APP - Spanking children

That's largely because the lawsuits are not lacking.
No good scum sucking bottom feeder ambulance chasing lawyers. It is those same group of lawyers that have gotten monkey bars and other playground equipment removed from Schools and public parks. Now days getting hurt falling off the money bars is no longer a right of passage as a kid it is a fucking lottery ticket.
No good scum sucking bottom feeder ambulance chasing lawyers. It is those same group of lawyers that have gotten monkey bars and other playground equipment removed from Schools and public parks. Now days getting hurt falling off the money bars is no longer a right of passage as a kid it is a fucking lottery ticket.

exactly... instead we teach our kids to sit on their fat asses playing video games because they might get a boo boo if they play outside.
Damn I used to love those monkey bars built over asphalt, and those steel slides about 100' high that on a sunny day would fry your bare skin even if you weren't sliding down them approaching the sound barrier, or those swings about 20' tall with hard wooden seats that you'd practically go into orbit when you jumped off if you didn't get your finger snagged in a chain loop....
I find the above interesting. When I was a kid, the paddle WAS an effective means of discipline. Especially when the 'tough kid' came back from the principal's office with tears in his eyes and very eager to remain standing in class.

I would be curious to know the other methods you mention. Because discipline in our schools today seems to be lacking.

Was the discipline there when we were young because of paddling in schools?

I never thought that. I mean, there were a few hardcases that got expelled, but for the most part the paddling was for fairly minor offenses.

If I had gotten into trouble at school, the paddling by the vice-principal was the LEAST of my worries. My parents would have made me regret crossing the line.

The other methods can start with removing disruptive kids from the classrooms and putting them into other style education classes. Think Special Ed for those unable to behave.

Next, make minor problems do more academic work. Keep them to busy to get into trouble and make sure their parents know about the trouble.

Lastly, contact the parents of any child with more than a few infractions. Have them come in and make them understand that their child will not pass unless they behave. Fail a grade twice and you are put into special ed.
Damn I used to love those monkey bars built over asphalt, and those steel slides about 100' high that on a sunny day would fry your bare skin even if you weren't sliding down them approaching the sound barrier, or those swings about 20' tall with hard wooden seats that you'd practically go into orbit when you jumped off if you didn't get your finger snagged in a chain loop....
We used to have contests on how far we could jump, later I learned to jump off backwards and still later by flipping the seat over and dropping straight down down at the apex...

Nobody told me to stop because it was "dangerous" either.
Special ed: Solitary confinement. lol

Did I say solitary confinement? Special Ed gets extra money to provide smaller classrooms and more individual educational attention. Which would serve the problem children far more.
We used to have contests on how far we could jump, later I learned to jump off backwards and still later by flipping the seat over and dropping straight down down at the apex...

Nobody told me to stop because it was "dangerous" either.
You da' man!

Shit ours were so high I jumped off one forward only once. The shock to my legs and back scared me as little 8 year old, and I was skinny as hell and could run like the devil himself.
In ninth grade a guy behind me pushed my head into the water fountain, splitting my lip. When I asked him WTF he just laughed and pushed me. We tussled. We got sent to the vice principals office and the vice principal said we were BOTH getting a swat. I was defending myself and was not going to take the swat until he called my Dad who asked him if I had started it. When the vice principal told him that didn't matter my Dad told him he could not swat me and that was that. In the end, because my father was adamant about my not getting a swat neither of us did. THis is the problem with schools administering physical punishment. They either do it without regard to assessing blame or they don't do it at all. School's not a good place for adults to be involved in physical punishment.

Had I been the one that started the fight, the school could not have punished me like my father would have. I would have preferred the swat to the punishment at home which would NOT have been corporal, but nonetheless unpleasant.

In high school some guy got angry and went up and started shoving my shoulder. I just looked at him like he was an idiot. The teacher sent us both to the principal and we both got written up even though I literally did nothing in the "fight" at all.
But too much authoritarianism at an early age turns children into control freaks with split personalities who use god to justify murder and globalization.
But too much authoritarianism at an early age turns children into control freaks with split personalities who use god to justify murder and globalization.
Nah, too much authoritarianism turns kids into Libertarians during their "rebellious" stage.
You da' man!

Shit ours were so high I jumped off one forward only once. The shock to my legs and back scared me as little 8 year old, and I was skinny as hell and could run like the devil himself.

I remember swinging as high as we could and grabbing on to the highest Redwood Tree branches and then dropping to the sandy ground below.

I recall it being hella high, but then again I was like 11 or 12.

We always fantasized about swinging so high that we could swing around full circle over the top of the school swing set and still try and hold on. We got high, but never that high!
I remember swinging as high as we could and grabbing on to the highest Redwood Tree branches and then dropping to the sandy ground below.

I recall it being hella high, but then again I was like 11 or 12.

We always fantasized about swinging so high that we could swing around full circle over the top of the school swing set and still try and hold on. We got high, but never that high!

LOL I don't think that's possible unless you have a real short swing and a real strong pusher. We'd crank them so hard the chains would go past horizontal though and then instead of a nice smooth arc the swing seat would fall into the arc, shaking us badly.
LOL I don't think that's possible unless you have a real short swing and a real strong pusher. We'd crank them so hard the chains would go past horizontal though and then instead of a nice smooth arc the swing seat would fall into the arc, shaking us badly.

Yeah, I remember going past horizontal and the jerk of the swing being so jolting it actually hurt my forearms. No fear in those days.

We didn't know we couldn't swing over completely, so we tried and tried and tried thinking we just might.

Our mother's would have had a heart attack if they saw how high we really got.
Yeah, I remember going past horizontal and the jerk of the swing being so jolting it actually hurt my forearms. No fear in those days.

We didn't know we couldn't swing over completely, so we tried and tried and tried thinking we just might.

Our mother's would have had a heart attack if they saw how high we really got.
How did we survive childhood. I had a speedometer on my bike with a banana seat and 20" wheels and I used to pedal as fast as I could downhill on a main road in town and get up to 40.

Of course I'm a lot saner now, same as my son. We raced down Smugglers Notch VT one time on skis and hit 55 according to his portable GPS. He's done 61 since then at Snowshoe, WV.
Exactly. When my dad yelled "STOP!" I stopped on a dime and gave change. No argument, no "WHY?", because I knew: non-negotiable command. Stop first, and ask why later (didn't need to ask why on one occasion, because the answer presented itself in the form of a truck. (more instant reinforcement).

I had the immense displeasure recently of taking a 4 hour Amtrak trip with not one, not two, but three misbehaving children: loud, whiny, fake crying, refusing to stay in their seats. All three mothers were pleading repeatedly with their spawn to "please behave."

Please behave?? WTF? Since when is behave preceded by please more than once? Future Darwin winners, for sure.

Now it seems that parents want to be their kids "friend".
Screw that.
Damn I used to love those monkey bars built over asphalt, and those steel slides about 100' high that on a sunny day would fry your bare skin even if you weren't sliding down them approaching the sound barrier, or those swings about 20' tall with hard wooden seats that you'd practically go into orbit when you jumped off if you didn't get your finger snagged in a chain loop....

And yet, we obviously survived; seeing as how we're here on a message board talking about it.
I'm assuming those swings were engineered to be survivable at whatever speed they were jumped, superceding the animal brain most conservervatives choose to utilize rather than the adult/liberal brain.