
New member
How many here have never had a sock on this forum?

I have never been anything but what you see here, ask any mod. How many of you can claim that they are clean of any socks, and can claim that no mod legitimately can deny it?
According to some (rolls eyes till they stick) I have at least 7,321.9 socks. It's hard keeping up with them all, lemme tell you.
According to some (rolls eyes till they stick) I have at least 7,321.9 socks. It's hard keeping up with them all, lemme tell you.

I have seen the allegations. I am suspicious, but I do not know the truth. I suspect that you are most likely a good person from the beautiful North, and that you shouldn't be mixed up in politics.
I have never had any at any place Ive posted

I do not have the evidence to convict you with, but I do not trust you. Something about the disconnect of intelligent communications. We would probably get along ok if we came face to face in a grocery store.