Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

I have much to say. But as has happened before, if I speak too often I get banned for "spamming." Well let's see if it happens again. Some people around here that the holocaust happened. Well prepare to have that cult smashed. I will show you the holocaust lie with a number of pictures. First, I will show you a picture of two plaques. The first is the one that used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says the Nazis murdered 4 million jews there. The second is the plaque that is there now. It says that 1.5 million jews died there. But as you will see, that number is a vast overstatement too. Because I will show you two documents that tell what the actual death toll at various jewish internment camps (death camps) was. One of these documents is from The International Red Cross.

As for 6 million jews being killed, the whole 6 million thing is probably some sort of mystical kabalah number. Because I will show you a number of newspaper articles that appeared in various newspapers long before WW II. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews. Only somebody who has been severely suckered could think that 6 million were killed in the holocaust. Next, you should also know that there was never a lampshade made out of jew skin. Neither were some jews made into soap. And most importantly, THERE WERE NO GAS CHAMBERS!

Auschwitz was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." If there was no gas chamber there, you can bet your ass that there wasn't any anyplace else either. But I can tell and show you one thing they did have at the Auschwitz jewish internment camp. A swimming pool for inmates to enjoy. Maybe the Nazis were trying to kill them with recreational activities.

old auschwitz plaque.jpg new auschwitz plaque.jpg

holocaust document 1.jpg holocaust document 2.jpg

6 million Jews bullshit 1.jpg
Here is another newspaper article picture.

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I wish the photos of the newspaper clippings were easier to read. But that is the way they are. If you doubt them, just enter into your browser something like, "Pre WW II newspaper articles that speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews." You will find and see clearly all of what I showed. And maybe more.

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Herr General Heinie says: "Some people around here that the holocaust happened."

Gentle suggestion to the NaziNewbie:

1) Drunk-posting is funny but doesn't give you cred.

2) Correct grammar is more likely to get attention than word-salad. We've been poisoned already with $arah Palin and tRump and Toxic word salads. We got standards here!

3) We got genuine KKK white supremacist racist n-word using bigot hater Storm Front veterans here. If you want to stand out, you need to up your game. Accusing others of doing unspeakable things with Jewish babies/children is always a game-winning move.

4) Your avatar. You need some help with that. It's pretty boring.
Herr General Heinie says: "Some people around here that the holocaust happened."

Gentle suggestion to the NaziNewbie:

1) Drunk-posting is funny but doesn't give you cred.

2) Correct grammar is more likely to get attention than word-salad. We've been poisoned already with $arah Palin and tRump and Toxic word salads. We got standards here!

3) We got genuine KKK white supremacist racist n-word using bigot hater Storm Front veterans here. If you want to stand out, you need to up your game. Accusing others of doing unspeakable things with Jewish babies/children is always a game-winning move.

4) Your avatar. You need some help with that. It's pretty boring.

I'm not surprised that for an anti White holocaust supporting sucker or fool, that is the best you can do. For all of the other morons who were giving me shit for denying the holocaust, I wonder where they all went.
I'm not surprised that for an anti White holocaust supporting sucker or fool, that is the best you can do. For all of the other morons who were giving me shit for denying the holocaust, I wonder where they all went.

Lame. I give this troll post a 1. Judges?


Wow, harsh. :laugh:
I have much to say. But as has happened before, if I speak too often I get banned for "spamming." Well let's see if it happens again. Some people around here that the holocaust happened. Well prepare to have that cult smashed. I will show you the holocaust lie with a number of pictures. First, I will show you a picture of two plaques. The first is the one that used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says the Nazis murdered 4 million jews there. The second is the plaque that is there now. It says that 1.5 million jews died there. But as you will see, that number is a vast overstatement too. Because I will show you two documents that tell what the actual death toll at various jewish internment camps (death camps) was. One of these documents is from The International Red Cross.

As for 6 million jews being killed, the whole 6 million thing is probably some sort of mystical kabalah number. Because I will show you a number of newspaper articles that appeared in various newspapers long before WW II. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews. Only somebody who has been severely suckered could think that 6 million were killed in the holocaust. Next, you should also know that there was never a lampshade made out of jew skin. Neither were some jews made into soap. And most importantly, THERE WERE NO GAS CHAMBERS!

Auschwitz was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." If there was no gas chamber there, you can bet your ass that there wasn't any anyplace else either. But I can tell and show you one thing they did have at the Auschwitz jewish internment camp. A swimming pool for inmates to enjoy. Maybe the Nazis were trying to kill them with recreational activities.

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How is this trash not worse then 12 B?
Should have known,Legion all over again

No, it's a loser called Coolzone. He's got several accounts going to troll about different things. His Blackcat account got banned but once again a new sock appeared and continued his argument to glorify rape on the same discussion. Just report him and his socks.
What he has posted is accurate. All of the name-calling and ad hominem will not change that. Some of you are the equivalent of Bible-thumpers. Myths must not be challenged.
No, it's a loser called Coolzone. He's got several accounts going to troll about different things. His Blackcat account got banned but once again a new sock appeared and continued his argument to glorify rape on the same discussion. Just report him and his socks.

You misunderstood my reply to Owl's post
I have much to say. But as has happened before, if I speak too often I get banned for "spamming." Well let's see if it happens again. Some people around here that the holocaust happened. Well prepare to have that cult smashed. I will show you the holocaust lie with a number of pictures. First, I will show you a picture of two plaques. The first is the one that used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says the Nazis murdered 4 million jews there. The second is the plaque that is there now. It says that 1.5 million jews died there. But as you will see, that number is a vast overstatement too. Because I will show you two documents that tell what the actual death toll at various jewish internment camps (death camps) was. One of these documents is from The International Red Cross.

As for 6 million jews being killed, the whole 6 million thing is probably some sort of mystical kabalah number. Because I will show you a number of newspaper articles that appeared in various newspapers long before WW II. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews. Only somebody who has been severely suckered could think that 6 million were killed in the holocaust. Next, you should also know that there was never a lampshade made out of jew skin. Neither were some jews made into soap. And most importantly, THERE WERE NO GAS CHAMBERS!

Auschwitz was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." If there was no gas chamber there, you can bet your ass that there wasn't any anyplace else either. But I can tell and show you one thing they did have at the Auschwitz jewish internment camp. A swimming pool for inmates to enjoy. Maybe the Nazis were trying to kill them with recreational activities.

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Some of us know survivors so don't think your trolling won't be revealed for what it is.
No, it's a loser called Coolzone. He's got several accounts going to troll about different things. His Blackcat account got banned but once again a new sock appeared and continued his argument to glorify rape on the same discussion. Just report him and his socks.

I think he meant that some ppl are like Legion and live charmed lives and get away with shit that lesser (and leftie) posters do not.
I think he meant that some ppl are like Legion and live charmed lives and get away with shit that lesser (and leftie) posters do not.

He's been banned a few times already under different accounts. The dodo is worse than Mason on being obvious with socks and Mason does it on purpose.
No, it's a loser called Coolzone. He's got several accounts going to troll about different things. His Blackcat account got banned but once again a new sock appeared and continued his argument to glorify rape on the same discussion. Just report him and his socks.

Your sock accusation aside, YOU are the loser. Need proof? Try to refute anything I said. When you can't, then the loser you shall be. Deal with it.
I think he meant that some ppl are like Legion and live charmed lives and get away with shit that lesser (and leftie) posters do not.

please link me to a post where you feel legion broke the rules. I'll give you as much time as you would like. I have never seen a single post ever by legion that broke the rules and our mod team I don't think has ever had a single mod, between myself, damo, rana or billy that has once voted for legion to be banned on anything.
Your sock accusation aside, YOU are the loser. Need proof? Try to refute anything I said. When you can't, then the loser you shall be. Deal with it.

Must be just a coincidence SCOTUS Rehnquist supreme swastika up Uranus court chose Holocaust Kristallnacht immaculate drug conceptions for standing of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptizing by urinations two Washington, D.C. born father & son citizens for discussing D.C. sports teams trying to have lunch because those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care business brainwashing propaganda was far more important for US Holycosts in that Menegele Nazi concentration camp defamation prior to exterminations for dhimmitude servitude pedophilia in that Christian Nation tradition of Islamophobia super egos, who for some reason wouldn't speak that federal perjury of one nation under God with equal justice under law diatribe again years later.