Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

What people would do today is a good question. I think it would start out like it does with cops, when there is a confrontation some passer-by with a phone videos the incident. But if it was armed troops, defiance would be a lot scarier. Probably why underground movements grow during wars and police actions.

Good points.

If you plow and seed the fields first with anti-(hated group) propaganda, your harvest is a lot easier. For instance, my brother lives in a suburb of the sprawling Dallas-FTW metroplex area. Most of his neighbors are Hispanic. He doesn't hate them or anything, but notes that the neighborhood 20 yrs. ago was mostly white. If ICE did raids at night and started dragging ppl out of their houses, would he object? No. He's been indoctrinated by living where he is (since 1978) and only getting his "facts" from RW sources like Fox, Breitbart, etc. He would assume that they were illegals and going to be deposited on the other side of the (100s of miles away) border. He's a super nice guy who has never been interested in violence, guns, crime, revenge, etc. Yet if this scenario happened the most I could see him doing is call me and ask my opinion on what was going on with his neighbors.
If this forum is an accurate sample of the population at large, a true microcosm in terms of percentage of sick fucks, an asteroid colliding with and instantly destroying the earth must be regarded as a best case scenario.
"At the rear of the German army were four Einsatzgruppen (link in Czech) - special units whose task was the fight against ideological opponents. They were required to kill all Communist functionaries, Jews holding party and state functions, and other „radical elements“. In reality, however, the main role of these units was to massacre the Jewish communities. To begin with, only Jewish men were murdered, but soon women and children were also being killed. The largest single massacre was the execution of over 30,000 Kievan Jews in Babi Yar at the end of September 1941. It is estimated that these units, aided by local militia and in coordination with the army, slaughtered approximately 1.25 million Jews in all, as well as hundreds of thousands of other Soviet citizens."


Einsatzgruppen executing Jews in Ukraine, 1942. (Photo: Library of Congress, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.)

Maybe one could find those photos of Mengele & others baptizing the eyes of concentration camp parents with their children being used as sexual slaves since the research books & papers read in the 1960's, 1970's & 1980's are probably long gone from the library where they were stored as yet another day of this Islamidiotocracy national religion Christiananality pedophilia business where SCOTUS Rehnquist fabricated misnomer of an immaculate drug conception diatribe that one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants along with his son; both born in Washington, D.C. at lunch as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate baptize thine eyes by urinations are Islam for those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care plan second coming of a supreme swastika up Uranus court of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists tautology. Can't pray for a US Vet no reason to pray for a Christian Nation.
Let me rephrase the question. You probably learned certain facts about the Holocaust in school or through reading, and then something happened to make you disbelieve them. What happened?

I've been interested in the Holocaust for a long time, almost from when I was just a kid. I have a lot of books and have studied it as much as one person can, and nothing I learned made me question its existence. Six million Jews - men, women and children - disappeared from the face of the earth. What happened to them?

My takeaway from your posts is that you hate Jews and think they made it up.

Ditto. So 18 years of still not one nation under God with equal justice under law according to the US District Court of Nazington, Drug of Christianity with Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate homicidal cops; where if Rehnquist's SCOTUS immaculate drug conception bill of attainder as being Islam for a Washington, D.C. born WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower whom one cannot mourn unless in a synagogue where the KKK churchstate cop dictates there are drugs is about as Islamophobia as all of Byrd's KKK fiefdom West Nazi Germany Virginia churchstate of hate thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists "serve the Pope or die" of prayer was verboten unless confessing to the Islamidiotocracy.
For those of us who have spent our entire lives in the Instant Info age, it's hard to know whether the average German citizen in the 1930s and 40s even had much knowledge of the extent of the Holocaust. Of course people living in a particular area would have been aware of the removal of Jewish/other neighbors -- but odds are they were told that the ppl were being taken to safety, or to some other country, or some other rot.

Now we live in a world where if armed uniformed men came to your neighborhood and started putting ppl into transport vehicles you'd most likely know about it instantly.... but would you do anything? What if you were told that they were "illegals" or "terrorists" or "enemies of the state"? What if you tried to intervene or even just video, and were threatened with arrest? What would any of us do?

Solzhenitsyn said that people in the Soviet Union were aware that their fellow citizens were being "dissapeared" to the Gulag. It was not a well guarded secret, though the details were likely shrouded in haze. His point was that it is hard for most people to be heroes. Especially when one lives in a totalitarian system that uses systematic terror and control to keep the population in line.

I find Solzhenitsyn's insight entirely plausible.

I do not think German citizens were blind to what was going on. They must have had a pretty good idea that their Jewish neighbors were being victimized, rounded up, shipped off, never to be seen again. They may not have known exactly how the Nazi had set up a systematic system of industrialized mass murder, but I think they were generally aware that their communities were being "ethnically cleansed".
Solzhenitsyn said that people in the Soviet Union were aware that their fellow citizens were being "dissapeared" to the Gulag. It was not a well guarded secret, though the details were likely shrouded in haze. His point was that it is hard for most people to be heroes. Especially when one lives in a totalitarian system that uses systematic terror and control to keep the population in line.

I find Solzhenitsyn's insight entirely plausible.

I do not think German citizens were blind to what was going on. They must have had a pretty good idea that their Jewish neighbors were being victimized, rounded up, shipped off, never to be seen again. They may not have known exactly how the Nazi had set up a systematic system of industrialized mass murder, but I think they were generally aware that their communities were being "ethnically cleansed".

Most of us have families. We love them. That makes for great incentive to sit down and shut up when things are going on, in a regime where your family could be harmed by your actions.
Most of us have families. We love them. That makes for great incentive to sit down and shut up when things are going on, in a regime where your family could be harmed by your actions.

Or be threatened by the USA Federal Lynching KKK churchstate national religion regime where prayers in mourning must only be done in a synagogue as the Christiananality pedophilia business dictates there are drugs in order for a WW II US Veteran SCOTUS Bill of Attainder as Islam "serves the Pope or die" more perfect union Islamidiotocracy attempt to own Israel & also to burn any old testaments for trover & conversion.
Or be threatened by the USA Federal Lynching KKK churchstate national religion regime where prayers in mourning must only be done in a synagogue as the Christiananality pedophilia business dictates there are drugs in order for a WW II US Veteran SCOTUS Bill of Attainder as Islam "serves the Pope or die" more perfect union Islamidiotocracy attempt to own Israel & also to burn any old testaments for trover & conversion.


Leave it to the Christiananality mentality game master plan where this master race supreme swastika up Uranus dictates a US WW II Pentagon Vet that was baptized by urinations rendered by Federal Lynching KKK churchtstate of hate cops for being Islam is enough fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception standing for drugs being in synagogues & for that "serve the Pope or die" assassination of JFK & subsequent theft of a bereavement memorial of a JFK presented old glory & Israel old testament arson despite being in Washington, D.C. that day for an Islamophobia pedophilia dhimmitude 9/11 jihad national religion celebration.
Most of us have families. We love them. That makes for great incentive to sit down and shut up when things are going on, in a regime where your family could be harmed by your actions.

Most people just do not have it in themselves to be heroes, and who are we to judge?

Even if they wanted to do something, most people are not going to risk their family, as you point out.

I have never been one to hold the German people collectively responsible for Hitler, or to complain that they did not rise up in revolt.

However, those that willingly collaborated with the Nazis while having some nominal idea about the ethnic cleansing that was going on, obviously cannot be absolved of their deplorable collaboration.

How goes Nazington's supreme swastika up Uranus court Reichquest patriot act Federal Lynching KKK churchstate fiefdom bill of attainder where one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants is assaulted by Mengele lynching enforcement baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations for being Islam before 9/11 Christiananality Islamophobia pedophilia business of those crooks on Capital Hill & those "man is God" burning Bush's & due to VA hospital medical malfeasance who passed before 9/11.
Yikes! Are we watching a mental breakdown in progress?!

Nice to see you.

You should know that jpp dot com is not known for civil discourse, intelligent discussion, or keen insights.
JPP is mostly known for petty grudges, unrelenting obsession, bogus innuendo, imaginary grievances, gratuitous name-calling, and yes...even mental illness!

There are about ten people here capable of measured decorum and worthwhile insights. My theory is to stick to them, and cull the degenerates!
Nice to see you.

You should know that jpp dot com is not known for civil discourse, intelligent discussion, or keen insights.
JPP is mostly known for petty grudges, unrelenting obsession, bogus innuendo, imaginary grievances, gratuitous name-calling, and yes...even mental illness!
There are about ten people here capable of measured decorum and worthwhile insights. My theory is to stick to them, and cull the degenerates!

Certainly & easily discern mental illness is about as real as the Holocaust to some persons, just as federal lynching of a Washington, D.C WW II Vet before 9/11 & then as if it's not real, 9/11 holy costs in not so civil discourse.
Responding to other posters since YH was banned. He say the real death toll of the Holocaust was around 280,000 rather than 6 million. He was partly right. The 280,000 was the number of Romanian Jews killed, not the total of all Jews.

Hi. It's me. Yourhighness. And I'm back. For how long, I don't know. But before you report me, you needn't bother. The first thing I did was start a thread in the introduction section stating this. I found and posted on a thread that was apparently written by somebody accused of being a sock of cultsmasher and was banned for supposedly being cultsmasher. Maybe if I actually found a thread by cultsmasher and posted on it they would have had a little better reason to ban me. But as it is, I say it was a pretty shitty thing to do.

As for your reply here, I already PROVED that the whole 6 million thing is BS. So you somehow think that the 280,000 killed Romanian jews thing is true too? Apparently this is the cult you follow. Well I am a blasphemer of your cult. And I have the facts to back up my "blasphemy." So I say to hell with your jew-Wiesel Commission report. Tell me. You seem to be an expert in this BS. What did the jew-Wiesel Commission have to say about the gas chambers that in fact never existed. If you are White, I would advise you to stop believing what most of the lying anti-White jews say about the "holocaust."
I truly despise Holocaust deniers. It boggles my mind that anybody can question the deaths of millions under Hitler's orders. It's clear that yourhighness couldn't handle his beliefs being questioned. He immediately resorted to cursing and name-calling when he was called out.

Your reasoning skills are nonexistent. If I resorted to cursing and name calling, it is because you made well known the fact that you DESPISE holocaust deniers. As for being called out, how often do I have to say this. If I said anything anywhere that you think is untrue, just let me know. I will tell you the real truth. Or do you want me to go through the bother of posting links. But what good would that do. What if you were as much of a die hard scientoligist as you are of a holocaust promoter and I posted links saying unflattering truths about L Ron Hubbard. Do you suppose doing so would make the slightest difference to you?
Holocaust deniers are among the most vile lower life forms to walk this earth. We need a Nuremburg trial for them!

I wonder if you're jewish or just a sucker. Do you know why denying the holocaust is illegal in Germany? BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED! Now if it had happened, questioning it wouldn't be illegal. Because there would be plenty of proof to shut the deniers up. But all they have to try and shut deniers up is BS written by the victors. As for the Nuremburg trials, there is no better example of a kangaroo court.
Auschwitz cut the number almost in half. Historical accuracy matters. People would have to be birthers to think that someone traveled back in time to plant those newspaper articles which always claimed that six million Jews were still in peril. You are correct, of course; the exact number doesn't lessen the tragedy.

Evidence matters as well. The math isn't correct. There is no logic to the idea that six million people were gassed and cremated. Why do that when bullets and mass graves would have been much more efficient and practical?

The concentration camps were for slave labor. "Round the clock allied bombing made it impossible to maintain them. The idea that six million were gassed and cremated is a convenient way for the allies to cover up their parts in it.

Have you ever seen the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It would probably take you days to watch it all. Because it is about 6 hours long. And there was a little part in it that had to do with the sinking of the USS Indianapolis that didn't seem to have anything to do with the subject at hand. But all the same, it was well worth watching.

There were many interesting things in it. One of the things was an interview with a couple people who were actually inmates at one or more of these "death camps." Out of their own mouths you can hear them say that conditions in those camps weren't as bad as is generally told. Though I would have to imagine that was before the allies started bombing the shit out of the German infrastructure that maintained those camps.

One of them said that the images of those shelves of sleeping spaces for the inmates was true. But they were glad to have them as opposed to sleeping outside. People in those camps were able to watch movies, put on plays or concerts, form sports teams, etc. Though people were expected to work. But I doubt if anybody was unable to they were forced to. There was no slave labor. Those people were paid with "camp money" with which they could buy things. In that regard, it was probably no different than the company script that miners and possibly others in the U.S. were paid for doing work. Lastly, you are right. For those who did die in the jewish internment camps, it was basically the allies who killed them.
"At the rear of the German army were four Einsatzgruppen (link in Czech) - special units whose task was the fight against ideological opponents. They were required to kill all Communist functionaries, Jews holding party and state functions, and other „radical elements“. In reality, however, the main role of these units was to massacre the Jewish communities. To begin with, only Jewish men were murdered, but soon women and children were also being killed. The largest single massacre was the execution of over 30,000 Kievan Jews in Babi Yar at the end of September 1941. It is estimated that these units, aided by local militia and in coordination with the army, slaughtered approximately 1.25 million Jews in all, as well as hundreds of thousands of other Soviet citizens."


Einsatzgruppen executing Jews in Ukraine, 1942. (Photo: Library of Congress, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.)

More lies. Sues, some people were executed. But maybe they deserved it. Also, besides distorted truth or outright lies, do you know what Einsatzgruppen means? It means, "Making a mountain out of a mole hill."