Stage effin' three skin cancer

And he's getting off on interwebs groans lol.

Have at it domer: groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan groan ...

He still hasn't figured out what Halloween costume his mother has worn since 1987?
My every command, faggot.

Groan for me, again, bitch. I command you.


1. Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

2. 11-06-2019 08:44 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

3. 11-06-2019 08:39 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

4. 11-06-2019 07:31 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Patriot and Trump Supporter 
Groaned Post

5. 11-06-2019 07:26 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

6. 11-06-2019 07:26 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

7. 11-06-2019 07:25 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

8. 11-06-2019 06:00 AM

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Thanked Post

9. 11-05-2019 08:06 PM

Thread: How Many? 
Thanked Post

10. 11-05-2019 07:59 PM
Dark Soul 

Thread: How Many? 
Groaned Post

11. 11-05-2019 07:58 PM
Dark Soul 

Thread: How Many? 
Groaned Post

12. 11-05-2019 07:58 PM
Dark Soul 

Thread: How Many? 
Groaned Post

13. 11-05-2019 07:57 PM
Dark Soul 

Thread: How Many? 
Groaned Post

14. 11-05-2019 07:57 PM
Dark Soul 

Thread: How Many? 
Groaned Post

15. 11-05-2019 07:56 PM
Dark Soul 

Thread: How Many? 
Groaned Post

Keep me on ignore, boy. I command you.
Every one, cunt.


Groan for me, bitch.

I command you.

Here’s the proof.

1. Thread: The Grown Dumber 
Groaned Post

2. 11-06-2019 10:34 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

3. 11-06-2019 09:45 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

4. 11-06-2019 09:19 AM

Thread: Rand Paul to News Fakers: do your job and print his name! 
Thanked Post

5. 11-06-2019 08:55 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

6. 11-06-2019 08:53 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

7. 11-06-2019 08:52 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

8. 11-06-2019 08:51 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

9. 11-06-2019 08:48 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

10. 11-06-2019 08:46 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

11. 11-06-2019 08:44 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

12. 11-06-2019 08:39 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

13. 11-06-2019 07:31 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Patriot and Trump Supporter 
Groaned Post

14. 11-06-2019 07:26 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

15. 11-06-2019 07:26 AM
Dark Soul 

Thread: Stage effin' three skin cancer 
Groaned Post

Hide from me, bitch. I command you.
One of our best friends has it on her forearm. She lives in Seattle, and at least two docs that she went to for initial diagnosis screwed up. The one she's seeing now had to take a much larger area out than was done by a prior guy, and it has spread to lymph nodes. Treatment is going to be in the range of $150k per year, for life.

I first met her when she was a freshman in college. About 5'-8", long blonde hair, slender build, played varsity Volleyball, NCAA Div I. Her mom is from Norway and her dad is a fair haired Limey. One look at her and I thought, this gal is going to leave a long, long trail of broken hearts, and mine's not going to be one of them. Then I saw her cute roommate, and she eventually became my wife.

Our friend did indeed leave a broken trail. After college she married a great guy from a small town in Oregon who was raised by a single mom, dirt poor. He made it big and has worked for big finance corps in China, Japan and Singapore. She never had to work so focused on raising their two boys and being chauffeured to the gym or shopping. A few years back they made it back to the states and he's got a big ass job with Amazon. He's going to need it. Sign up for their Cadillac plan, my friend.

:rolleyes: Give me a break. Teflon Don's been wishing illness and death on people for years and cons have never called him out for it.

He did stuff like that over on my restaurant discussion before it was removed. Hopefully, he keeps to what he said about stopping that. I find all that stuff tactless even against your worst detractors or those that sin against you. Sympathies for Dark Soul. The beloved dog of my youth had to be put down because of cancer.
He did stuff like that over on my restaurant discussion before it was removed. Hopefully, he keeps to what he said about stopping that. I find all that stuff tactless even against your worst detractors or those that sin against you. Sympathies for Dark Soul. The beloved dog of my youth had to be put down because of cancer.

Do us all a favor and shut up. Mahalo.
We just heard good news from Seattle. A bottle of champagne was popped. Two lymph nodes removed, and biopsy shows zero cancer.

She meets with a specialist soon to figure out the next step, may or may not include chemo.
BAD domer, BAD,BAD domer. And you wonder why people on here don't like you.

I like Domer and I take him at his word that he is responding in kind for the hostilty directed at his mother. Its not my style since I strive for self discipline and restraint , but responding in kind comports with standard jpp dot com decorum
I like Domer and I take him at his word that he is responding in kind for the hostilty directed at his mother. Its not my style since I strive for self discipline and restraint , but responding in kind comports with standard jpp dot com decorum

You WOULD like domer, that's not too surprising. I don't MIND domer that much anymore after I realized he's profane and vulgar with EVERY conservative on this site. It's just the way he rolls. I've been much nicer to him in recent weeks and he's been nicer to me, as well.