Staying the Course...

With the recent revelation that pinheads completely misunderstood and failed to comprehend what Bush meant by "stay the course" in Iraq, I have done a little comparative research. It seems, President Bush is not the first American president to adopt this "stay the course" strategy and approach.

Our first president, George Washington, actually became famous for staying the course, when they painted a picture of him, standing in a boat as it crossed the water. I think he ended up winning some kind of war or something, but it was certainly his willingness to stay the course, that resulted in them painting that great masterpiece of him.

This set the example for future president's, obviously, because many of them have used the same strategy and approach. Thomas Jefferson spent a lot of time at Monticello, writing some kind of document, which would ultimately mean that we would become our own nation, and not a colony of England. People kept telling him he was crazy, the King would not like this, and he just stubbornly insisted on the strategy and approach of, stay the course! Because he refused to change course, it resulted in a WAR! Now, Thomas didn't get a really neat painting like George's, but he got his picture on the nickel and the $2 bill!

Abe Lincoln... He got us into a full-blown Civil War... collapsing in chaos... higher death rates than any other American president! The bloodiest conflict we've ever had, with a hundred times the casualties of Iraq! People were telling him left and right, to get this mess over! I am certain there were pinheads who wanted him to change course, and could not understand or comprehend why he wouldn't listen, he just stubbornly stayed the course in the Civil War, as an entire generation snuffed itself out. I'm sure that the word "freedom" fell upon deaf ears then, as it does today, and pinheads simply viewed the carnage, and reacted with knee-jerk emotion, and no conviction. But Lincoln was defiantly stubborn about staying the course, no one could tell him he was wrong, no one could change his crazy notions, and this strategy seemed to work out well for him....well, not completely, he did get shot over it. That's what happens when you stubbornly stay the course sometimes, people just can't deal with it, I guess.

Then there was Teddy Roosevelt, he was a good example of "stay the course" strategy. We were at war with Spain, and Teddy was the Assistant Secretary of the Swabbies, when he up and quit one day to join a gang called the Rough Riders. Everyone said, Teddy, why do you want to go running off to Cuba to charge up San Juan Hill? But Teddy had decided this hill needed to be charged, and he needed to be the one charging it. Teddy not only stayed the course, he made the course. And for this, he had the Teddy Bear named after him, so it must've been a good approach to take.

Later, Teddy's distant cousin, FDR, would also use this strategy and approach, during WWII. We were at war in the Pacific, with Japan, and there was this volcano island that was real high, and it gave the Japs a perfect strategic vantage point. Our plan was, to take the island, but the very first day, we lost almost as many troops as we've lost in Iraq. Now, I am sure, pinheads of the day were screaming to change the course, but FDR wouldn't listen, he insisted on staying the course. It would take 4 days and cost 6,500 lives, but eventually, we prevailed in taking the uninhabitable 4 mile rock in the middle of the Pacific. People must've already been pissed at FDR for staying the course in Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge, where ten's of thousands died, and the stress of all the pinhead outcry, probably caused him to croak a few months later.

His successor adopted the same "stay the course" strategy, but he realized the consequences of conventional warfare, and decided to unleash a destruction like the earth has never seen. I am sure pinheads were there to urge him to take a different course, explaining desperately, how this was not the best approach, that there was a better strategy, and staying the course was going to fail... still... he stayed the course. They even came up with a saying... Give em hell Harry! Because he liked to stubbornly stay the course all the time, I suppose.

JFK.... decided, of all things, that we could travel to the moon and back! Now, of all the loony things you can think of to spend your money on, this has to be the most obvious. I can only imagine, when the billions and billions of dollars were being poured into "stay the course" and go to the moon... pinheads were all clamoring about the poor and starving people of the world, and how that money could be better used. Astronauts died... the little monkeys died... it was sad! Yet, JFK believed in staying the course, no matter how ridiculous, just stubbornly following the course and refusing to change it! JFK, like many 'stay the course' people, didn't live to see the course reached, something about it drives people crazy, but he did believe in staying the course.

Even Bill Clinton, was a big believer in staying the course... the tax cuts and republican policy were percolating the economy... his poll numbers were high... he was getting to play the sax on SNL... blowjobs in the cloak room... and life was good. There was that terrorism thing, but he believed wholeheartedly in "staying the course" and continuing to ignore the threat. I don't think they will do any great painting of him staying the course, though.

For a good example of not staying the course, we have to go to the Panama Canal. Some folks decided to build this canal, and once they started, they began to lose thousands of men to disease carrying mosquitoes, and decided to "change course" and not finish the job. We took a look at this and said... what? You're not going to finish it? Mind if we take it on? And we stayed the course to the completion of the project. The ones who failed to stay the course, became known as The French.
Dixie, you are comparing apples and oranges in an attempt to make the point that continuing Bush's policy that is so obviously failing. You are using abstract notions of staying the course when the course being stayed wasn't failing. You are, in fact, presenting strawmen.

I'll give you a better, more accurate comparison about the problems of dogmatically following a policy that is failing.

In the 1970's the British Army approach in Northern Ireland: internment, using force protection, loading Republican areas with British troops, using the SAS as assassination squads, stop and harrass; all these tactics failed miserably. They simply poured oil on the flames so that, even when we had interned the whole leadership of the IRA / INLA, they still managed to operate with undiminishing success. This culminated in Bloody Sunday. Following Bloody Sunday, the British Government was in a position that the Coalition is in now in Iraq, on the verge of losing total control, the situation on the verge of civil war.

If we had dogmatically 'stayed the course' we would have lost.

But we had the balls to decide that the strategy we were using was a failure. We changed tact. We reduced our harrassment of nationalists, we got rid of internment, we resolved the underlying causes of the nationalist struggle and used intelligence and special forces to erode the IRA from within. By the early 90's, when I served there, we had the IRA so riddled with informers that it resembled Swiss cheese. We removed the factors that enabled the IRA to recruit and garner support amongst the Catholic population and now we have a peaceful and increasing affluent Ulster.

Your rhetoric is weak, Dixie, because it is to blatantly obvious. You present strawmen rather than comparisons...

4/10, and that is for effort. Must try harder....
What does it matter, Dix? So long as he is considering changing the tactic it is a good thing regardless of they call it a "flip-flop".
but, but, Kerry was a flip flopper and that was a ridiculed thing, so Bush can't be a flip flppper, right ? ;)
Oh I want a new course too Damo, it is just fun to watch bush and his minions try to squirm out from under the war without admitting mistake.
I can't help but want to rub their noses in it a bit.
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You are using abstract notions of staying the course when the course being stayed wasn't failing.

So, staying the course was working, when we lost 2,500 soldiers the first day of the battle for Iwo Jima, but it's not working when we've lost 2,500 in 3 years of Iraq? I'm sorry, but the examples given are not situations where everything went right, however, we had the resolve to stay the course. The fact of the matter is, America's motto should be Stay The Course! It's what we do. It's what we have done our entire history, and it doesn't need to stop because a bunch of pinheads are afraid.

Yes, Damo, it does matter how it is portrayed.
So, staying the course was working, when we lost 2,500 soldiers the first day of the battle for Iwo Jima, but it's not working when we've lost 2,500 in 3 years of Iraq? I'm sorry, but the examples given are not situations where everything went right, however, we had the resolve to stay the course. The fact of the matter is, America's motto should be Stay The Course! It's what we do. It's what we have done our entire history, and it doesn't need to stop because a bunch of pinheads are afraid.

If, after 3 years, the US still hadn't taken Iwo Jima, I would recommend looking for a new tactic.

As for the rest of your baloney about America staying the course whatever etc etc this is just BS, BS designed as rhetoric.

When the US finally realised it couldn't win in Vietnam, it changed course. When the Shah of Iran was installed by the US and then overthrown, the US changed course.

Please, Dixie, we can all see through your rhetoric, you aren't good enough at it to carry it off. Just stick to arguing facts.
One more thing for you Dixie.

You know the difference between counter-insurgency and total war? Again you compare apples and oranges, create strawmen.

If you lose 2500+, along with endless civilian deaths, in 3 years of counter-insurgency fighting, you are doing something wrong. Badly wrong.
In retrospect if we had waited just a bit, Iwo Jima would have been the perfect place to drop the first bomb. Then just move on to Japan....
In retrospect if we had waited just a bit, Iwo Jima would have been the perfect place to drop the first bomb. Then just move on to Japan....

You hadn't developed the bomb then.....
No we had not, but it was soon to be. I think we could have held off till the bomb was ready. In hindsight......
It would have worked out well, Iwo Jima would have had time to improve it's defenses and would have thought itself impregnable, and then to be wiped out by one bomb......
The psyche effect would have been priceless, savwed many american lives and might have resulted in japans surrender and not having to drop the bomb on Japan itself.
Might I do emphasize, might....
And all this is of course hindsight.
Eulogy for a Catch Phrase

We are sad to report the death of a catch phrase, on October 23, 2006.

"Stay the Course" left three offspring:

"It's hard work"

"Freedom's on the march"; and

"Its a long, hard slog"
You are using abstract notions of staying the course when the course being stayed wasn't failing.

So, staying the course was working, when we lost 2,500 soldiers the first day of the battle for Iwo Jima, but it's not working when we've lost 2,500 in 3 years of Iraq? I'm sorry, but the examples given are not situations where everything went right, however, we had the resolve to stay the course. The fact of the matter is, America's motto should be Stay The Course! It's what we do. It's what we have done our entire history, and it doesn't need to stop because a bunch of pinheads are afraid.

Yes, Damo, it does matter how it is portrayed.

The Marines took Iwo Jima in what, three weeks?

If the Marines spent nearly four years trying to take Iwo Jima, and were still unsuccesful, maybe it would have been prudent to redeploy those marines to another area of the war effort.
President Flip Flop shows a lack of leadership?

Was he for "Stay the Corse" before he was against it?