Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

I believe documented physical evidence of BS hate induced propaganda. As I said......go find us some actual and original film and photos that have not been subject to digital reproduction. Then attempt to rewrite history.

Unfortunately for you, I know that to the brainwashed member of some cult, no amount of proof will ever be good enough. What do you expect me to do. Buy a couple of plane tickets and bring you to the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz and personally show you the plaque? Or take you to the camp itself and throw you into the swimming pool? Or how about this. If you don't believe any if what I showed, look it up for yourself.
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Is your picture supposed to prove something? Russian Bolsheviks were mostly jews. I will show you a picture of some of them.

jew commie scum.jpg

Russian communists are said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!!! I will also show you a picture of one of them with a quote. He was the head of the NKVD. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people.

Lets face it, jpp has become one of the webs foremost safe havens of holocaust denial and neonazisism. The powers that be could end the blatant antisemitism and holocaust denial in a nanosecond if they chose to.

My message to antisemitesis this >> piss off

Says the sand nigger.
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Getting a lil frustrated??? lol

What I believe is none of your business is it??

I asked you a few questions, will you continue to pretend you didn't notice??

I noticed you asking controlled opposition how many he thought died. But you didn't ask me.
how about you stop telling us who are the socks are? you dont know what you are talking about half the time.

He is a newbie that appeared right after you banned Blackcat. He went straight to his discussion first thing and is saying the same exact things about rape and answering the questions directed at Blackcat. He's using the same vernacular as he has been. He's not even trying to hide it and it's like he never left. If you're relying on an IP address I doubt you'll get far. These socks one after another started after the one touted about his VPN address. That keeps you from checking an IP address.
He is a newbie that appeared right after you banned Blackcat. He went straight to his discussion first thing and is saying the same exact things about rape and answering the questions directed at Blackcat. He's using the same vernacular as he has been. He's not even trying to hide it and it's like he never left. If you're relying on an IP address I doubt you'll get far. These socks one after another started after the one touted about his VPN address. That keeps you from checking an IP address.

im simply not going to ban someone based on hunches. I think you see things that aren't there sometimes. It's totally possibly just that another retard shows up and that's that. I know for a fact you have in the past called certain posters other posters and it was just as obvious to you then but in fact you were dead wrong and didn't know what you were talking about. This isn't speculation, I know this for a 100% fact. So, as I said, perma takes a reasonably high standard to ban, and it's not going to be on the hunches of the ban brigade. just ignore and move on and us mods will get to it when it merits it.
im simply not going to ban someone based on hunches. I think you see things that aren't there sometimes. It's totally possibly just that another retard shows up and that's that. I know for a fact you have in the past called certain posters other posters and it was just as obvious to you then but in fact you were dead wrong and didn't know what you were talking about. This isn't speculation, I know this for a 100% fact. So, as I said, perma takes a reasonably high standard to ban, and it's not going to be on the hunches of the ban brigade. just ignore and move on and us mods will get to it when it merits it.

Would you just read the damn stuff for yourself? This place is turning into a troll shithole. He's answering everything. He's doubling down on the vague term he used as Blackcat, calling us Eunuch's

Post 27 - admitting he's banned.

Whether or not you're clipped or not, is meaningless. Like i said, youre still inculturated by eunuchs. This was clear already. Yeah ok i'm banned, know what for? Calling a homo racist a pederast. In some warped logic that earns a ban. Seens pederasts are protected amongst eunuchs.
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Would you just read the damn stuff for yourself? This place is turning into a troll shithole. He's answering everything. He's doubling down on the vague term he used as Blackcat, calling us Eunuch's

Post 27 - admitting he's banned.

Whether or not you're clipped or not, is meaningless. Like i said, youre still inculturated by eunuchs. This was clear already. Yeah ok i'm banned, know what for? Calling a homo racist a pederast. In some warped logic that earns a ban. Seens pederasts are protected amongst eunuchs.

post 27 is all I needed. thanks.
It isn't a matter of belief. It is a matter of KNOWING! Also, maybe you would be interested in telling me why you are so invested in thinking that the whole holocaust story is the truth. Next, despite what a jew may tell you, jews are vehemently anti-White. Being White myself, I'm not stupid enough to fall for their bullshit. Also, as I said in another thread, the jews were in fact responsible for the greatest genocide in human history. And as a person named Santayana said, "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." You can expect even worse when the history you think you know is total bullshit to begin with. I will show you a picture of some victims of the jews. Click on them and look at them good. Because unless things change, it is going to be YOUR future.

View attachment 11620 View attachment 11621

Let me rephrase the question. You probably learned certain facts about the Holocaust in school or through reading, and then something happened to make you disbelieve them. What happened?

I've been interested in the Holocaust for a long time, almost from when I was just a kid. I have a lot of books and have studied it as much as one person can, and nothing I learned made me question its existence. Six million Jews - men, women and children - disappeared from the face of the earth. What happened to them?

My takeaway from your posts is that you hate Jews and think they made it up.
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Of course they didn't all die at Auschwitz. But Auschwitz is said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." In the documents I included in my thread, they told what the actual death toll was at various jewish internment camps. Also, NONE died by gassing. Because there were no gas chambers. For the ones that did die, they died from a poor diet (not starved to death) in conjunction with disease outbreaks like typhus. And the reason that happened was because the allies bombed the shit out of the German infrastructure that maintained those camps. Then, after the war, many German ex-soldiers were taken prisoner and held as prisoners of ex-war in Europe. 1.5 to 1.7 million of them WERE murdered. Just enter into your browser, "Eisenhower's Holocaust." Read what it says.

Also I saw part of one of those bullshit history shows about WW II. But what I saw this time I have no problem with believing. They were talking about and to some jewish revenge seekers after the war. Though by the time they were interviewed, they were of course all old. They spoke of a plan they had to poison the water supply of some German cities to kill 6 million of them. But for whatever reason, they didn't go through with their plan. But each and every one of the lying pieces of shit they talked to said that they were sorry they didn't go through with their plan. Though all of this is just part of the ZOG anti-White campaign that is still going on in different ways today.

Dachau opened in 1933 shortly after Hitler became chancellor. This had nothing to do with the war, there was no war at the time. Sachsenhausen opened in 1936, again before the war. Buchenwald, 1937. Flossenburg and Mauthausen, 1938. What's your reason for Hitler having Jews rounded up and put into these camps before the war?

The Wannsee Conference, 1942. Formal discussion of the Final Solution. Are you saying this never happened?

The "Final Solution" was the code name for the systematic, deliberate, physical annihilation of the European Jews. At some still undetermined time in 1941, Adolf Hitler authorized this European-wide scheme for mass murder. Heydrich convened the Wannsee Conference

  • to inform and secure support from government ministries and other interested agencies relevant to the implementation of the “Final Solution”
  • to disclose to the participants that Hitler himself had tasked Heydrich and the RSHA with coordinating the operation

The men at the table did not deliberate whether such a plan should be undertaken, but instead discussed the implementation of a policy decision that had already been made at the highest level of the Nazi regime.
Is your picture supposed to prove something? Russian Bolsheviks were mostly jews. I will show you a picture of some of them.

View attachment 11622

Russian communists are said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!!! I will also show you a picture of one of them with a quote. He was the head of the NKVD. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people.

View attachment 11623

So is this evidence which explains Nazis extermination of 6 million plus of the Holocaust for these untimely Russian deaths in the millions, where Russian soldiers used to rename Jews before most of these other incidents occurred.
post 27 is all I needed. thanks.

Well, to be fair I probably should wait to say things on the board until I have all the evidence. Some people are really obvious though. This blackcat has no mystery to him though because he just doesn't give a shit. We had a poster exactly like him on Amazon, and just like that poster would have done he's back at it already. He's calling Winterborn a pederast as Repoman05, and saying he won't respect a site that prevents him from calling him that.

Post #44 - Repoman05:

What you seem to know is ridiculously tiny.

Assasinations is the only way we deal with traitorous politicians. This
way they can still be use to the nation. If we go through the long
process of trying politicians for treason it makes the whole country
look bad. This is the way its been done for thousands of years. And
relatively only recently was the cia banned from doing it. Since then,
all our politicians have been ass fucking us.

Now since we're on such a similar topic, there is no 12b listed when i
signed up and i would never respect any board that stopped me from using
the word pederast to reference a pederast, anyway.

So, back to douche, you seemingly only have only enough altruism to hang
yourself. "The rest of the world will be a problem moving forward...."

Looks like, boatd of, nazi pederast fagots.
Are you on medication lol?

Yet seemingly another "serve the Pope or die" shiksa from the Czar of Russia's soldiers rename the family last name in SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception Christian Nation lynching enforcement to rename those Washington, D.C. born after a baptize thine eyes by urinations WW II Nazi concentration camp Mengele defamations prior to exterminations in those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Holycosts health care plan business while renamed as Arabs again as during the Bicentennial when a headstone purchased for a grave site in Israel bought in Sunday school as a child was KKK churchstate property. One nation under God with equal justice under law LOL Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia mentality business of "Never Again"; as if Israel will celebrate Islamophobia baptize thine eyes by urinations dhimmitude servitude.
The important thing for the racists to remember is that the Nazis murdered about twice as many other people as they did those they called Jews - more Soviet prisoners of war, for a start. I met a chap who'd escaped early on. Been a brilliant lawyer, apparently, but got shot in the head and wasn't wholly with us, what we used to call 'a bit twp'. I've met several people who were in the bloody places, and a whole lot of soldiers who were at the liberation of one or other (they never said much to one another, just, 'Jesus, remember the smell!') I wouldn't ever get into an argument about the numbers, but I don't think anyone could have afforded to train so many actors and give them life-long contracts!
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The important thing for the racists to remember is that the Nazis murdered about twice as many other people as they did those they called Jews - more Soviet prisoners of war, for a start. I met a chap who'd escaped early on. Been a brilliant lawyer, apparently, but got shot in the head and wasn't wholly with us, what we used to call 'a bit twp'. I've met several people who were in the bloody places, and a whole lot of soldiers who were at the liberation of one or other (they never said much to one another, just, 'Jesus, remember the smell!') I wouldn't ever get into an argument about the numbers, but I don't think anyone could have afforded to train so many actors and give them life-long contracts!
The thing that made the holocaust unique is it was the first time mass murder was clinically and purposefully industrialized at that scale with the express purpose of wiping out an entire ethnic group .

Soviet prisoners were allowed to starve to death, because Nazis thought Slavs were subhumans unworthy of treatment given to western allied soldiers. Stalin bears some blame for the fate of soviet prisoners, as articulated by Solzhenitsyn .

The only people interested in complaining that Hitler only murdered less than one million jews are antisemites
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The thing that made the holocaust unique is it was the first time mass murder was clnically and purpusefully industrialized at that scale with the express purpose of wiping out an entire ethnic group .

Soviet prisoners were allowed to starve to death, because nazis thought slavs were subhumans unworthy of treatment given to western allied soldiers.Stalin bears some blame for the fate of soviet prisoners ,which Solzhenitsyn highlighted.

The only people interested in complaining that Hitler only murdered less than one million jews are antisemites

As usual "man is God" in that WW II Nazi concentration camp Mengele baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations in suicidal Christiananality pedophilia business homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming supercedes the laws of nature & nature's God in SCOTUS Christian Nation cognitive dissonance fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception second coming 9/11 national religion of those burning Bush's flying carpet "death to the infidels" Al Qaeda terrorists dhimmitude servitude.
As usual "man is God" in that WW II Nazi concentration camp Mengele baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations in suicidal Christiananality pedophilia business homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming supercedes the laws of nature & nature's God in SCOTUS Christian Nation cognitive dissonance fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception second coming 9/11 national religion of those burning Bush's flying carpet "death to the infidels" Al Qaeda terrorists dhimmitude servitude.

Let me make this crystal clear to you> I am not going to read or engage a mentally ill poster.
Let me make this crystal clear to you> I am not going to read or engage a mentally ill poster.

Avoidance - acceptance in compulsive - obsessive behavior of one nation under God is a clear response to cognitive dissonance as those Holocaust deniers.