Stars Died For You

Why would the "God" have to "come from somewhere?"

Oh wow, the Coulomb Cosmological argument. You're so smart.

Neither the universe nor God have to come from somewhere. This fact does not tell us much about either. When the basic cosmological argument says that the universe had to have a beginning, it's committing the compositional fallacy. The universe as a whole is not necessarily bound by the rules of its parts. When people responded to the erroneous cosmological argument by saying "Oh yeah, where did God come from?", theists responded by coming up with the Coloumb cosmological argument. And now we are knee deep in a pile of nonsense.

You see, this is your downfall, you want to analyze this through human logic, and "God" is not human.

I find it hilarious that, in your attempt to prove something who's existence in question, you attempt to bind me by restrictions that implicitly assume its existence. Yes, this would be a great argument and all if God really existed, but his existence is what we are trying to establish. If we are to follow the epistimological golden rule, we should accept the existence of anything who's proponents merely assert that their concept is "above human logic". I am unwilling to do that, and I see no reason why you should be granted a special exception.

Anyway, it is not that I am confounded by the inhumaness of God's logic. Quite on the contrary, I'm more annoyed by how very very human it does seem. And you are quite correct that God should be held to human standards. He should be held to higher standards than those of humans.
Also.. I have never said I found the Big Bang theory wrong. One of my favorite questions to ask is, what caused it to happen? My second favorite is, what was here before it happened? I find these things extremely fascinating, and they do anything BUT diminish my spirituality. The Creator was one helluva artist!

You have no other creator to compare to. Perhaps he is actually mediocore amongst creators.
Also.. I have never said I found the Big Bang theory wrong. One of my favorite questions to ask is, what caused it to happen? My second favorite is, what was here before it happened? I find these things extremely fascinating, and they do anything BUT diminish my spirituality. The Creator was one helluva artist!

I guess for you it is important to have a 'god of the gaps'. This tends to suggest a mind that just cannot consider the unknown and therefore would not be prepared to find out.
You have no other creator to compare to. Perhaps he is actually mediocore amongst creators.

Odd that the Big Bang Theory was first propounded by Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian jesuit priest.
I guess that is one reason for fundementalists to deny catholicism as Christian.
'Loonier and loonier,' said Alice.
Doesn't answer the question though, who created the Creator? Whatever theory you subscribe to, eventually you come up with the same stumbling block.

Perhaps you missed my answer, since I answered you with a question. I'll try again... WHY would there need to be a creator for the Creator?

Answer please?
I guess for you it is important to have a 'god of the gaps'. This tends to suggest a mind that just cannot consider the unknown and therefore would not be prepared to find out.

Nah.. it actually suggests a species that simply couldn't have evolved into humanity, without spirituality. The "God of the Gaps" has been around as long as mankind has existed, it's documented in the oldest findings of civilization. Our species is intrinsically tied to spiritual belief, it's what enables our humanity in many ways. Regardless of whether God is real, if he wasn't, mankind would have to invent him, we could have never emerged from the jungles otherwise.

For me, it is important to not upset the positive energy flow in the universe surrounding my space. You could say that "good things" are like a lubricant, allowing the flow to travel unimpeded, while "bad things" block the flow and cause catastrophic updrafts. I believe in afterlife in the sense that, I believe our souls... what makes us who we are... our spirit... travels on to another dimension, it's beyond our ability to comprehend it, really. From my direct experiences channeling the positive energy, I get the sense that, if an actual entity exists, it would favor or prefer us to be helping the energy flow by doing good, than disrupting the energy flow by doing bad. To that extent, I believe in a God.

Yes. You and other "scientist" Atheists, claim the universe doesn't need a creator.

Well something made the Big Bang happen! Something was up with this amazing matter that just so happened to all come together here.... What was it before the Bang? Can you answer the question or not?

You asked me who created the Creator, and there does not have to be a creator for the Creator. Or maybe it was created by yet another creator with yet another Big Bang? It is academic. It doesn't matter, because it is irrelevant to the above questions. The false logic assumption you have, is that there has to be a creator for the Creator, if the Creator created the universe. There doesn't have to be.
Yes. You and other "scientist" Atheists, claim the universe doesn't need a creator.

Well something made the Big Bang happen! Something was up with this amazing matter that just so happened to all come together here.... What was it before the Bang? Can you answer the question or not?

You asked me who created the Creator, and there does not have to be a creator for the Creator. Or maybe it was created by yet another creator with yet another Big Bang? It is academic. It doesn't matter, because it is irrelevant to the above questions. The false logic assumption you have, is that there has to be a creator for the Creator, if the Creator created the universe. There doesn't have to be.

Dixie, I think you need to up your dosage on medication. Because all those claims you made, are false.
Found an interesting article about the possibility of life in our solar system.,8599,1995828,00.html

There is no doubt at all that there is life in our solar system. You, living in America, might not have seen much evidence, but believe me it does exist. Now I would lay a pound (or several) to a penny that there is no other solar system with any kind of life anywhere. Anyone brave enough to take me on? Even on the 'possibility'?
There is no doubt at all that there is life in our solar system. You, living in America, might not have seen much evidence, but believe me it does exist. Now I would lay a pound (or several) to a penny that there is no other solar system with any kind of life anywhere. Anyone brave enough to take me on? Even on the 'possibility'?

I'd be wary to place a wager with you, seeing how you welshed on the last one.
There is no doubt at all that there is life in our solar system. You, living in America, might not have seen much evidence, but believe me it does exist. Now I would lay a pound (or several) to a penny that there is no other solar system with any kind of life anywhere. Anyone brave enough to take me on? Even on the 'possibility'?

I'll take you up on the bet, but how will we know if I won? It seems to me, unless you have the capacity to look under every rock in every square foot of our universe, you can never answer this question with certainty. I doubt we'll ever have such capability, so this is a pretty safe bet.... unless ET shows up.
Found an interesting article about the possibility of life in our solar system.,8599,1995828,00.html

From your source article: while the moon's frigid temperatures preclude any sort of life as we know it, it has long been thought to offer hints about what a planet might look like before biology takes hold.

Then they go on to posit this wacky theory that just mayyyybe there is some kind of life form which uses methane instead of water! Sure, that makes sense as a possibility, seeing how our planet is just teaming with methane-based life forms and all.... IDIOTS!
From your source article: while the moon's frigid temperatures preclude any sort of life as we know it, it has long been thought to offer hints about what a planet might look like before biology takes hold.

Then they go on to posit this wacky theory that just mayyyybe there is some kind of life form which uses methane instead of water! Sure, that makes sense as a possibility, seeing how our planet is just teaming with methane-based life forms and all.... IDIOTS!

Yes Dixie, because ours is the base model for life in the universe. NASA scientists are obviously intellectually inferior to a prole from Alabama.
Yes Dixie, because ours is the base model for life in the universe. NASA scientists are obviously intellectually inferior to a prole from Alabama.

No, apparently, you are obviously intellectually inferior to a prole from Alabama, because you can't comprehend NASA hasn't discovered life elsewhere. You also apparently believe in a theory of methane-based life, which hasn't been proven to exist. I wonder, do you guys have tent revivals and communion too?
My take on the question of their being life elsewhere in the Universe is this:
I have a faith that there is a God and I can't bring myself to believe that all of those other stars and planets were just put there for the reason of "because"; because my belief also holds that God could have created the Earth, left everything else out of the equation, and life would continue.

Until we were able to reach the bottom of the Ocean, there was no way that anyone would believe that organaisms could survive in such extreme circumstances.

I do not believe that we are unigue, as being the only living beings in the Universe; but we may be unigue in being the only carbon based bi-pedal beings in the Universe.

I long for the day that we make contact with living entities on another planet.
I wish we did have "warp drive" and maybe it will occur in the future.