Spam Alert! Spam Alert! Spam Alert! The Holocaust Lie.

Must be just a coincidence SCOTUS Rehnquist supreme swastika up Uranus court chose Holocaust Kristallnacht immaculate drug conceptions for standing of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptizing by urinations two Washington, D.C. born father & son citizens for discussing D.C. sports teams trying to have lunch because those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care business brainwashing propaganda was far more important for US Holycosts in that Menegele Nazi concentration camp defamation prior to exterminations for dhimmitude servitude pedophilia in that Christian Nation tradition of Islamophobia super egos, who for some reason wouldn't speak that federal perjury of one nation under God with equal justice under law diatribe again years later.

It would appear as though I've driven you insane. Well it wouldn't be the first time. That's just what tends to happen when somebody's cult gets smashed.
Best take'away for this thread? Ain't the 1st amendment a grand thing? Simply because someone has the guaranteed right to speak is no indicator that others have to be stupid enough to listen to, respond to, or even address the bat shit crazy speech of anyone if that speak does not cross the threshold of limiting or suppressing another's right to the same.

Conclusion: Proceed. Why allow others to think you are crazy when you have presented written proof in conformation of a thought. :bigthink: This is not even worthy of being called the majority of our Citizens are not fluent in the langue of bat shit crazy.

Draw us illiterates some pictures first. ;)
Best take'away for this thread? Ain't the 1st amendment a grand thing? Simply because someone has the guaranteed right to speak is no indicator that others have to be stupid enough to listen to, respond to, or even address the bat shit crazy speech of anyone if that speak does not cross the threshold of limiting or suppressing another's right to the same.

Conclusion: Proceed. Why allow others to think you are crazy when you have presented written proof in conformation of a thought. This is not even worthy of being called the majority of our Citizens are not fluent in the langue of bat shit crazy.

I have PROVEN beyond all possible doubt that the holocaust was a pile of horse shit. So is this the best you can do? Insult me? How about giving this a try instead. Tell me anything I said in my thread that you think is wrong. Are you man enough?
Best take'away for this thread? Ain't the 1st amendment a grand thing? Simply because someone has the guaranteed right to speak is no indicator that others have to be stupid enough to listen to, respond to, or even address the bat shit crazy speech of anyone if that speak does not cross the threshold of limiting or suppressing another's right to the same.

Conclusion: Proceed. Why allow others to think you are crazy when you have presented written proof in conformation of a thought. This is not even worthy of being called the majority of our Citizens are not fluent in the langue of bat shit crazy.

I have PROVEN beyond all possible doubt that the holocaust was a pile of horse shit. So is this the best you can do? Insult me? How about giving this a try instead. Tell me anything I said in my thread that you think is wrong. Are you man enough?

Here allow me to retort in pictures. :laugh:
Conclusion: Proceed. Why allow others to think you are crazy when you have presented written proof in conformation of a thought. This is not even worthy of being called the majority of our Citizens are not fluent in the langue of bat shit crazy.

I have PROVEN beyond all possible doubt that the holocaust was a pile of horse shit. So is this the best you can do? Insult me? How about giving this a try instead. Tell me anything I said in my thread that you think is wrong. Are you man enough?

You have almost made it to 100 posts... Kinda surprised but you haven't proven anything, except in your own mind, & then you came here convinced........:|

One thing you should keep in mind......

Most of us have seen your lies & bull shit 100's of times already, you sucked it down & swallowed hook, line & sinker~it is quite foolish & naive of you to believe we could be conned as easily as you........
It would appear as though I've driven you insane. Well it wouldn't be the first time. That's just what tends to happen when somebody's cult gets smashed.

Far too many years of this standard compulsive-obsessive national religion of "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming techniques, supposedly more evolved from Nazi war crimes than those cross conditioned way beyond the pleasure principle therapy cognitive dissonance can rationalize thru in satisfaction. If Nazington's brainwashing practices couldn't whitewash Rehnquist's Bicentennial immaculate drug conception Reichquest of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists copy cat traditions in Nazi Germany Kristallnacht tactics to railroad with a Holocaust Mengele tradition of defamations baptizing thine eyes by urinations prior to exterminations; as to proof lynching enforcement also enacted under color of law Islamophobia self anointed martyr status in the Islamidiotocracy "death to the infidels" of Washington, D.C. born; for 9/11 in avoidance-acceptance of the Holocaust just being business of Nazi economics again.
Quote Originally Posted by yourhighness View Post
Your sock accusation aside, YOU are the loser. Need proof? Try to refute anything I said. When you can't, then the loser you shall be. Deal with it.

Your sock accusation aside, YOU are the loser. Need proof? Try to refute anything I said. When you can't, then the loser you shall be. Deal with it.

So why is it with Holocaust deniers that they go to so much trouble to steal an absentee voting ballot, US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, old glory, old testament, Israel flag & Holocaust research after gassing ones lungs sleeping & trying to attend university so Holocaust research wouldn't exist; even if it was only a rough draft & not all the research papers which could be why the Fourth Reich, still compulsively & obsessively trying to own the papers even going as far as including for their second "serve the Pope or die" coming including that more perfect union with those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care plan to obtain what they had never obtained so it wouldn't even exist either.
please link me to a post where you feel legion broke the rules. I'll give you as much time as you would like. I have never seen a single post ever by legion that broke the rules and our mod team I don't think has ever had a single mod, between myself, damo, rana or billy that has once voted for legion to be banned on anything.

Legions disgusting sick sexual comments about 13 year old Anne Frank and nothing was done!
Best take'away for this thread? Ain't the 1st amendment a grand thing? Simply because someone has the guaranteed right to speak is no indicator that others have to be stupid enough to listen to, respond to, or even address the bat shit crazy speech of anyone if that speak does not cross the threshold of limiting or suppressing another's right to the same.
Conclusion: Proceed. Why allow others to think you are crazy when you have presented written proof in conformation of a thought. This is not even worthy of being called the majority of our Citizens are not fluent in the langue of bat shit crazy.
I have PROVEN beyond all possible doubt that the holocaust was a pile of horse shit. So is this the best you can do? Insult me? How about giving this a try instead. Tell me anything I said in my thread that you think is wrong. Are you man enough?

So it was Rehnquist's supreme swastika up Uranus SCOTUS 9/11 immaculate drug conceptions holycosts granting standing to Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptizing thine eyes by urinations defamations of 2 Washington born citizens, one a WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower trying to have lunch & discuss hometown D.C. sports; interrupted with that Mengele WW II Holocaust concentration camp tradition prior to exterminations in their Bicentennial master plan to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel so their master race could all continue this business of suicidal walk on water super egos in homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming avoidance - acceptance of it's only federal sin to the cognitively dissonant.
Herr General Heinie says: "Some people around here that the holocaust happened."

Gentle suggestion to the NaziNewbie:

1) Drunk-posting is funny but doesn't give you cred.

2) Correct grammar is more likely to get attention than word-salad. We've been poisoned already with $arah Palin and tRump and Toxic word salads. We got standards here!

3) We got genuine KKK white supremacist racist n-word using bigot hater Storm Front veterans here. If you want to stand out, you need to up your game. Accusing others of doing unspeakable things with Jewish babies/children is always a game-winning move.

4) Your avatar. You need some help with that. It's pretty boring.

I do not know why this subhuman thinks it is at risk of being banned .

This forum is one of the few places i know of on the Internet that openly tolerates and provides safe harbour for the some of the most degenerate racism and antisemitism i have ever been exposed to.The only saving grace here are my friends .

As far as i can tell tell the only way to risk being banned is by posting in an old thread, complaining about a mod, or making certain comments about pedophellia.

I am amazed actually that any Jewish or black person would want to post here and expose themselves to the poison and moral degeneracy this site is known for.
I do not know why this subhuman thinks it is at risk of being banned .

This forum is one of the few places i know of on the Internet that openly tolerates and provides safe harbour for the some of the most degenerate racism and antisemitism i have ever been exposed to.The only saving grace here are my friends .

As far as i can tell tell the only way to risk being banned is by posting in an old threds, complaining about a mod, or making certain comments about pedophellia.

I am amazed actually that any Jewish or black person would want to post here and expose themselves to the poison and moral degeneracy this site is known for.

Basically, just people I know is why I'm here. Could always try a group migration from here to elsewhere.
Basically, just people I know is why I'm here. Could always try a group migration from here to elsewhere.

Sounds good in theory , but i do not think those mass migration thingys ever really work.I still appeciate the writing of my friends and comrades here.

My conscience is clear, i do not allow anti semites on my private property
It goes without saying the OP is sickening. And it shows a very dark side of the internet that people can post this stuff whether they believe it or not or do it to draw a response. But some people speaking out about anti-semitism are very selective in their outrage. In other words if a politician they support says something anti-semitic that politician gets the benefit of the doubt. If a person/poster says something anti-semitic they get the benefit of the doubt if they share the same ideology.

It's the same with bigotry and racism. Folks will scream out to the heavens against bigotry and racism when its done by someone they disagree with politically then turn awfully silent when its someone who shares their beliefs.

Ultimately people can do what they want but real change won't happen until it transcends being a political partisan issue. But there are no signs of that occurring anytime soon.
Jade Dragon, you want to talk about posters migrating how about have all the ex-Amazon posters migrate back out. This board was never close to perfect but a decade ago there was far better discussion than there is today. Then folks migrated from DC Junkies and Amazon and the board went to sh*t. Now this place is little more than a name calling troll fest.
It goes without saying the OP is sickening. And it shows a very dark side of the internet that people can post this stuff whether they believe it or not or do it to draw a response. But some people speaking out about anti-semitism are very selective in their outrage. In other words if a politician they support says something anti-semitic that politician gets the benefit of the doubt. If a person/poster says something anti-semitic they get the benefit of the doubt if they share the same ideology.

It's the same with bigotry and racism. Folks will scream out to the heavens against bigotry and racism when its done by someone they disagree with politically then turn awfully silent when its someone who shares their beliefs.

Ultimately people can do what they want but real change won't happen until it transcends being a political partisan issue. But there are no signs of that occurring anytime soon.

Sad & true...... Rotten from the top down.........

Who is the real enemy of the ppl?? :whome: