Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Something these deniers never address is the testimony and writings of the survivors, who actually witnessed what was happening. They have to rely on specious logic to make their arguments.

Who you call "survivors," I call liars! Jewish liars at that. Remember we are talking about the ethnic group that committed the Armenian Genocide. And the group that was behind the greatest genocide in human history. Russian communists were said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! And you are going to believe such people?!
Have you ever seen the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It would probably take you days to watch it all. Because it is about 6 hours long. And there was a little part in it that had to do with the sinking of the USS Indianapolis that didn't seem to have anything to do with the subject at hand. But all the same, it was well worth watching.

There were many interesting things in it. One of the things was an interview with a couple people who were actually inmates at one or more of these "death camps." Out of their own mouths you can hear them say that conditions in those camps weren't as bad as is generally told. Though I would have to imagine that was before the allies started bombing the shit out of the German infrastructure that maintained those camps.

One of them said that the images of those shelves of sleeping spaces for the inmates was true. But they were glad to have them as opposed to sleeping outside. People in those camps were able to watch movies, put on plays or concerts, form sports teams, etc. Though people were expected to work. But I doubt if anybody was unable to they were forced to. There was no slave labor. Those people were paid with "camp money" with which they could buy things. In that regard, it was probably no different than the company script that miners and possibly others in the U.S. were paid for doing work. Lastly, you are right. For those who did die in the jewish internment camps, it was basically the allies who killed them.

Yes, I have watched that video. I agree with everything in your post. It has been so long that I will watch it again someday.
It is a well established historical fact that the nazis experimented with various methods of mass murder and found poison gas to be the most efficient for murdering vast numbers of people .

If you do not like the death estimates you are free to do scholarly research using accepted method of historical analysis , publish in peer reviewed journals, and convince the scholarly community of the strength of your case .

Guesswork and supposition on an obscure message board does not cut the mustard .

There is no evidence of there having any gas chambers anywhere. At least not that I have ever seen. The one that they had at Auschwitz was made to look like a gas chamber by the Russians after the war. Though they did manage to find residue of Zyklon B somewhere. It was in a small room that they used to delouse clothing. Also, I have some "guesswork" and "supposition" for you. They are a couple pictures of the "gas chamber" at Auschwitz. One of them shows one of the holes that were chiseled into the ceiling through which the Nazis supposedly dropped Zyklon B. Now if the Nazis made that place for that purpose, they would have biult it with those holes already in place. The other picture is of the roof of that "gas chamber."

Hopefully they pull your plug soon..

SO the USSR, France, UK, USA, Poland etc etc etc have been in on this hoax all this time...

Only thing they could all agree on, especially the USSR, they really love them some Jewish ppl...:rolleyes:
There is no evidence of there having any gas chambers anywhere. At least not that I have ever seen. The one that they had at Auschwitz was made to look like a gas chamber by the Russians after the war. Though they did manage to find residue of Zyklon B somewhere. It was in a small room that they used to delouse clothing. Also, I have some "guesswork" and "supposition" for you. They are a couple pictures of the "gas chamber" at Auschwitz. One of them shows one of the holes that were chiseled into the ceiling through which the Nazis supposedly dropped Zyklon B. Now if the Nazis made that place for that purpose, they would have biult it with those holes already in place. The other picture is of the roof of that "gas chamber."


You never even heard of Zyklon until you read my post , and then you spent 30 seconds furiously googling about it on holocaust denier sites in a flaccid attempt to respond to me.

Even by lowly jpp standards this attempted retort was comically tepid and subpar.
You never even heard of Zyklon until you read my post , and then you spent 30 seconds furiously googling about it on holocaust denier sites in a flaccid attempt to respond to me.

Even by lowly jpp standards this attempted retort was comically tepid and subpar.

Mods need to ban his IP too. What a loser. His posts were eye-opening though. I never knew for sure -- but suspected -- that CO was also a Holocaust denier.
Mods need to ban his IP too. What a loser. His posts were eye-opening though. I never knew for sure -- but suspected -- that CO was also a Holocaust denier.

I believe Holocaust denial is more widespread than most sentient people think.

It may be more ubiquitous than climate denial !

I recommend a trip to the National holocaust museum in DC for those who haven't been .
Mods need to ban his IP too. What a loser. His posts were eye-opening though. I never knew for sure -- but suspected -- that CO was also a Holocaust denier.

I swear those two were dropped on their heads as babies. It boggles my mind that anybody could deny historical facts this way.
Blasphemer can't keep his story straight. If there was an interview with people who lived in a death camp but made it out, they were survivors. :rofl2:

Post 159: One of the things was an interview with a couple people who were actually inmates at one or more of these "death camps." Out of their own mouths you can hear them say that conditions in those camps weren't as bad as is generally told.

followed by

Post 161: Who you call "survivors," I call liars! Jewish liars at that.
And WHY? What's the point? To feel smug that you know something we don't know, even though you don't?

Exactly. If it never happened why did Eichmann and Mengele flee to South America? Why did Mengele live the rest of his life under an assumed name?

For me Holocaust denial is like saying Hiroshima never happened, or D-Day.
The farther we get from WW2,the easier it is,to make younger people to believe fake news.

When I was posting on Netscape years ago there were people who came in waves that were either Holocaust deniers or anti-Semites. I think some were with the Klan. They were always trying to convert people to their side.
When I was posting on Netscape years ago there were people who came in waves that were either Holocaust deniers or anti-Semites. I think some were with the Klan. They were always trying to convert people to their side.

I'm always amused at those who claim that there's only like 100 ppl left in the KKK. They have NO idea how many there are now, and how instead of having to march around in stupid robes -- they gather now in the dark recesses of the Internet. And like you pointed out -- infiltrate public venues like this one to spread their slime and insanity.
And WHY? What's the point? To feel smug that you know something we don't know, even though you don't?

Because they don't like Jewish people . Period ,end of story. Full stop .

There is no sustained effort in the U.S. to deny the rawandan genocide , Stalins great terror, the Armenia genocide , the Cambodian genocide , the cultural revolution , et al.
Because they don't like Jewish people . Period ,end of story. Full stop .

There is no sustained effort in the U.S. to deny the rawandan genocide , Stalins great terror, the Armenia genocide , the Cambodian genocide , the cultural revolution , et al.

Or what was done to America's indigenous people, as well. Although I have seen some idiotic comments that since exotic diseases imported by the Europeans were a large factor in the massive loss of life, somehow that means we're off the hook for the rest of them.
Mods need to ban his IP too. What a loser. His posts were eye-opening though. I never knew for sure -- but suspected -- that CO was also a Holocaust denier.

I am sure they did, he could easily of signed up @ starbucks during his lunch or anywhere really.. wackAmole.........
Mods need to ban his IP too. What a loser. His posts were eye-opening though. I never knew for sure -- but suspected -- that CO was also a Holocaust denier.

I am not a holocaust denier. History should be accurate. Some very pompous people on this thread. For example, Cypress believing that he is the first person to mention Zyklon B. Utter, pompous buffonery! And such smug folks you are. Actually, you are ignoramuses.
I believe Holocaust denial is more widespread than most sentient people think.

It may be more ubiquitous than climate denial !

I recommend a trip to the National holocaust museum in DC for those who haven't been .

Why is there a Holocaust museum in DC? Why is there one in Seattle, Washington?