Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Could you put this in plain English, please? lol

As with Rehnquist's Bicentennial Reichquest national religion of WW II concentration camp traditions of Mengele Angel of Death baptise thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations reincarnated for a government of irresponsible dolts suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic 9/11 second coming celebrating far lower emotional intelligence super egos of Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia business as thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists with fabricated misnomers of immaculate drug conceptions; Rehnquist might have as well baptized the eyes by urinations in English himself .
please link me to a post where you feel legion broke the rules. I'll give you as much time as you would like. I have never seen a single post ever by legion that broke the rules and our mod team I don't think has ever had a single mod, between myself, damo, rana or billy that has once voted for legion to be banned on anything.

Actually, you supposedly perm banned him for posting my personal info and then let him back. I made an issue about it with all you mods and you did nothing. I left the board and got over it.

I realized the idiot just reposted Mainemains post and decided you guys were idiots but I like the board.
You claimed the jews were in concentration camps to just perform labor , and that relatively few were murdered.

That is the pinnacle of holocaust denial as far as I am concerned .

USA committed crimes against humanity during that war , before it and subsequent to it.

The holocaust was a unique level of evil because it is only time in human history to that point I am aware of in which an industrialized system of mass murder was implemented with the express intent to wipe out an entire ethnic group of people on a entire continent .

You have to lie. I did not say that they were there just to perform labor and I certainly did not say that only few were murdered. You, on the other hand, pretend that reducing the death toll by 2.5 million is insignificant. And you fail to acknowledge that there are no gas chambers or mass crematoriums and that many or most died of typhus and other diseases.

Further you pay no attention at all to the facts of theaters, concerts, currency and other issues.

I know this will have to be repeated a few times. One cannot understand World War II, in Europe, without first knowing about World War I, and its aftermath. Get back to me after you have studied that.
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Blasphemer hasn't presented any "facts" by official historians, the written record or Holocaust survivors. He's presented revisionist history by anti-Semites like Willis Carto, Dennis Wise and their ilk.

There's not a shadow of doubt that Hitler's master plan was the extermination of Jews and this is proven by his own writings and the writings and actions of the Nazi party.

Your name calling doesn't change the fact that you're a Nazi apologist and conspiracy theorist to boot.

What you are doing is like trying to convert atheists by reading Bible passages to them. As I told your rubber-stamping buddy;

One cannot understand World War II, in Europe, without first knowing about World War I, and its aftermath. Get back to me after you have studied that.
All sides in this war did not call for the total extermination of Jews no matter how you spin it. There would have been no war crimes or atrocities at that time if Hitler hadn't started the ball rolling with his plan to wipe Jews off the face of the earth.

Once again, you know nothing of the origins of WWII in Europe. You obviously know nothing of the, "Transfer Agreement" worked out between Jews and Germany. You probably don't know diddly about the Balfour Declaration either. Come back with some knowledge.
I can always tell when the facts hit home because you and blasphemer increasingly resort to insult when challenged. You don't have a leg to stand on. It's all a big conspiracy theory to you and Hitler and the Nazis are just getting a bum rap.

That guy is gone and was his own worst enemy. Your entire existence is an insult. And, contrary to what your rubber-stamping buddy says, you are a worthless researcher. For example, the last time you tried to prove that I had insulted you, you provided links to two pages which had no posts from me at all. And the last time you claimed that USF911 had insulted you, the same thing happened. Only you would have considered those links personal insults.
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I can always tell when the facts hit home because you and blasphemer increasingly resort to insult when challenged. You don't have a leg to stand on. It's all a big conspiracy theory to you and Hitler and the Nazis are just getting a bum rap.

No one said it is a big conspiracy. What I am saying is that the popular history is largely wrong, and written by the winners.
you know nothing of the origins of WWII in Europe.

Most people think it started when Poland attacked Germany, 1 September 1939. It was their last territorial demand in Europe, they said. Then a couple weeks later they invaded the Soviet Union.

Seriously, how do you think it started?

You obviously know nothing of the, "Transfer Agreement" worked out between Jews and Germany.

Some Jews being transferred in Warsaw:

I never knew for sure -- but suspected -- that CO was also a Holocaust denier.

There were a lot of Holocaust denial threads at amazon. May have been before CO's time, I don't recall him posting on them.

All the denier talking points were thrashed to death. There was one that claimed most of the missing Jews went to the Soviet Union. Has that been brought up here?

Btw, the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland, which began 17 September 1939 by pre-arrangement with Hitler, is down the memory hole in Russia. There's a law against mentioning it.
There were a lot of Holocaust denial threads at amazon. May have been before CO's time, I don't recall him posting on them.

All the denier talking points were thrashed to death. There was one that claimed most of the missing Jews went to the Soviet Union. Has that been brought up here?

Btw, the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland, which began 17 September 1939 by pre-arrangement with Hitler, is down the memory hole in Russia. There's a law against mentioning it.

That's incredible. Russia certainly paid for that partnership in the end.
Has any of the holocaust deniers ever been to any of the concentration camps?
I've been to Dachau and I know the holocaust happened. If it didn't then why would Germans be so ashamed of their part in it?
Has any of the holocaust deniers ever been to any of the concentration camps?
I've been to Dachau and I know the holocaust happened. If it didn't then why would Germans be so ashamed of their part in it?
' I suppose it must be difficult for decent people to believe that an apparently normal population under a shaky form of capitalism could conceivably behave so. It is hard for anyone to believe what shits people can be when driven by propaganda. Vide Trumpers.
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You have to lie. I did not say that they were there just to perform labor and I certainly did not say that only few were murdered. You, on the other hand, pretend that reducing the death toll by 2.5 million is insignificant. And you fail to acknowledge that there are no gas chambers or mass crematoriums and that many or most died of typhus and other diseases.

Further you pay no attention at all to the facts of theaters, concerts, currency and other issues.

I know this will have to be repeated a few times. One cannot understand World War II, in Europe, without first knowing about World War I, and its aftermath. Get back to me after you have studied that.

I do not think I am the only one taking note of your Holocaust denial. Even conservative posters on this thread have taken notice. So I do not think this is a case of me lying, misrepresenting you, or some liberal plot against you.

I believe you said there were only a couple hundred thousand killed, and mostly due to starvation. I do not recall you ever conceding that, at a minimum, millions of Jews were intentionally murdered for the explicit purpose of exterminating an entire ethnic group of people on the European continent.

I am reasonably well informed about European history, so you can save any lectures.

I place great value and weight on scholarly expertise, which neither you nor I have. The trained scholars who have studied this for decades are in broad agreement as the the scope and human cost of the Holocaust. If you or any Holocaust Denier had a strong case to make, you have had seven decades to make it. But the denial case has never found any purchase broadly among the trained experts who have spent lifetimes looking at the data and documentary evidence. That tells me the Denier case is exceedingly weak - even laughable.
I suppose it must be difficult for decent people to believe that an apparently normal population ... could conceivably behave so.

This is a classic:


It's a study of Reserve Police Battalion 101, deployed on anti-partisan actions in eastern Poland in 1942. The "partisans" were unarmed Jewish people in the shtetls, and the unit's job was to round them up and shoot them.

These were ordinary, working-class men, not fanatical Nazis. Few of them liked what they were doing. They could probably have opted out without getting into much trouble, but almost all went along with it.

The question this book tries to answer is: why?
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This is a classic:


It's a study of Reserve Police Battalion 101, deployed on anti-partisan actions in eastern Poland in 1942. The "partisans" were unarmed Jewish people in the shtetls, and the unit's job was to round them up and shoot them.

These were ordinary, working-class men, not fanatical Nazis. Few of them liked what they were doing. They could probably have opted out without getting into much trouble, but almost all went along with it.
The question this book tries to answer is: why?

Why is it that people who don't accept the Holocaust are just as easily to deny 9/11 holycosts since it's not a conspiracy with SCOTUS Christian Nation business standing from immaculate drug conceptions & lynching enforcement fabricated misnomers.
Has any of the holocaust deniers ever been to any of the concentration camps?
I've been to Dachau and I know the holocaust happened. If it didn't then why would Germans be so ashamed of their part in it?

Don't hear them denying it, soldiers doing the denying :thinking: Only the neo-haters that think they have stumbled into truth/a secret that they are privy to...:palm:
Most people think it started when Poland attacked Germany, 1 September 1939. It was their last territorial demand in Europe, they said. Then a couple weeks later they invaded the Soviet Union.

Seriously, how do you think it started?

Some Jews being transferred in Warsaw:


That depends on what you mean by "started." Actual combat probably started with the German false flag attack on the radio station. But, as I said earlier, the war was a long time coming, and the British and French wanted it.

Now, if I may, a question for you. Why do you think the Germans didn't destroy British forces at Dunkirk? Was it because Hitler was trying to negotiate with Churchill at the time?
I do not think I am the only one taking note of your Holocaust denial. Even conservative posters on this thread have taken notice. So I do not think this is a case of me lying, misrepresenting you, or some liberal plot against you.

I believe you said there were only a couple hundred thousand killed, and mostly due to starvation. I do not recall you ever conceding that, at a minimum, millions of Jews were intentionally murdered for the explicit purpose of exterminating an entire ethnic group of people on the European continent.

I am reasonably well informed about European history, so you can save any lectures.

I place great value and weight on scholarly expertise, which neither you nor I have. The trained scholars who have studied this for decades are in broad agreement as the the scope and human cost of the Holocaust. If you or any Holocaust Denier had a strong case to make, you have had seven decades to make it. But the denial case has never found any purchase broadly among the trained experts who have spent lifetimes looking at the data and documentary evidence. That tells me the Denier case is exceedingly weak - even laughable.

I don't think that you are really qualified to discuss it. "Everybody knows" is not a valid argument.