Staying the Course...

Damo, I don't think it is a "change of tactic" as much as a clarification of a misnomer. "Stay the course" has never meant what the Pinheads assumed, and it has now been explained in full detail. We have continuously changed our tactics and approach, from almost Day One, to conform to the overall objectives in Iraq. Pinheads seem to think, since we are not going to say "stay the course" anymore, it means we are about to withdraw from Iraq, and that couldn't be further from the truth. To pinheads, "stay the course" means "stay in Iraq" and that isn't what they want to do now, so anything short of Bush withdrawing in disgrace from Iraq, will not be viewed as anything other than staying the course.
Well then, you won't have to worry about them calling it a "flip-flop" then if he makes major and obvious changes in the current tactics used in Iraq.

I'd be stunned if any changes were actually in the works, but I'd certainly applaud them if they were.
Damo, I don't think it is a "change of tactic" as much as a clarification of a misnomer. "Stay the course" has never meant what the Pinheads assumed, and it has now been explained in full detail. We have continuously changed our tactics and approach, from almost Day One, to conform to the overall objectives in Iraq. Pinheads seem to think, since we are not going to say "stay the course" anymore, it means we are about to withdraw from Iraq, and that couldn't be further from the truth. To pinheads, "stay the course" means "stay in Iraq" and that isn't what they want to do now, so anything short of Bush withdrawing in disgrace from Iraq, will not be viewed as anything other than staying the course.

It's not working.

This year is worse than last year. And last year was worse than the year before.
the place is devolving into a bloody deadly carnage filled civil war..... our constantly changing tactics have been uniformly unsuccessful in stopping the devolution process....and many say that our presence there only serves to hasten it.
All of these things are true, they rest on the three big mistakes that were made early on; the deep de-Baathification of the government, which made it completely ineffective, the disbanding of the army throwing thousands of men out of work and putting hundreds of thousands of trained fighters at odds with the American presense; and the dumping of the Iraqi governing group which put an American face on the Government and turned the liberators into occupiers. but more importantly for the administration while the effects of these disastrous steps early on have been playing out, Bush has been steadfast some would stay stubborn in his insistance that no mistakes were made. Now what he once took to be his strong suit has come back to haunt him as he is being seen as as unwilling to admit mistakes and make decisive changes to either win or abandon the effort. In the end he is stuck in the characature of his own creation. And he now appears to be running from himself. Certainly most of the rest of the Republicans are running from him.
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This entire thing is to get some voters who WANT to vote for Bush to do so, because they belive he will now finally make the necessary changes.
our constantly changing tactics have been uniformly unsuccessful in stopping the devolution process

Wait a minute... I thought the beef was Bush not changing tactics, now it's that he changed too many? It seems like Bush can do no right, it simply doesn't matter if he "stays the course" or "changes the course" in Iraq, pinheads will find criticism, because they don't want us to be in Iraq, period.

As I stated, apparently spot on, this will only be seen as a change in "stay the course" strategy, if we completely withdraw from Iraq. Short of that, we will continue to get the same criticisms and incessant rants from pinheads.
So Bush was for Staying the Course, before he was against Staying the Course?

Apparently Cypress, now the struggle is for the bushies to make it not appear that he is waffling and flipflopping all over the place. It is nice when the spin they used on others comes back to bite their butts :)
Apparently Cypress, now the struggle is for the bushies to make it not appear that he is waffling and flipflopping all over the place. It is nice when the spin they used on others comes back to bite their butts :)

Dixie didn't need to write a thousand word essay.

He could have just said: "Bush is cutting and running from Stay the Course.
Bush is a Cut and Run Republican...

If we "cut and run" from "Stay the Corse" do the "terrorist win"?
our constantly changing tactics have been uniformly unsuccessful in stopping the devolution process

Wait a minute... I thought the beef was Bush not changing tactics, now it's that he changed too many? It seems like Bush can do no right, it simply doesn't matter if he "stays the course" or "changes the course" in Iraq, pinheads will find criticism, because they don't want us to be in Iraq, period.

As I stated, apparently spot on, this will only be seen as a change in "stay the course" strategy, if we completely withdraw from Iraq. Short of that, we will continue to get the same criticisms and incessant rants from pinheads. use a sailing analogy"staying the course" does not describe the various adjustments to sails and tiller necessary to "stay the course" refers to the overall direction. Whatever Bush's team has done has always been to head the situation in a singular unchanging direction. The problem is, to continue the sailing analogy, that the destination is directly upwind and whatever change in tack that the Bush team applies only steers this debacle in the wrong direction and takes the whole thing further from that stated destination. We cannot get to a stable multicultural participatory democracy in Iraq that will shine like a beacon of freedom by "staying this course". We cannot get the Iraqis to stop hating us by remaining in the midst of their struggles actively involved in killing members of their citizenry. We cannot get the Iraqis to stop hating each other by staying in the midst of their struggles to work through the anger and resentment and distrust that has marked sunni-shiite relations for nearly a millenium. We can twist and turn and change our "tactics" every hour and it will not change the fact that the direction we are headed is upwind. We cannot get there by staying there. Iraq only has a chance to get there if we are not there.
total victory over who? over what? does Bush - or Dixie - really think that we will keep boots on the ground in Iraq until they become a peaceful multicultural democracy shining like a beacon of freedom?