proximity to the "ultra liberal San Fran" that made me believe they would be more "accepting" of someone "different" :D

Maybe it was the proximity to the "ultra liberal San Fran" that made me believe they would be more "accepting" of someone "different" :

There's your mistake right there. Oakland is a rough, blue collar, working stiff's town. It's the ying, to San Francisco's yang. ;)
"Oh well, now that's different. My brothers have been in fights at Shea stadium when they go there to see a Met/Yankee game."

also... we all know it is because you knuckle draggin northerners can't help but fight all the time. Unlike southern/midwestern hospitality. :)
"Oh well, now that's different. My brothers have been in fights at Shea stadium when they go there to see a Met/Yankee game.

That's a whole other universe, and I claim no knowledge of that bizzaro world."

LOL. Who CARES about baseball??? Baseball died in 1994.

Back to football... three stadiums you DON'T want to wear an opposing teams colors.... LA, Oakland, Philly.

Sorry, I didn't know baseball was out. On the other hand, I am betting that you have no idea whether or not the wedge sandal is still the thing this spring, mr. smartpants.

To me all sports are the same. My brothers are total freaks. They have season tickets for the mets, the jets and the islanders. All I can ever think is, geez, imagine the shoes you could buy with that kind of money.
"There's your mistake right there. Oakland is a rough, blue collar, working stiff's town. It's the ying, to San Francisco's yang"

Yeah... I was young... I learned that the hard way. It was my first time there. Been back to San Fran numerous times... never seem to cross back over the bridge to Oakland...
"Sorry, I didn't know baseball was out. On the other hand, I am betting that you have no idea whether or not the wedge sandal is still the thing this spring, mr. smartpants."

My philosophy...If I wear it... it is in. :D

"To me all sports are the same. My brothers are total freaks. They have season tickets for the mets, the jets and the islanders. All I can ever think is, geez, imagine the shoes you could buy with that kind of money."


that said... the mets, jets and islanders??? my condolences to your brothers. Coming from KC I can empathize.
Too late LadyT........done been done. By the way, I'll take either baseball or football. Cardinals and Cowboys.:)