Staying the Course...

total victory over who? over what? does Bush - or Dixie - really think that we will keep boots on the ground in Iraq until they become a peaceful multicultural democracy shining like a beacon of freedom?

If Bush and Dixie are to be belived Iraq has already become a shining beacon of freedom..
This is an amazing look inside the mind of a delusional individual...... it's funny as hell to read Dixie's attempt of spinning 'stay the course'..... reminds me of watching Tony Snow in yesterday's press briefing...... "we're no longer using the phrase 'stay the course' because people took it the wrong way"....

This is an amazing look inside the mind of a delusional individual...... it's funny as hell to read Dixie's attempt of spinning 'stay the course'..... reminds me of watching Tony Snow in yesterday's press briefing...... "we're no longer using the phrase 'stay the course' because people took it the wrong way"....


ROFLMAO... Tony was right!
watched Keith last night...... in response to a reporter asking why the president has been saying stay the course if it's not policy, Tony said (paraphrasing) he's not used the phrase in quite some time.... then Keith plays about 10 instances of the pres saying it within the last few months....
Desperation pure and simple. It has finally been hammered into bush and his cronies brains that they are bringing their party down. the all points scramble is on ;)
I could care less why, just so long as they are willing to entertain new ideas to get this done...

Fricking undeclared wars always end up like this.
No Bush declared war. He is a wartime president. He declared War. He declared a war on terror. He had the new act that said he could do what he wanted so he declared war. He declared war on Afghanistan which nearly everybody loved and still loves as far as I can tell. And then after that went so well and gave him such a huge boost in the polls which he never follows, he decided that two wars were better than one and after lying for months about the gave threat that Saddam Hussein represented and how he would be able to strike the American shores within 45 minutes and how he had "reconstituted" his "nuclear weapons" program, Bush who is averse to talking or weapons inspections declared another war. This time on Iraq and again nearly everybody loved it and said, "Way to go Bush. Kick Ass!" And anyone who didn't join in the celebration or resisted was terrorized by the real terrorists in America, Bush and the Republicans, and their characters were duly assassinated.

God damn this board is slow!!!!!
Nah, you do really care some Damo, you are a republican after all and it is not easy to see all this being done to your party. but you are handling it pretty well. Congrats.
Right, you can tell by the way it is far more popular to trash the President nowadays...

I haven't read even one person call you anti-american for posting this tripe.
Right, you can tell by the way it is far more popular to trash the President nowadays...

I haven't read even one person call you anti-american for posting this tripe.

None but perhaps 3 on here has the gall to call me anti-american any more damo, but I spent a lot of time being labeled that in the past(on another board). And I intend to rub a few noses in it. Yours is not included. You are being very professional. And that is really appreciated.

I have long waited for the downfall of the Bushies, and it is quite enjoyable. I knew it was coming so I bided my time....
No the Bush crew finally stoped calling you unamerican for pointing out there mistakes when the majority of Americans finally woke up!

You were only branded unamerican if you said anything about Bush 2001 to 2004. After that they were finally called on it and they backed down!
No the Bush crew finally stoped calling you unamerican for pointing out there mistakes when the majority of Americans finally woke up!

You were only branded unamerican if you said anything about Bush 2001 to 2004. After that they were finally called on it and they backed down!
I've been reading you people call them out on that for as long as we've been posting. This is simply spin.
9-11-01 till about January of 2005 it was treasomous to point out any mistake a Republican ever made...

Then someone pointed out the emperor had no cloaths.
I pointed it out anyway, all the time.. but was often attacked and called names for it!

Valary Plame was outed because her husband had the balls to point out what they were up to.

John Murtha was called all kind of names for what he did, and now they are starting to adopt his ideas...!

I wont start on how they treated that poor GOLD STAR mother who lost her son in Iraq.
Once again, you weren't the only "voice" calling them out. I've been reading it and hearing it ever since there was an attack on 9/11....

It's been a constant call, very often when nobody had said anything.

It would go something like this:

1. Post something bad about the admin, end it with "Stop saying I'm anti-American!"
2. Post about how no Cons were posting in their thread because they must be so afraid, after waiting about three seconds after the thread was posted.
3. Get into an argument and call somebody a "bushlicker" or "neocon" if they disagreed.
Once again, you weren't the only "voice" calling them out. I've been reading it and hearing it ever since there was an attack on 9/11....

It's been a constant call, very often when nobody had said anything.

It would go something like this:

1. Post something bad about the admin, end it with "Stop saying I'm anti-American!"
2. Post about how no Cons were posting in their thread because they must be so afraid, after waiting about three seconds after the thread was posted.
3. Get into an argument and call somebody a "bushlicker" or "neocon" if they disagreed.

Do you have a cite, because that is far from how I remember it???