Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Let me make this crystal clear to you> I am not going to read or engage a mentally ill poster.

More survival of the fittest fascists where a Russian Czar renamed a great great grandfather to be Christian & SCOTUS Rehnquist renames a Washington, D.C. born American as KKK churchstate property in "serve the Pope or die" Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" churchstate property just to have US political empathy in fabricated misnomers of immaculate drug conceptions rooting their suicidal super ego pedophilia mentality business tribalism with sociopsychological pseudoscience .
Let me make this crystal clear to you> I am not going to read or engage a mentally ill poster.

I don't think it's possible to do anything with that gibberish anyway. He's using a lot of big words so I think he's doing it on purpose.
I don't think it's possible to do anything with that gibberish anyway. He's using a lot of big words so I think he's doing it on purpose.

Talk about gaining knowledge insight as to SCOTUS Rehnquist's lower emotional intelligence jurisprudence pseudoscience where fabricated misnomers of immaculate drug conceptions granted standing to thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists extremist totalitarianism as the national religion communism of Christianity social dominance diatribe for one nation under God with equal justice under law, only under Islamophobia "death to the infidels" sociopsychopathilogical profiles.
I don't think it's possible to do anything with that gibberish anyway. He's using a lot of big words so I think he's doing it on purpose.
Irrespective of style and lexicon the most important thing about writing is to be clear and lucid. Good writing is a manifestation of clear thinking ,that is why exceptional writing is so hard.

I always understand with perfect clarity the points you try to make ,so keep up the good work!
Irrespective of style and lexicon the most important thing about writing is to be clear and lucid. Good writing is a manifestation of clear thinking ,that is why exceptional writing is so hard.

I always understand with perfect clarity the points you try to make ,so keep up the good work!

So SCOTUS Rehnquist renames a Washington, D.C. born to a Washington, D.C. born as Islam just as the Czar of Russia used to rename families to be more Christian in the 1700's & 1800's, as it's all organized crime with this manifestation of the communism of Christianity Islamophobia pedophilia national religion foundation of 9/11.
Let me rephrase the question. You probably learned certain facts about the Holocaust in school or through reading, and then something happened to make you disbelieve them. What happened?

I've been interested in the Holocaust for a long time, almost from when I was just a kid. I have a lot of books and have studied it as much as one person can, and nothing I learned made me question its existence. Six million Jews - men, women and children - disappeared from the face of the earth. What happened to them?

My takeaway from your posts is that you hate Jews and think they made it up.

Still going on with that 6 million bullshit I see. Are you jewish, or just stupid. I showed a number of newspaper articles that appeared in various newspapers at various times long before WW II. They all bring up the same bullshit 6 million figure. Or maybe you're just being so utterly stupid on purpose to try and make me give up on trying to speak the truth. Well, it isn't going to work.
Still going on with that 6 million bullshit I see. Are you jewish, or just stupid. I showed a number of newspaper articles that appeared in various newspapers at various times long before WW II. They all bring up the same bullshit 6 million figure. Or maybe you're just being so utterly stupid on purpose to try and make me give up on trying to speak the truth. Well, it isn't going to work.

Don't really chronologically follow pre WW II 6 million BS unless it's that master race master plan what you've uncovered & rewritten.
Dachau opened in 1933 shortly after Hitler became chancellor. This had nothing to do with the war, there was no war at the time. Sachsenhausen opened in 1936, again before the war. Buchenwald, 1937. Flossenburg and Mauthausen, 1938. What's your reason for Hitler having Jews rounded up and put into these camps before the war?

The Wannsee Conference, 1942. Formal discussion of the Final Solution. Are you saying this never happened?

The "Final Solution" was the code name for the systematic, deliberate, physical annihilation of the European Jews. At some still undetermined time in 1941, Adolf Hitler authorized this European-wide scheme for mass murder. Heydrich convened the Wannsee Conference

  • to inform and secure support from government ministries and other interested agencies relevant to the implementation of the “Final Solution”
  • to disclose to the participants that Hitler himself had tasked Heydrich and the RSHA with coordinating the operation

The men at the table did not deliberate whether such a plan should be undertaken, but instead discussed the implementation of a policy decision that had already been made at the highest level of the Nazi regime.

Do you really expect me to take the word of somebody who follows the holocaust cult. It doesn't matter what camps opened when. Any camps aren't the point. The bullshit 6 million figure is a more important point. Also, history is written by the victors. So what makes you think that anything you ever saw or read about the holocaust is true. Another thing is that with the jews having committed the greatest genocide in human history, I wish the holocaust really did happen. Every single one of those anti-White pieces of shit deserved to die. But unfortunately, that didn't happen. Instead, Hitler deported 60 to 70% of the German jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement. (Until war put an end to the program) Hitler sided with the Zionists to carry this out. It was the Nazis who taught them to how to set up the kibbutz communities in Palestine. Basically, Hitler created Israel. Neither were the Nazis all that much against the jews. There was one high ranking jew who Hitler personally declared to be an honorary Aryan. Also, around 150,000 Jews actually fought FOR the Nazis. I will also show you a picture of one of the coins that were minted up by the Nazis. If you doubt any of this, look it up for yourself.

Coin 1.jpg
Oh. Well let me give you a "for instance." I showed a picture of two plaques. One used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says that the Nazis murdered 4 million jews. But the Polish government decided to tell something a little closer to the truth once they got their freedom from Russia. So they put up a new plaque that says that only 1.5 million died there. So what does that do to the bullshit 6 million figure. And if the first plaque was that far off, you can bet your ass that it was equally off for all of the other jewish internment camps. So what does that do the bullshit 6 million figure that you swallowed hook line and sinker. But that aside, I included pictures of documents that told what the real death toll was. It was around 280,000! Tell me. Are you jewish, or are you so glad to be a slave of the jews that you would lick their ass like that by believing their bullshit.

Responding to other posters since YH was banned. He say the real death toll of the Holocaust was around 280,000 rather than 6 million. He was partly right. The 280,000 was the number of Romanian Jews killed, not the total of all Jews.

"After Romania entered the war at the start of Operation Barbarossa atrocities against the Jews became common, starting with the Iași pogrom. According to the Wiesel Commission report released by the Romanian government in 2004, between 280,000 and 380,000 Jews were murdered or died during the Holocaust in Romania, but also in the occupied Soviet territories under Romanian control (Transnistria Governorate)."

Wiesel Commission
Responding to other posters since YH was banned. He say the real death toll of the Holocaust was around 280,000 rather than 6 million. He was partly right. The 280,000 was the number of Romanian Jews killed, not the total of all Jews.

"After Romania entered the war at the start of Operation Barbarossa atrocities against the Jews became common, starting with the Iași pogrom. According to the Wiesel Commission report released by the Romanian government in 2004, between 280,000 and 380,000 Jews were murdered or died during the Holocaust in Romania, but also in the occupied Soviet territories under Romanian control (Transnistria Governorate)."

Wiesel Commission

You are one of the Queens of research.

Now that rightwing mods have been shamed into banning this degenerate anti-Semite, the next step is to shame them into banning the board's notorious and blatant white nationalist racists.
You are one of the Queens of research.

Now that rightwing mods have been shamed into banning this degenerate anti-Semite, the next step is to shame them into banning the board's notorious and blatant white nationalist racists.

I truly despise Holocaust deniers. It boggles my mind that anybody can question the deaths of millions under Hitler's orders. It's clear that yourhighness couldn't handle his beliefs being questioned. He immediately resorted to cursing and name-calling when he was called out.
I truly despise Holocaust deniers. It boggles my mind that anybody can question the deaths of millions under Hitler's orders. It's clear that yourhighness couldn't handle his beliefs being questioned. He immediately resorted to cursing and name-calling when he was called out.

Holocaust deniers are among the most vile lower life forms to walk this earth. We need a Nuremburg trial for them!
Is your picture supposed to prove something? Russian Bolsheviks were mostly jews. I will show you a picture of some of them.

View attachment 11622

Russian communists are said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!!! I will also show you a picture of one of them with a quote. He was the head of the NKVD. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people.

View attachment 11623

So this 80 to 100 million death toll is the basis for Nazi Kristallhacht & Holocaust concentration camp pedophilia business to kill the parents & own the children in dhimmitude servitude depravity which also could be the Christian "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" 9/11 it's only business motive with Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception in trover & conversion of 2 Washington, D.C. born Americans to Islam as Russia's Czar's troops renamed families to be Christian property in the KKK churchstate fiefdom federal lynching national religion foundation & supporting illegal alien + their drugs invasion of the USA for being one nation under God to exterminate more.
So this 80 to 100 million death toll is the basis for Nazi Kristallhacht & Holocaust concentration camp pedophilia business to kill the parents & own the children in dhimmitude servitude depravity which also could be the Christian "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" 9/11 it's only business motive with Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception in trover & conversion of 2 Washington, D.C. born Americans to Islam as Russia's Czar's troops renamed families to be Christian property in the KKK churchstate fiefdom federal lynching national religion foundation & supporting illegal alien + their drugs invasion of the USA for being one nation under God to exterminate more.

There was a war going on & as I said, the exact # isn't the real point-genocide is the real point..........

How many were there in your opinion??

Auschwitz cut the number almost in half. Historical accuracy matters. People would have to be birthers to think that someone traveled back in time to plant those newspaper articles which always claimed that six million Jews were still in peril. You are correct, of course; the exact number doesn't lessen the tragedy.

Evidence matters as well. The math isn't correct. There is no logic to the idea that six million people were gassed and cremated. Why do that when bullets and mass graves would have been much more efficient and practical?

The concentration camps were for slave labor. "Round the clock allied bombing made it impossible to maintain them. The idea that six million were gassed and cremated is a convenient way for the allies to cover up their parts in it.
Auschwitz cut the number almost in half. Historical accuracy matters. People would have to be birthers to think that someone traveled back in time to plant those newspaper articles which always claimed that six million Jews were still in peril. You are correct, of course; the exact number doesn't lessen the tragedy.

Evidence matters as well. The math isn't correct. There is no logic to the idea that six million people were gassed and cremated. Why do that when bullets and mass graves would have been much more efficient and practical?

The concentration camps were for slave labor. "Round the clock allied bombing made it impossible to maintain them. The idea that six million were gassed and cremated is a convenient way for the allies to cover up their parts in it.

Unbelievable. These people don't look like they can stand up, let alone labor as slaves.

"At the rear of the German army were four Einsatzgruppen (link in Czech) - special units whose task was the fight against ideological opponents. They were required to kill all Communist functionaries, Jews holding party and state functions, and other „radical elements“. In reality, however, the main role of these units was to massacre the Jewish communities. To begin with, only Jewish men were murdered, but soon women and children were also being killed. The largest single massacre was the execution of over 30,000 Kievan Jews in Babi Yar at the end of September 1941. It is estimated that these units, aided by local militia and in coordination with the army, slaughtered approximately 1.25 million Jews in all, as well as hundreds of thousands of other Soviet citizens."


Einsatzgruppen executing Jews in Ukraine, 1942. (Photo: Library of Congress, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.)
Holocaust deniers are among the most vile lower life forms to walk this earth. We need a Nuremburg trial for them!

Something these deniers never address is the testimony and writings of the survivors, who actually witnessed what was happening. They have to rely on specious logic to make their arguments.
Auschwitz cut the number almost in half. Historical accuracy matters. People would have to be birthers to think that someone traveled back in time to plant those newspaper articles which always claimed that six million Jews were still in peril. You are correct, of course; the exact number doesn't lessen the tragedy.

Evidence matters as well. The math isn't correct. There is no logic to the idea that six million people were gassed and cremated. Why do that when bullets and mass graves would have been much more efficient and practical?

The concentration camps were for slave labor. "Round the clock allied bombing made it impossible to maintain them. The idea that six million were gassed and cremated is a convenient way for the allies to cover up their parts in it.

It is a well established historical fact that the nazis experimented with various methods of mass murder and found poison gas to be the most efficient for murdering vast numbers of people .

If you do not like the death estimates you are free to do scholarly research using accepted method of historical analysis , publish in peer reviewed journals, and convince the scholarly community of the strength of your case .

Guesswork and supposition on an obscure message board does not cut the mustard .