Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Exactly. If it never happened why did Eichmann and Mengele flee to South America? Why did Mengele live the rest of his life under an assumed name?

For me Holocaust denial is like saying Hiroshima never happened, or D-Day.

Thanks for bringing up the American war crime of nuking Hiroshima. Imagine if the U.S. had lost after that. Eichmann and Mengele fled because they lost and would have been executed. What a stupid fucking question. :palm:
Hopefully they pull your plug soon..

SO the USSR, France, UK, USA, Poland etc etc etc have been in on this hoax all this time...

Only thing they could all agree on, especially the USSR, they really love them some Jewish ppl...:rolleyes:

It was in their best interests. All sides committed atrocities in WW II.
Of course, but I don't believe the USSR & USA are going to join together for the big lie.......

They were allies, Bill. In the words of Lennon & McCartney; "Everybody's got something to hide, except for me and my monkey."

Elements of the U.S. financed Hitler, including the construction of the camps and the railroads leading to them. The U.S. refused to take in tens of thousands of Jews who wanted to flee Europe.

The International Red Cross had complete access to inspect the camps and reported nothing of gas chambers and crematoriums. Were they in on it too?
Yes, some of us know things that you could know but choose not to.

Who else had internment camps? We did! Can you imagine the stories if the allies had lost?

OF course we had internment camps. There was one here in the U.P., for German POWs. We also put our own citizens in them. What does that have to do with the planned mass extermination of millions of people by the Nazis? You say you're not a Holocaust denier, yet you agreed with that banned idiot's screeds.!-The-Holocaust-Lie&p=3248464#post3248464
Why is there a Holocaust museum in DC? Why is there one in Seattle, Washington?
I get it. You are resentful of Jewish people .

You are going to have to research that on your own , because I only speak for myself .

You might as well ask what Egyptian history and cultural artifacts are doing in American museums.Is America reserved only for history , culture , art that happened within our borders ?

The holocaust was a watershed moment in world history, one that should be memorialized for posterity. For people everywhere .

There is also a memorial in DC to the victims of communism , but I don't hear holocaust deniers complaining about it.
Thanks for bringing up the American war crime of nuking Hiroshima. Imagine if the U.S. had lost after that. Eichmann and Mengele fled because they lost and would have been executed. What a stupid fucking question. :palm:

Learn some real history for a change. Mengele was one of those who waited for the trains full of Jews to arrive, and then he decided who would live and who would be gassed. If you had a brain you'd know that's why he was called the "angel of death." It wasn't just because he was on the losing side.
I am not a holocaust denier. History should be accurate. Some very pompous people on this thread. For example, Cypress believing that he is the first person to mention Zyklon B. Utter, pompous buffonery! And such smug folks you are. Actually, you are ignoramuses.

You are downplaying the horror of the Holocaust and trying to justify it by saying "the Allies did it, too." The allies did some horrible things. Internment camps, bombing Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki... but the Allies did not have a pre-war plan to systematically exterminate millions of people who they considered to be vermin. That was Hitler and the Final Solution, period.
You are downplaying the horror of the Holocaust and trying to justify it by saying "the Allies did it, too." The allies did some horrible things. Internment camps, bombing Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki... but the Allies did not have a pre-war plan to systematically exterminate millions of people who they considered to be vermin. That was Hitler and the Final Solution, period.

I was surprised he does not believe it was millions.

From what I gather he believes that the USA/western allies, USSR, the Poles, Germans, all the Jews, Roma & Jehovah Witnesses & others that survived the death camps are all in cohorts, a hoax, lying about it.....
Learn some real history for a change. Mengele was one of those who waited for the trains full of Jews to arrive, and then he decided who would live and who would be gassed. If you had a brain you'd know that's why he was called the "angel of death." It wasn't just because he was on the losing side.

That was the least of what he did. He not only decided life vs death; he took the "lucky" winners and used them in horrendous medical experiments, like the twin studies
You are downplaying the horror of the Holocaust and trying to justify it by saying "the Allies did it, too." The allies did some horrible things. Internment camps, bombing Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki... but the Allies did not have a pre-war plan to systematically exterminate millions of people who they considered to be vermin. That was Hitler and the Final Solution, period.

Yep. Our Japanese-American citizens kept in internment camps did not have a plush life, and many lost property and assets that they had worked their entire lives for, but at least they were not exterminated. Not that that excuses what we did, but it does compare favorably to the German experience.
That was the least of what he did. He not only decided life vs death; he took the "lucky" winners and used them in horrendous medical experiments, like the twin studies

Thanks, I have it open on another screen to read.

I have this book below and it's something you have to read a little at a time, it's so horrible.

You agree with blasphemer's ideas and comments, and apparently think a film by an anti-Semite Hitler apologist is legitimate fact and not historical revisionism.

I think we all know who is the idiot here.

CO is a 9/11 truther and conspiracy junkie. Many of them think the Jews had something to do with 9/11 while others think it was an inside job. CO even believes whatever he wants in personal things. You tell him one thing and you have to blink several times and read through the leaps he makes in response a couple times. It's even been that way with stuff you tell him about yourself. I've had to explain that I never admitted or said such things a few times.
I was surprised he does not believe it was millions.

From what I gather he believes that the USA/western allies, USSR, the Poles, Germans, all the Jews, Roma & Jehovah Witnesses & others that survived the death camps are all in cohorts, a hoax, lying about it.....

Yes, I guess that's the "hidden history" that people like us aren't privy to unless we're enlightened by the blasphemers of the world.
CO is a 9/11 truther and conspiracy junkie. Many of them think the Jews had something to do with 9/11 while others think it was an inside job. CO even believes whatever he wants in personal things. You tell him one thing and you have to blink several times and read through the leaps he makes in response a couple times. It's even been that way with stuff you tell him about yourself. I've had to explain that I never admitted or said such things a few times.

That's been my experience with him as well.