Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Don't hear them denying it, soldiers doing the denying :thinking: Only the neo-haters that think they have stumbled into truth/a secret that they are privy to...:palm:

That is a standard cliche, Bill. The, "they think they know something we don't," I mean. Maybe they do. Has that possibility ever crossed your mind?
Has any of the holocaust deniers ever been to any of the concentration camps?
I've been to Dachau and I know the holocaust happened. If it didn't then why would Germans be so ashamed of their part in it?

Exactly. My uncle was a staff sergeant under Patton. They liberated one of the camps; forgive me for not recalling the name. He said that the photos of the survivors didn't even begin to show the horror; and the bodies and mass graves were even worse than what the public saw from the photojournalists' pictures. My uncle met his lifelong companion there, who was a young Jewish man who managed to survive somehow while the rest of his family perished.
Anecdote Alert!

My brother was a career Army officer. My brother, sister, and I were all together for the first time in many years. I had a book titled, "The Warrior's Edge," about a U.S. Special forces program experimenting with paranormal abilities. Jon Ronson wrote a book about the same program, titled, "The Men Who Stared At Goats." It, in turn, became a movie of the same name. The whole issue upset my brother.

He insisted that, because he had been in Special Forces, he would have known about it.

Fast forward ten years, to another death in the family. He picked up right where he left off. It was time for either a fist-fight or a wager. Yes, he did some actual research and had to pay up. Just because he didn't know it, didn't mean that it wasn't real.
Typhus was not limited to the camps. It spread throughout the continent. The "lucky" ones fell into the hands of Americans, who had DDT. Typhus was rampant in Italy, which had long since surrendered to the Americans.

And it is about to become rampant in Los Angeles.
Russia has its own dark history of anti-Semitism. But there is virtually no doubt that the Nazis would have finished the job of murdering all of Europe's Jews if not for the ferocity, speed, and aggressiveness of the Red Army in overrunning and annihilating the German Wehrmacht. Almost all the Death Camps were in Eastern Europe.

My experience is that many Russians - while not Holocaust deniers - do not neccessarily elevate the Holocaust up to a special status, largely because the Russian experience in WW2 was equally horrific in their eyes - many of them feel that Russia suffered as much as the Jews. And who I am to judge, when up to 20 million Soviet citizens and soldiers perished at the hands of the invading Nazis, many thousands of villages and towns were torched to the ground, and the Slavic people were exposed to a campaign of utter and unrelenting annihilation and bloody mayhem.

Russia's Pivotal Role in Ending the Holocaust

We must remember that without the efforts of the Red Army , the Nazis would have been able to complete their attempted genocide of Europe’s Jews, writes Geoffrey Roberts.

The fact remains that it was the Soviet Army that ended the holocaust at Auschwitz, as it did at most other German concentration camps. Auschwitz (in Polish, Oswiecim) was captured by the Marshal Konev’s First Ukrainian Front at the end of January 1945. Many Ukrainians served in Konev’s armies — including some who were among the first to enter Auschwitz — but the majority of his troops were Russian.

Auschwitz was not the first death camp captured by the Red Army. That dubious distinction belonged to Maidenak in Eastern Poland, which was overrun by advancing Soviet forces in July 1944. Maidenak’s “liberation” was followed by that of camps at Belzec, Chelmo, Sobibor, and Treblinka — killing grounds where more than two million victims were exterminated — most of them Jews from ghettos created by the Nazis to concentrate and contain the Jewish populations of Poland and Germany.

Stories of mass deaths and destruction wreaked by the Nazis were a staple of Soviet war reporting. But when it came to describing Maidenak the Soviet writer and journalist, Konstantin Simonov, warned his readers its horrors were beyond human imagination and comprehension; not simply another scene of atrocities but the site of systematic murder on a massive scale.

When Soviet soldiers advanced on Auschwitz they expected to capture a large prison camp and to be welcomed as liberators. What they found shocked even their battle-hardened sensibilities. Few among the 8,000 survivors were able to talk or move let alone welcome the Soviets. Indeed, many were terrified new persecutors had arrived.

Colonel Anatoly Shapiro recalled: “I had seen many innocent people killed. I had seen hanged people. I had seen burned people. But I was still unprepared for Auschwitz.”

Shapiro remembered, too, the evidence of mass murder: “We discovered mountains of artificial teeth, spectacles and human hair”. In the children’s barracks there were only two survivors, the rest gassed or dead as subjects of horrific medical experiments. Another Soviet officer recalled that when clean-up crews went to inspect the crematorium chimneys, they found human fat deposits on the walls 45in (115cm) thick.
the war was a long time coming, and the British and French wanted it.

In September 1938 Britain and France caved in to Hitler's demand for the Sudetenland, the strategically vital province on the Czech-German border. They pressured the Czechs into handing it over.

"My last territorial claim in Europe!" Hitler declared.

Six months later he took over the rest of Czechoslovakia. Britain and France did nothing. They absolutely did not want a war.

Why do you think the Germans didn't destroy British forces at Dunkirk? Was it because Hitler was trying to negotiate with Churchill at the time?

After the collapse of France, Hitler was certain the British would seek terms. By any normal calculation they should have done. Germany was in an overwhelmingly strong position.

Was that what persuaded him to hold his hand, perhaps imagining that Britain might be an ally in the real war he had planned - the one against Bolshevik Russia?

Nobody knows how his mind worked.
In September 1938 Britain and France caved in to Hitler's demand for the Sudetenland, the strategically vital province on the Czech-German border. They pressured the Czechs into handing it over.

"My last territorial claim in Europe!" Hitler declared.

Six months later he took over the rest of Czechoslovakia. Britain and France did nothing. They absolutely did not want a war.

After the collapse of France, Hitler was certain the British would seek terms. By any normal calculation they should have done. Germany was in an overwhelmingly strong position.

Was that what persuaded him to hold his hand, perhaps imagining that Britain might be an ally in the real war he had planned - the one against Bolshevik Russia?

Nobody knows how his mind worked.

Excellent replies!
You have to lie. I did not say that they were there just to perform labor and I certainly did not say that only few were murdered. You, on the other hand, pretend that reducing the death toll by 2.5 million is insignificant. And you fail to acknowledge that there are no gas chambers or mass crematoriums and that many or most died of typhus and other diseases.

Further you pay no attention at all to the facts of theaters, concerts, currency and other issues.

I know this will have to be repeated a few times. One cannot understand World War II, in Europe, without first knowing about World War I, and its aftermath. Get back to me after you have studied that.

I don't know what planet you're living on. You are flat out wrong that we don't know what led up to WW2. I for one am very familiar with Germans feeling shame and anger over the Treaty of Versailles, the out of sight inflation, the currency devaluation to the point where it was worthless, the demilitarization, the origins of the Nazi Party, the Beer Hall Putsch, the sick and aging Von Hindenburg who made Hitler Germany's chancellor, the Nuremberg Race Laws, Der Stürmer and always in the background, the virulent anti-Semitism of the Nazi Party.

All of that is irrelevant to the thread topic that the Holocaust is a lie. You're just deflecting from your mistaken belief that there were no gas chambers or crematoriums, among other things. You questioned the disposal of ashes when a little research would have given you the answer:

"The corpses of the murdered were burned in the crematoria. Sonderkommando prisoners used wooden mallets to crush not fully burnt bones into powder. Everything was then loaded onto trucks and carried to the banks of the Vistula river, beyond the woods in Birkenau, where it was shoveled straight into the waters of the river. Human ashes were also dumped into the Soła river near the Auschwitz I camp, and into holes and depressions in the terrain. They were used as a base for building roads or reinforcing dikes, and as an additive to the compost heaps used on the camp farms. Significant deposits of human ashes are extant in the vicinity of the crematoria, the burning pits, and in the clearings and at the edge of the woods in Birkenau."

I suppose you got your info about concerts, theaters, etc. from The Barnes Review. I prefer to get my info from the historical record and the survivors of that time.
That guy is gone and was his own worst enemy. Your entire existence is an insult. And, contrary to what your rubber-stamping buddy says, you are a worthless researcher. For example, the last time you tried to prove that I had insulted you, you provided links to two pages which had no posts from me at all. And the last time you claimed that USF911 had insulted you, the same thing happened. Only you would have considered those links personal insults.

Once again, you need your head examined. There's something wrong with your thought process. I wrote a long post to you that spelled out your insults and nasty remarks and you never responded to it. That post was not the same one I wrote to explain why I didn't like TOP, and that's the post that had the links you're talking about. Apparently you're incapable of understanding there was more than one post. I went back to it for a couple of weeks, waiting for your response, and when you didn't answer I figured you were too embarrassed to be proven wrong so you chose to ignore it.

Now stop rewriting history already. Y O U approached me about the Toxic issue and when I responded you said "In other words, you inserted yourself into something that was not really your business." My business with her started on JPP, not on Amazon, and Y O U inserted yourself into my business on JPP. Just own it already, and stop lying about me.

And I don't know what freedumb has to do with this but if you think him repeatedly calling me the C-word isn't an insult, well... like I said before, you need your head examined.
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This is a classic:


It's a study of Reserve Police Battalion 101, deployed on anti-partisan actions in eastern Poland in 1942. The "partisans" were unarmed Jewish people in the shtetls, and the unit's job was to round them up and shoot them.

These were ordinary, working-class men, not fanatical Nazis. Few of them liked what they were doing. They could probably have opted out without getting into much trouble, but almost all went along with it.

The question this book tries to answer is: why?

Thanks for this. I'm going to put it on my to-read list.
So.... is this also Allied propaganda against the poor misunderstood Nazis?

"By 1941 almost all of Polish Jews were either in the camps or living in ghettos. In the next two years, the extermination of those unfit to labor had increased to a horrific extent. In 1942 and 1943 an overwhelming majority of the prisoners delivered by an average of 1.5 trains a day were transported directly to gas chambers in Birkenau. The camp in Birkenau was called “the death factory”. Most of the people killed in gas chambers were Jews transported from liquidated ghettos from all over Poland.

"In 1944, when the War was coming to an end, gas chambers and crematoria in Birkenau were blown up by SS officials to destroy any evidence of the annihilation. The concentration camp in Auschwitz was operating until the end of War."

Let me guess -- the "crematoria and gas chambers were blown up by SS officials" is the conspiracy theory explanation for why there was little evidence left -- despite the testimony of thousands of survivors both inmates and guards -- and the meticulous records kept by the Germans.
I don't think that you are really qualified to discuss it. "Everybody knows" is not a valid argument.
Give us a body of peer reviewed literature published by reputable professional historians and forensic scientists which supports your claim that jews were only providing labor in the camps, and there was no systematic attempt at mass murder using zyklon gas.
Give us a body of peer reviewed literature published by reputable professional historians and forensic scientists which supports your claim that jews were only providing labor in the camps, and there was no systematic attempt at mass murder using zyklon gas.

That ought to be easy since those in concentration camps were tattooed with ID numbers where numbers were recorded as to who was labor & who were systematically removed with Zyklon - B & other methods in mass murder. About how one might feel after knowing these facts when getting asked for a social security number & wondering.....