Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Yes, I guess that's the "hidden history" that people like us aren't privy to unless we're enlightened by the blasphemers of the world.

Yea, that would be a real hard read, I would have to pass on that.. I have some audio books on ww2/German build up & leading up to it, but it skims over that.. I had a prof in NYC that had a camp tattoo on her arm, she never talked about it w/ students & I didn't have the heart to ask her.......

I also had family that were in camps here in Manzanar & Arkansas & they were very fortunate that a neighbor (not Japanese) took care of their land & property taxes while they were there.. Most lost almost everything, the state/county gave them no break & seized the land for lack of payment..
CO is a 9/11 truther and conspiracy junkie. Many of them think the Jews had something to do with 9/11 while others think it was an inside job. CO even believes whatever he wants in personal things. You tell him one thing and you have to blink several times and read through the leaps he makes in response a couple times. It's even been that way with stuff you tell him about yourself. I've had to explain that I never admitted or said such things a few times.

He has constantly done that to me also over the years -- accused me of various nefarious and fictional things conjured from who-knows-where. But in all fairness, I must say that he has been going through some difficult physical and emotional things that necessitate medication and surgery, and that stuff can definitely alter your perceptions and memory. This is not to excuse him or anyone else for promoting the Holocaust-is-a-Myth thing, of course. Nor does it excuse personal attacks. It's more of an explanation. Take it as you will.
He has constantly done that to me also over the years -- accused me of various nefarious and fictional things conjured from who-knows-where. But in all fairness, I must say that he has been going through some difficult physical and emotional things that necessitate medication and surgery, and that stuff can definitely alter your perceptions and memory. This is not to excuse him or anyone else for promoting the Holocaust-is-a-Myth thing, of course. Nor does it excuse personal attacks. It's more of an explanation. Take it as you will.

Was CO one of the ones giving me crap over my phisical ailments? I know RB, ILA, and Yurt were. Hell if I can remember though.
To remind us why we fought in that war and defeated the bigoted "third reich"? You should be asking why there are holocaust museums in Germany where they aren't denying the holocaust.

Of course the Germans are not denying the Holocaust. Neither am I. After you and I are dead, people will sort it all out. Facts matter and do not care about our feelings.
You agree with blasphemer's ideas and comments, and apparently think a film by an anti-Semite Hitler apologist is legitimate fact and not historical revisionism.

I think we all know who is the idiot here.

No, you fucking idiot. I agree with facts. Blasphemer is his own worst enemy, but he is factually correct. Your ad hominem won't change that.
You are downplaying the horror of the Holocaust and trying to justify it by saying "the Allies did it, too." The allies did some horrible things. Internment camps, bombing Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki... but the Allies did not have a pre-war plan to systematically exterminate millions of people who they considered to be vermin. That was Hitler and the Final Solution, period.

Wrong, you freaking idiot! All sides committed war crimes/crimes against humanity. ALL wars are bankers' wars.
Learn some real history for a change. Mengele was one of those who waited for the trains full of Jews to arrive, and then he decided who would live and who would be gassed. If you had a brain you'd know that's why he was called the "angel of death." It wasn't just because he was on the losing side.

Yes, half-wit. He fled because Germany was losing and he would be executed. What a moron you are.
Thanks, I have it open on another screen to read.
I have this book below and it's something you have to read a little at a time, it's so horrible.

Researched the Holocaust back in the 1960's & 70's enough to not even bother as how unAmerican of this Christiananality pedophilia trover & conversion KKK churchstate baptize thine eyes by urinations business of suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopathilogigal human farming holycosts in lynching enforcement to dictate one as Islam for Christian Nation Islamophobia dhimmitude servitude, being the idiots they are in their second coming of an Islamidiotocracy. Leave to those crooks on Capital Hill & Rehnquist's Reichquest so cross conditioned way beyond therapy pedophiles where even protect & serve thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists national religion propaganda is those burning Bush's US Catholic Church patriot act master race "serve the Pope or die" master plan as Islam "death to the infidels" to surpass Holocaust depravities.
Of course the Germans are not denying the Holocaust. Neither am I. After you and I are dead, people will sort it all out. Facts matter and do not care about our feelings.

You claimed the jews were in concentration camps to just perform labor , and that relatively few were murdered.

That is the pinnacle of holocaust denial as far as I am concerned .

USA committed crimes against humanity during that war , before it and subsequent to it.

The holocaust was a unique level of evil because it is only time in human history to that point I am aware of in which an industrialized system of mass murder was implemented with the express intent to wipe out an entire ethnic group of people on a entire continent .
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No, you fucking idiot. I agree with facts. Blasphemer is his own worst enemy, but he is factually correct. Your ad hominem won't change that.

Blasphemer hasn't presented any "facts" by official historians, the written record or Holocaust survivors. He's presented revisionist history by anti-Semites like Willis Carto, Dennis Wise and their ilk.

There's not a shadow of doubt that Hitler's master plan was the extermination of Jews and this is proven by his own writings and the writings and actions of the Nazi party.

Your name calling doesn't change the fact that you're a Nazi apologist and conspiracy theorist to boot.
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Wrong, you freaking idiot! All sides committed war crimes/crimes against humanity. ALL wars are bankers' wars.

All sides in this war did not call for the total extermination of Jews no matter how you spin it. There would have been no war crimes or atrocities at that time if Hitler hadn't started the ball rolling with his plan to wipe Jews off the face of the earth.
Yes, half-wit. He fled because Germany was losing and he would be executed. What a moron you are.

I can always tell when the facts hit home because you and blasphemer increasingly resort to insult when challenged. You don't have a leg to stand on. It's all a big conspiracy theory to you and Hitler and the Nazis are just getting a bum rap.
Researched the Holocaust back in the 1960's & 70's enough to not even bother as how unAmerican of this Christiananality pedophilia trover & conversion KKK churchstate baptize thine eyes by urinations business of suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopathilogigal human farming holycosts in lynching enforcement to dictate one as Islam for Christian Nation Islamophobia dhimmitude servitude, being the idiots they are in their second coming of an Islamidiotocracy. Leave to those crooks on Capital Hill & Rehnquist's Reichquest so cross conditioned way beyond therapy pedophiles where even protect & serve thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists national religion propaganda is those burning Bush's US Catholic Church patriot act master race "serve the Pope or die" master plan as Islam "death to the infidels" to surpass Holocaust depravities.

Could you put this in plain English, please? lol
Could you put this in plain English, please? lol

Who'd of guessed Mengele's Angel of Death WW II concentration camp baptize thine eyes of the parents by urinations defamations prior to exterminations while their offspring are sex slaves to pedophiles dhimmitude servitude depravity would be worshipped by SCOTUS as the law of the land for 9/11 holycosts & ever since by those crooks on Capital Hill.
Who'd of guessed Mengele's Angel of Death WW II concentration camp baptize thine eyes of the parents by urinations defamations prior to exterminations while their offspring are sex slaves to pedophiles dhimmitude servitude depravity would be worshipped by SCOTUS as the law of the land for 9/11 holycosts & ever since by those crooks on Capital Hill.

Thanks, that cleared it up greatly. :laugh: