APP - Spanking children

Bad assumption. Lots of kids got seriously hurt on them, which is why they've all been taken down.

Anyone remember diving boards at hotel pools? Some of those suckers were 10 meters high.
Now it seems that parents want to be their kids "friend".
Screw that.

I heard one passenger say, "Well, they're just kids..."

What, so that gives them the right to make everybody else's trip a nightmare? Screw THAT. Which also begs the question: just when and how did she think they were going to acquire discipline and manners? Those three barbarians weren't toddlers, or boys, but girls aged (I'm guessing here) 4 or 5, 5, and 6 years old. Was the Discipline Fairy going to appear and magically civilize them with a wave of her wand?

I've also heard, in parental defense of their demanding brat only child, "Well, he gets straight A's in school..." Huh? What difference does that make?

Years ago, like 20 years, my daughter was involved in a county recreation dept. after school gymnastics program. Very nice facility; a big two-story gym, it has a second floor parents' room, with large windows overlooking the gym floor, so mom and dad can watch their progeny without being able to drive the coaches nuts with suggestions/demands. One night, the room was pretty full, and several of us dads were sitting in a group commenting on this one little rat-faced blond girl who kept cutting in line after she'd used an apparatus, never right to the front, where the coaches would have busted her, but always about 3 or 4 kids back. Her mother was not only unembarrassed by comments about her brat's antics, she was actually thrilled: "Oh, look how excited Caitlin is about gymnastics! She just can't wait to use the apparatus!!" And people wonder where kids get their sense of entitlement. This mother not only wouldn't correct her spawn's selfish behavior, she was proud of it and no doubt encouraged it.

Then Caitlin picked the wrong kid to cut in front of: mine. Erika saw Caitlin coming, stuck out her left arm to block the attempted cut, turned into Caitlin like Jerry Kramer or Fuzzy Thurston pulling for Paul Hornung on the old Packer Power Sweep, then drove her out of the line with both hands on a very surprised Caitlin's shoulders. Erika then gave her a verbal ass-whuppin', which we couldn't hear, because the parents' room had thick glass windows. Not that we needed to hear it, as the gist of the ass-chewing was pretty obvious. It started out with both hands on hips, graduated to left hand gestures toward the end of the line (with concurrent right index finger chest pokes), and finally returning to both hands on Caitlin's shoulders, Erika turned her 180 degrees to face the back of the line, and gave her a little push in the back to start her on her long journey toward appropriate social behavior. The other kids, emboldened by Erika's stand against flagrant buttheadedness, wouldn't let Caitlin cut in front of them any more.

The mother was incensed: "Why, that little blond girl threw Caitlin out of line."

Responses of "Good for her" from the dads, but Mommy Dearest went on undeterred, "I'll bet her parents aren't even here to say something to her about her behavior."

I raised my hand: "She's mine, her behavior in dealing with your brat was appropriate, and I'm going to tell her so."
I heard one passenger say, "Well, they're just kids..."

What, so that gives them the right to make everybody else's trip a nightmare? Screw THAT. Which also begs the question: just when and how did she think they were going to acquire discipline and manners? Those three barbarians weren't toddlers, or boys, but girls aged (I'm guessing here) 4 or 5, 5, and 6 years old. Was the Discipline Fairy going to appear and magically civilize them with a wave of her wand?

I've also heard, in parental defense of their demanding brat only child, "Well, he gets straight A's in school..." Huh? What difference does that make?

Years ago, like 20 years, my daughter was involved in a county recreation dept. after school gymnastics program. Very nice facility; a big two-story gym, it has a second floor parents' room, with large windows overlooking the gym floor, so mom and dad can watch their progeny without being able to drive the coaches nuts with suggestions/demands. One night, the room was pretty full, and several of us dads were sitting in a group commenting on this one little rat-faced blond girl who kept cutting in line after she'd used an apparatus, never right to the front, where the coaches would have busted her, but always about 3 or 4 kids back. Her mother was not only unembarrassed by comments about her brat's antics, she was actually thrilled: "Oh, look how excited Caitlin is about gymnastics! She just can't wait to use the apparatus!!" And people wonder where kids get their sense of entitlement. This mother not only wouldn't correct her spawn's selfish behavior, she was proud of it and no doubt encouraged it.

Then Caitlin picked the wrong kid to cut in front of: mine. Erika saw Caitlin coming, stuck out her left arm to block the attempted cut, turned into Caitlin like Jerry Kramer or Fuzzy Thurston pulling for Paul Hornung on the old Packer Power Sweep, then drove her out of the line with both hands on a very surprised Caitlin's shoulders. Erika then gave her a verbal ass-whuppin', which we couldn't hear, because the parents' room had thick glass windows. Not that we needed to hear it, as the gist of the ass-chewing was pretty obvious. It started out with both hands on hips, graduated to left hand gestures toward the end of the line (with concurrent right index finger chest pokes), and finally returning to both hands on Caitlin's shoulders, Erika turned her 180 degrees to face the back of the line, and gave her a little push in the back to start her on her long journey toward appropriate social behavior. The other kids, emboldened by Erika's stand against flagrant buttheadedness, wouldn't let Caitlin cut in front of them any more.

The mother was incensed: "Why, that little blond girl threw Caitlin out of line."

Responses of "Good for her" from the dads, but Mommy Dearest went on undeterred, "I'll bet her parents aren't even here to say something to her about her behavior."

I raised my hand: "She's mine, her behavior in dealing with your brat was appropriate, and I'm going to tell her so."

My youngest daughter was aboiut 2 1/2 or 3 and was with my wife and I, doing some grocery shopping.
She saw a toy she "wanted". I told her NO and reminded her that she had just gotten a new toy yesterday.
She decided to throw a hissy fit, on the floor. My wife kept shopping and I told my daughter that she needed to stand up, so we could catch up with mommy.
She continued to throw her little tantrum, I reminded her once more and when she didn't move; I stood her up, planted an open handed smack on her backside, pointed in the direction my wife had gone, and told her "git".
She shut up and went. No more fussing, no more tantrum, and no more hissy fit.
As I turned to follow her; some lady was standing to the side, looking down her nose at me and at what had just transpired.
I looked her dead in the eye and said "What??", and then went to catch up with my family.

My daughter never threw a fit in a store again.
My youngest daughter was aboiut 2 1/2 or 3 and was with my wife and I, doing some grocery shopping.
She saw a toy she "wanted". I told her NO and reminded her that she had just gotten a new toy yesterday.
She decided to throw a hissy fit, on the floor. My wife kept shopping and I told my daughter that she needed to stand up, so we could catch up with mommy.
She continued to throw her little tantrum, I reminded her once more and when she didn't move; I stood her up, planted an open handed smack on her backside, pointed in the direction my wife had gone, and told her "git".
She shut up and went. No more fussing, no more tantrum, and no more hissy fit.
As I turned to follow her; some lady was standing to the side, looking down her nose at me and at what had just transpired.
I looked her dead in the eye and said "What??", and then went to catch up with my family.

My daughter never threw a fit in a store again.

All you should have to do is "the look". It worked on me, after me, and many generations before me. There was never a doubt what "the look" meant and it never needed to be articulated. You STFU and STFD and there were no ands, ifs, or buts about it.

We have litigated and politicized ourselves out of the parenting business. What we see today in the out of control behaviours of children is the direct consequence of relinquishing that control.
All you should have to do is "the look". It worked on me, after me, and many generations before me. There was never a doubt what "the look" meant and it never needed to be articulated. You STFU and STFD and there were no ands, ifs, or buts about it.

We have litigated and politicized ourselves out of the parenting business. What we see today in the out of control behaviours of children is the direct consequence of relinquishing that control.

My Grandkids both young and old, all know the "look". :cof1:
All you should have to do is "the look". It worked on me, after me, and many generations before me. There was never a doubt what "the look" meant and it never needed to be articulated. You STFU and STFD and there were no ands, ifs, or buts about it.

We have litigated and politicized ourselves out of the parenting business. What we see today in the out of control behaviours of children is the direct consequence of relinquishing that control.

"The look" only works when the real punishment has been experienced.
The fact is that kids this age can't be reasoned with. They experience the world through a different lens then rational, reasonable people.

I guess that's why libtards don't understand why it is beneficial.
"The look" only works when the real punishment has been experienced.

Well I guess I was lucky. I can't count on one hand the times I was spanked. There were a couple of times, but it was not for out and out insubordination with my parents. It was for something unrelated to them, and all about my behavior.

I have swatted a fanny here and there, but "the look" has always worked well for me 99% of the time.
Well I guess I was lucky. I can't count on one hand the times I was spanked. There were a couple of times, but it was not for out and out insubordination with my parents. It was for something unrelated to them, and all about my behavior.

I have swatted a fanny here and there, but "the look" has always worked well for me 99% of the time.
It worked for me as well, and continues to work with my kids, as well as their friends. That's because they know what will happen if they don't comply.

The first time I spanked my son he gave me "the look", a much different one, that said "there is nothing you can do about it". He learned quickly that he was wrong.

Just last Saturday I had to deal with an unruly 11 year old and I gave him "the look" and he gave me "the look" back. So I got right in his face and told him that if he didn't comply I'd be calling his parents and he'd be sitting over in the corner until they got there. Then he gave me some "yes sir" shit in a sarcastic tone so I raised my voice to interrupt him and told him that I didn't need a response from him. That finally shut him up.