I have seen the allegations. I am suspicious, but I do not know the truth. I suspect that you are most likely a good person from the beautiful North, and that you shouldn't be mixed up in politics.

I am a good person from the beautiful North. I see political discussions as a way to gauge what others are thinking, refine my own beliefs by debate with others, and of course indulging myself in the joy of pointing out racism, hypocrisy, and stupid. lol
According to some (rolls eyes till they stick) I have at least 7,321.9 socks. It's hard keeping up with them all, lemme tell you.

False accusations, conjecture, guesswork, and unsubstantiated gossip are mainly what message boards are known for - because outside of some exceptional people, internet forums tend to attract tepid mediocrity, the subpar, the girlish gossipers, and the barely educated.

I have never had a sock puppet, and I have used exactly one handle for 14 years. If I was actually interested, I would ask someone to explain to me what exactly the point is of creating sock puppets.
I have seen the allegations. I am suspicious, but I do not know the truth. I suspect that you are most likely a good person from the beautiful North, and that you shouldn't be mixed up in politics.



With that single statement, YOU receive 10 Idiot Points.

(shaking head, new people, ... why?)
I do not know. I often worry that there aren't as many of us on this side as I'd like to think.

I have too many real world accounts and user name/logins to keep track of to worry about setting up sock accounts. My now dead IT guy at work turned on some nonsense enhanced security feature that periodically requires us to change passwords and won't let us use the same one we have used previously on the username. If he hadn't croaked, I would murder him for doing that. It is why I can never fire my bookkeeping wench--she is the only one who knows what the passwords to the accounting software accounts are at any given time.
False accusations, conjecture, guesswork, and unsubstantiated gossip are mainly what message boards are known for - because outside of some exceptional people, internet forums tend to attract tepid mediocrity, the subpar, the girlish gossipers, and the barely educated.

I have never had a sock puppet, and I have used exactly one handle for 14 years. If I was actually interested, I would ask someone to explain to me what exactly the point is of creating sock puppets.

Good question. In some cases (rolls eyes again lol) they are used here to circumvent thread bans. I.e., someone starts a nice non-political thread sharing recipes and excludes a known trouble-maker, who then makes up a sock to invade the discussion, but gets caught.