Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Jade Dragon, you want to talk about posters migrating how about have all the ex-Amazon posters migrate back out. This board was never close to perfect but a decade ago there was far better discussion than there is today. Then folks migrated from DC Junkies and Amazon and the board went to sh*t. Now this place is little more than a name calling troll fest.

Well on day one when we arrived from Amazon,two of us were called "cum garglers",
So don't blame Amazonians for the "troll fest"!
Jade Dragon, you want to talk about posters migrating how about have all the ex-Amazon posters migrate back out. This board was never close to perfect but a decade ago there was far better discussion than there is today. Then folks migrated from DC Junkies and Amazon and the board went to sh*t. Now this place is little more than a name calling troll fest.

Says the guy that posted a couple years @ DCJ because he wasn't happy here....:laugh::laugh::laugh::palm:
Says the guy that posted a couple years @ DCJ because he wasn't happy here....:laugh::laugh::laugh::palm:

LOL, touche. You're not wrong. We actually had an exodus of sorts from this board to DCJ for a short period of time. But I stopped posting at DCJ at the end (if i remember correctly) because it was nothing but a troll fest.
LOL, touche. You're not wrong. We actually had an exodus of sorts from this board to DCJ for a short period of time. But I stopped posting at DCJ at the end (if i remember correctly) because it was nothing but a troll fest.

No, I don't remember you leaving before Tommy pulled the plug.:dunno:

It is most likely we are here because you were there.....:) @ least for some........

It seems to go in cycles...

To me it seems about the same here, :dunno:, maybe even better...

There were some when I first got here that seemed to be here just to harass others, many I am sure you know...... Now not quite so much...
No, I don't remember you leaving before Tommy pulled the plug.:dunno:

It is most likely we are here because you were there.....:) @ least for some........

It seems to go in cycles...

To me it seems about the same here, :dunno:, maybe even better...

There were some when I first got here that seemed to be here just to harass others, many I am sure you know...... Now not quite so much...

Not that my memory was ever good to begin with but it definitely hasn't improved with age so I'll defer to you on when I left DCJ. It's all a blur.

Because I have nothing better going on in life I did a (back) search of this site based on China & tariffs. I was interested to see the discussions we were having on the topic years ago. I saw some threads from the 2009 period that brought back memories that seemed to have a lot less trolling and name calling. Now don't get me wrong, it definitely still existed. But not at the levels of today. (of course I could be seeing the past through rose color glasses, wouldn't be the first time)
No, I don't remember you leaving before Tommy pulled the plug.:dunno:

It is most likely we are here because you were there.....:) @ least for some........

It seems to go in cycles...

To me it seems about the same here, :dunno:, maybe even better...

There were some when I first got here that seemed to be here just to harass others, many I am sure you know...... Now not quite so much...

As an aside started to read this article this morning on Downtown Sacramento development.
I have much to say. But as has happened before, if I speak too often I get banned for "spamming." Well let's see if it happens again. Some people around here that the holocaust happened. Well prepare to have that cult smashed. I will show you the holocaust lie with a number of pictures. First, I will show you a picture of two plaques. The first is the one that used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says the Nazis murdered 4 million jews there. The second is the plaque that is there now. It says that 1.5 million jews died there. But as you will see, that number is a vast overstatement too. Because I will show you two documents that tell what the actual death toll at various jewish internment camps (death camps) was. One of these documents is from The International Red Cross.

As for 6 million jews being killed, the whole 6 million thing is probably some sort of mystical kabalah number. Because I will show you a number of newspaper articles that appeared in various newspapers long before WW II. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews. Only somebody who has been severely suckered could think that 6 million were killed in the holocaust. Next, you should also know that there was never a lampshade made out of jew skin. Neither were some jews made into soap. And most importantly, THERE WERE NO GAS CHAMBERS!

Auschwitz was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." If there was no gas chamber there, you can bet your ass that there wasn't any anyplace else either. But I can tell and show you one thing they did have at the Auschwitz jewish internment camp. A swimming pool for inmates to enjoy. Maybe the Nazis were trying to kill them with recreational activities.

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"Prepare to have that cult smashed." Now where have we heard that before, Cultsmasher?
Best take'away for this thread? Ain't the 1st amendment a grand thing? Simply because someone has the guaranteed right to speak is no indicator that others have to be stupid enough to listen to, respond to, or even address the bat shit crazy speech of anyone if that speak does not cross the threshold of limiting or suppressing another's right to the same.

Conclusion: Proceed. Why allow others to think you are crazy when you have presented written proof in conformation of a thought. This is not even worthy of being called the majority of our Citizens are not fluent in the langue of bat shit crazy.

I have PROVEN beyond all possible doubt that the holocaust was a pile of horse shit. So is this the best you can do? Insult me? How about giving this a try instead. Tell me anything I said in my thread that you think is wrong. Are you man enough?

You haven't proven anything and we all know it. Peddle your hate somewhere else.
Not that my memory was ever good to begin with but it definitely hasn't improved with age so I'll defer to you on when I left DCJ. It's all a blur.

Because I have nothing better going on in life I did a (back) search of this site based on China & tariffs. I was interested to see the discussions we were having on the topic years ago. I saw some threads from the 2009 period that brought back memories that seemed to have a lot less trolling and name calling. Now don't get me wrong, it definitely still existed. But not at the levels of today. (of course I could be seeing the past through rose color glasses, wouldn't be the first time)

You're not wrong. Blame trump. :laugh:
He was actually permabanned so I don't know why he's still posting.

we have not confirmed it's the same person and we are not going to perma someone because they said a book has 100 pages. we don't perma based on speculation or special christie theories. many people on this site are convinced certain people are other people and a lot of times they are wrong.
i honestly think the obsession over who is who and who should be banned has gotten to levels that are pathological and unhealthy. if people have evidence, report it to us and we will review. beyond that, trying to have a witch hunt isn't helpful and we are never going to respond to that.
we have not confirmed it's the same person and we are not going to perma someone because they said a book has 100 pages. we don't perma based on speculation or special christie theories. many people on this site are convinced certain people are other people and a lot of times they are wrong.

You knew it was Cultsmasher when he posted as fandango, uproot, coolzone, MrMe, downpour, flattener and numerous other names, but you can't see it with "yourhighness."

Alrighty then.
You knew it was Cultsmasher when he posted as fandango, uproot, coolzone, MrMe, downpour, flattener and numerous other names, but you can't see it with "yourhighness."

Alrighty then.

i am not agreeing that all those names correlate to the same person. in fact I don't even know half the names above that you just mentioned.

but sometimes they got banned for specific reasons, sometimes it was because they were a previous poster, other times it was because they broke a specific rule like doxxing that rendered the discussion moot. Sometimes it's because of various things that gave themselves away. there is no perfect process. if we have a former perma poster here, they will eventually reveal themselves. until that time, the rabble brigade stomping their feet wondering why we aren't entertaining their pet theories isn't helpful. As I said, we are more than willing to look at all evidence, but sometimes posters on here read things that aren't there. and making us publicly explain all the ways we can tell (beyond just IP address) just ultimately make it harder for us to catch these people because they learn how to better avoid detection. again, not helpful.
i am not agreeing that all those names correlate to the same person. in fact I don't even know half the names above that you just mentioned.

but sometimes they got banned for specific reasons, sometimes it was because they were a previous poster, other times it was because they broke a specific rule like doxxing that rendered the discussion moot. Sometimes it's because of various things that gave themselves away. there is no perfect process. if we have a former perma poster here, they will eventually reveal themselves. until that time, the rabble brigade stomping their feet wondering why we aren't entertaining their pet theories isn't helpful. As I said, we are more than willing to look at all evidence, but sometimes posters on here read things that aren't there. and making us publicly explain all the ways we can tell (beyond just IP address) just ultimately make it harder for us to catch these people because they learn how to better avoid detection. again, not helpful.

Do what you have to do. However, all of those names I wrote were exposed as Cultsmasher in the threads they were in.
Not that my memory was ever good to begin with but it definitely hasn't improved with age so I'll defer to you on when I left DCJ. It's all a blur.

Because I have nothing better going on in life I did a (back) search of this site based on China & tariffs. I was interested to see the discussions we were having on the topic years ago. I saw some threads from the 2009 period that brought back memories that seemed to have a lot less trolling and name calling. Now don't get me wrong, it definitely still existed. But not at the levels of today. (of course I could be seeing the past through rose color glasses, wouldn't be the first time)

It is of course all subjective..... 2009 was a very good year for boards..:)

"Prepare to have that cult smashed." Now where have we heard that before, Cultsmasher?

Heard that Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist cult of fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions for a national religion of lynching enforcement baptise thine eyes by urinations in that Holocaust concentration camp Mengele defamations prior to exterminations & subsequent Christiananlity pedophilia business tradition certainly explains the second coming & a Fourth Reich thru 9/11.