Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Heard that Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist cult of fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions for a national religion of lynching enforcement baptise thine eyes by urinations in that Holocaust concentration camp Mengele defamations prior to exterminations & subsequent Christiananlity pedophilia business tradition certainly explains the second coming & a Fourth Reich thru 9/11.

Are you on medication lol?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. People can disbelieve what I say. But they have to believe their own eyes. Or at least they should.

Yeah......I believe all the photo shopped pictures I see. I am gullible as hell. Jesus the Christ was not a Jew, born of a woman, born under the law (law of Moses)…...and its conspiracy to suggest that the first gentile conversation to Christianity did not take place until a decade after the fact of Christ's death......until then, all Christians were JEWS. But I am gullible.....I hate people based upon their free will choices because they do not agree with me. How stupid of me, not to believe your hate filled rhetoric. :palm:

Suggestion: Go find us some original non digital pictures and film....originals. Come back...we will talk. ;)
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You have almost made it to 100 posts... Kinda surprised but you haven't proven anything, except in your own mind, & then you came here convinced........:|

One thing you should keep in mind......

Most of us have seen your lies & bull shit 100's of times already, you sucked it down & swallowed hook, line & sinker~it is quite foolish & naive of you to believe we could be conned as easily as you........

Oh. Well let me give you a "for instance." I showed a picture of two plaques. One used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says that the Nazis murdered 4 million jews. But the Polish government decided to tell something a little closer to the truth once they got their freedom from Russia. So they put up a new plaque that says that only 1.5 million died there. So what does that do to the bullshit 6 million figure. And if the first plaque was that far off, you can bet your ass that it was equally off for all of the other jewish internment camps. So what does that do the bullshit 6 million figure that you swallowed hook line and sinker. But that aside, I included pictures of documents that told what the real death toll was. It was around 280,000! Tell me. Are you jewish, or are you so glad to be a slave of the jews that you would lick their ass like that by believing their bullshit.
Oh. Well let me give you a "for instance." I showed a picture of two plaques. One used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says that the Nazis murdered 4 million jews. But the Polish government decided to tell something a little closer to the truth once they got their freedom from Russia. So they put up a new plaque that says that only 1.5 million died there. So what does that do to the bullshit 6 million figure. And if the first plaque was that far off, you can bet your ass that it was equally off for all of the other jewish internment camps. So what does that do the bullshit 6 million figure that you swallowed hook line and sinker. But that aside, I included pictures of documents that told what the real death toll was. It was around 280,000! Tell me. Are you jewish, or are you so glad to be a slave of the jews that you would lick their ass like that by believing their bullshit.

Yes, we have seen that figure put forth before...... I guess you're pleased for some reason it was that many??

I mean is that bragging rights or something??

I think it is much, much more than the # you are so proud of......

For most folks it isn't counting the hairs or how many angels you can get on the head of a pin, it's that fact that systematic genocide occurred & some ppl (that means you) wish to spread lies in defense of that-IMHO you should be ashamed of yourself & your heartless petty denying of the fact it occurred..
we have not confirmed it's the same person and we are not going to perma someone because they said a book has 100 pages. we don't perma based on speculation or special christie theories. many people on this site are convinced certain people are other people and a lot of times they are wrong.

You haven't even banned Blackcats sock when he's openly continuing his same argument on his discussion.
Oh. Well let me give you a "for instance." I showed a picture of two plaques. One used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says that the Nazis murdered 4 million jews. But the Polish government decided to tell something a little closer to the truth once they got their freedom from Russia. So they put up a new plaque that says that only 1.5 million died there. So what does that do to the bullshit 6 million figure. And if the first plaque was that far off, you can bet your ass that it was equally off for all of the other jewish internment camps. So what does that do the bullshit 6 million figure that you swallowed hook line and sinker. But that aside, I included pictures of documents that told what the real death toll was. It was around 280,000! Tell me. Are you jewish, or are you so glad to be a slave of the jews that you would lick their ass like that by believing their bullshit.

^ They didn't all die in Auschwitz. And they didn't all die by gassing.
i honestly think the obsession over who is who and who should be banned has gotten to levels that are pathological and unhealthy. if people have evidence, report it to us and we will review. beyond that, trying to have a witch hunt isn't helpful and we are never going to respond to that.

How are you able to figure it out if they use a VPN address though?
Yes, we have seen that figure put forth before...... I guess you're pleased for some reason it was that many??

I mean is that bragging rights or something??

I think it is much, much more than the # you are so proud of......

For most folks it isn't counting the hairs or how many angels you can get on the head of a pin, it's that fact that systematic genocide occurred & some ppl (that means you) wish to spread lies in defense of that-IMHO you should be ashamed of yourself & your heartless petty denying of the fact it occurred..

No offense intended, Bill, but that is not a valid argument. Yes, he has a lousy presentation and no people skills, but the fact is that the official mythology does not match up with the events, which does not mean that there was no, "holocaust."
Yeah......I believe all the photo shopped pictures I see. I am gullible as hell. Jesus the Christ was not a Jew, born of a woman, born under the law (law of Moses)…...and its conspiracy to suggest that the first gentile conversation to Christianity did not take place until a decade after the fact of Christ's death......until then, all Christians were JEWS. But I am gullible.....I hate people based upon their free will choices because they do not agree with me. How stupid of me, not to believe your hate filled rhetoric. :palm:

Suggestion: Go find us some original non digital pictures and film....originals. Come back...we will talk. ;)

It would appear that you disbelieve me. Big surprise! Tell me. Would you believe an honest to goodness JEW! They are apparently your lords and masters as far as you are concerned. Well enter into your browser "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It is a documentary. Click on the first site you find, then scroll down the page. You will find all the parts of that documentary. Go to part 21 called The Leuchter findings. If you think you could spare about a half hour of your time in learning some truth, watch it.

It is hosted by a Jew named David Cole. There are many interesting things in it. One of which was David Cole being told by the person who actually runs the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz that their "gas chamber" was made to look like a gas chamber by the Russians after the war. And to help sell the whole bullshit story, they also built a smoke stack next to their crematorium there. Though they didn't actually connect it to the crematorium. To sell the bullshit story to suckers like you and the other suckers around here and elsewhere, it wasn't necessary.

I have a photo of one of your Jewish gods with a quote. If the holocaust was real, he would have absolutely no reason to say what he did about the holocaust.

jew truth teller 2.jpg
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It would appear that you disbelieve me. Big surprise! Tell me. Would you believe an honest to goodness JEW! They are apparently your lords and masters as far as you are concerned. Well enter into your browser "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It is a documentary. Click on the first site you find, then scroll down the page. You will find all the parts of that documentary. Go to part 21 called The Leuchter findings. If you think you could spare about a half hour of your time in learning some truth, watch it.

It is hosted by a Jew named David Cole. There are many interesting things in it. One of which was David Cole being told by the person who actually runs the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz that their "gas chamber" was made to look like a gas chamber by the Russians after the war. And to help sell the whole bullshit story, they also built a smoke stack next to their crematorium there. Though they didn't actually connect it to the crematorium. To sell the bullshit story to suckers like you and the other suckers around here and elsewhere, it wasn't necessary.

I have a photo of one of your Jewish gods with a quote. If the holocaust was real, he would have absolutely no reason to say what he did about the holocaust.

View attachment 11618

I believe documented physical evidence of BS hate induced propaganda. As I said......go find us some actual and original film and photos that have not been subject to digital reproduction. Then attempt to rewrite history.
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Yes, we have seen that figure put forth before...... I guess you're pleased for some reason it was that many??

I mean is that bragging rights or something??

I think it is much, much more than the # you are so proud of......

For most folks it isn't counting the hairs or how many angels you can get on the head of a pin, it's that fact that systematic genocide occurred & some ppl (that means you) wish to spread lies in defense of that-IMHO you should be ashamed of yourself & your heartless petty denying of the fact it occurred..

Oh. You believe the 6 million figure. But you disbelieve the 208,000 figure. You know, for jews it is good that they have people like you around. Because with your tongue, they have no need for toilet paper.
I believe documented physical evidence of BS hate induced propaganda. As I said......go find us some actual and original film and photos that have not been subject to digital reproduction. Then attempt to rewrite history.

Lets face it, jpp has become one of the webs foremost safe havens of holocaust denial and neonazisism. The powers that be could end the blatant antisemitism and holocaust denial in a nanosecond if they chose to.

My message to antisemitesis this >> piss off
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No offense intended, Bill, but that is not a valid argument. Yes, he has a lousy presentation and no people skills, but the fact is that the official mythology does not match up with the events, which does not mean that there was no, "holocaust."

There was a war going on & as I said, the exact # isn't the real point-genocide is the real point..........

How many were there in your opinion??
Why do you need to believe the Holocaust is a lie? Why are you so invested in that?

It isn't a matter of belief. It is a matter of KNOWING! Also, maybe you would be interested in telling me why you are so invested in thinking that the whole holocaust story is the truth. Next, despite what a jew may tell you, jews are vehemently anti-White. Being White myself, I'm not stupid enough to fall for their bullshit. Also, as I said in another thread, the jews were in fact responsible for the greatest genocide in human history. And as a person named Santayana said, "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." You can expect even worse when the history you think you know is total bullshit to begin with. I will show you a picture of some victims of the jews. Click on them and look at them good. Because unless things change, it is going to be YOUR future.

Holdomor.jpg holodomor victims 2.jpg
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Oh. You believe the 6 million figure. But you disbelieve the 208,000 figure. You know, for jews it is good that they have people like you around. Because with your tongue, they have no need for toilet paper.

Getting a lil frustrated??? lol

What I believe is none of your business is it??

I asked you a few questions, will you continue to pretend you didn't notice??
Are you on medication lol?

As if this Rehnquist's Reichquest Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops which baptize thine eyes by urinations didn't occur any more than the Holocaust, except for the fact there are detailed Nazi concentration camp accounts & logged deaths as is Washington, D.C. evidence to the incidents that should require more than medical .
^ They didn't all die in Auschwitz. And they didn't all die by gassing.

Of course they didn't all die at Auschwitz. But Auschwitz is said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." In the documents I included in my thread, they told what the actual death toll was at various jewish internment camps. Also, NONE died by gassing. Because there were no gas chambers. For the ones that did die, they died from a poor diet (not starved to death) in conjunction with disease outbreaks like typhus. And the reason that happened was because the allies bombed the shit out of the German infrastructure that maintained those camps. Then, after the war, many German ex-soldiers were taken prisoner and held as prisoners of ex-war in Europe. 1.5 to 1.7 million of them WERE murdered. Just enter into your browser, "Eisenhower's Holocaust." Read what it says.

Also I saw part of one of those bullshit history shows about WW II. But what I saw this time I have no problem with believing. They were talking about and to some jewish revenge seekers after the war. Though by the time they were interviewed, they were of course all old. They spoke of a plan they had to poison the water supply of some German cities to kill 6 million of them. But for whatever reason, they didn't go through with their plan. But each and every one of the lying pieces of shit they talked to said that they were sorry they didn't go through with their plan. Though all of this is just part of the ZOG anti-White campaign that is still going on in different ways today.