Stars Died For You

My take on the question of their being life elsewhere in the Universe is this:
I have a faith that there is a God and I can't bring myself to believe that all of those other stars and planets were just put there for the reason of "because"; because my belief also holds that God could have created the Earth, left everything else out of the equation, and life would continue.

Until we were able to reach the bottom of the Ocean, there was no way that anyone would believe that organaisms could survive in such extreme circumstances.

I do not believe that we are unigue, as being the only living beings in the Universe; but we may be unigue in being the only carbon based bi-pedal beings in the Universe.

I long for the day that we make contact with living entities on another planet.
I wish we did have "warp drive" and maybe it will occur in the future.

The thing is, we don't know, and we're probably not going to know in our lifetime. In any event, it is becoming ever-more clear, with the advent of Hubble and exponentially greater ability to look into space, that our ideas and concepts, for even the Big Bang itself, may not be accurate or correct. What we don't see out there, are planets just like Earth, with abundance of life as we know it. That doesn't seem to exist in abundance out there, we haven't seen or detected a thing. Yeah, maybe an organism lives here or there? Yeah, possibly some form of other kind of life... but do we see ANY evidence that something has evolved and developed into complex intelligent life? Nadda! Nowhere!

This doesn't mean much, since we are incapable of even examining about 90% of the universe, so it might actually be there and we've just never been able to see it... but if the universe is theoretically comprised of all this magical life-creating matter, it seems we would find it in abundance all around. We simply DON'T!

Here's the analogy.... We are like infant babies in a crib, in a dark nursery room. We look out into the nursery and call it 'the universe' and we study what we see out there... a changing table... we've been there before... and we see the door... we know something else is beyond there... not sure about what... we see items around the room, and we try to make sense of it all... what does it all mean? Now....some of us infants, would like for us other infants to believe, that they have it all figured out... they KNOW what it's all about, and they can tell us all about what is beyond the great door! But do they really know?
The thing is, we don't know, and we're probably not going to know in our lifetime. In any event, it is becoming ever-more clear, with the advent of Hubble and exponentially greater ability to look into space, that our ideas and concepts, for even the Big Bang itself, may not be accurate or correct. What we don't see out there, are planets just like Earth, with abundance of life as we know it. That doesn't seem to exist in abundance out there, we haven't seen or detected a thing. Yeah, maybe an organism lives here or there? Yeah, possibly some form of other kind of life... but do we see ANY evidence that something has evolved and developed into complex intelligent life? Nadda! Nowhere!

This doesn't mean much, since we are incapable of even examining about 90% of the universe, so it might actually be there and we've just never been able to see it... but if the universe is theoretically comprised of all this magical life-creating matter, it seems we would find it in abundance all around. We simply DON'T!

Here's the analogy.... We are like infant babies in a crib, in a dark nursery room. We look out into the nursery and call it 'the universe' and we study what we see out there... a changing table... we've been there before... and we see the door... we know something else is beyond there... not sure about what... we see items around the room, and we try to make sense of it all... what does it all mean? Now....some of us infants, would like for us other infants to believe, that they have it all figured out... they KNOW what it's all about, and they can tell us all about what is beyond the great door! But do they really know?

Now just imagine some multi-limbed creature, sitting on a planet far far away, inputing your same comment, into some form of communication device that they use. :)
Now just imagine some multi-limbed creature, sitting on a planet far far away, inputing your same comment, into some form of communication device that they use. :)

Yep.. and it's possible some form of intelligent life we can't even comprehend, is out there somewhere. There is an infinite amount we don't know. To assume that we know or understand how our entire universe operates, or why it exists, is the height of human arrogance, in my opinion. Back to the simplicity of the OP, the idea that a star just exploded, and we all emerged from that, doesn't really answer a lot of fundamental questions, does it? The most obvious one to me, would be, why don't we find an abundance of life around us, if this is so simply explained?

Some pinhead a while back, posted something to the effect of: If we discovered intelligent life on another planet, would the 'sky god worshipers' admit defeat? My response was to ask, what if we discovered intelligent life on another planet, and it also worshiped a supreme deity? Would the 'nay-sayers' admit defeat?

You see, I have a theory that advancement of intelligent life is intrinsically tied to spiritual faith. That through this core fundamental system of belief, homo sapiens were able to utilize their cognitive reasoning abilities to form civilizations and preserve cultures. If it hadn't been for this ability to have faith in spirit, mankind would have never evolved into existence as we know it, we would still be swinging in trees in the jungles or living in caves, IF we had managed to not be hunted to extinction by larger mammals.

Some will say, well what is your evidence for this theory, and the evidence is the human species, the most advanced form of intelligence on the planet or known to exist in the universe at this point. Our emergence from our primitive ancestors is curiously paralleled by our fascination with worship and spiritual belief. No other species has these two attributes, so it is scientifically falsified, in 100% of the test group.
I'll take you up on the bet, but how will we know if I won? It seems to me, unless you have the capacity to look under every rock in every square foot of our universe, you can never answer this question with certainty. I doubt we'll ever have such capability, so this is a pretty safe bet.... unless ET shows up.

Quite simple, Dixie. The question concerned the 'Solar system'. Solar is the adjective for 'Sol' which is our name for our particular star. Other planetary systems revolve around other stars, not around our 'Sol'.
No, apparently, you are obviously intellectually inferior to a prole from Alabama, because you can't comprehend NASA hasn't discovered life elsewhere. You also apparently believe in a theory of methane-based life, which hasn't been proven to exist. I wonder, do you guys have tent revivals and communion too?

Seriously, you are a absolute retard. I posted an article and specifically stated it dealt with the POSSIBILITY of life. You're honestly the dumbest human being on the face of the earth. Point out where I said that any of what you are stating.
I don't deal with welshers.

Clearly you have difficulty with facts, too. You said you could buy the same product in the states. You cannot. What is so difficult to understand? The article even stated that fact. You erred and as a yank you are unable to admit it.
Well, that's the nature of the beast, I guess.
Clearly you have difficulty with facts, too. You said you could buy the same product in the states. You cannot. What is so difficult to understand? The article even stated that fact. You erred and as a yank you are unable to admit it.
Well, that's the nature of the beast, I guess.

I can buy the same fucking beer here. Because the BOTTLE is not the same, does not make it a different product. Every time I change my user name, does not mean I am a brand new person. The label is the ONLY GOD DAMNED DIFFERENCE.
I can buy the same fucking beer here. Because the BOTTLE is not the same, does not make it a different product. Every time I change my user name, does not mean I am a brand new person. The label is the ONLY GOD DAMNED DIFFERENCE.

Of course it does. The product is the content AND the packaging. You pay for your bottle in the states. It doesn't come free. What part of that is beyond you?
You can buy PART of the product in the states. But you cannot buy the complete product. They are paying $44.00 for the packaging not the beer!
Jeez. Who are you? G W Bush?