Stern socks it to Trump supporters

And the thing is her husband signed the Defense of Marriage act while President. She referred to people as Super Predators. Her husband signed that crime bill that put more black people behind bars than any other legislation. She wasn’t exactly sitting as a paragon of virtue when calling out others on the subject. (Not suggesting in any way Trump can’t be called out but the whole glass house thing).

At the end of the day around 8 million people who voted for Obama voted for Trump. Why? I couldn’t begin to tell you as I didn’t vote for either. Is it possible racist and sexist people would vote for a black man but not a white woman? It’s possible. But that answer is the easy way out if you ask me.

I still fall back to insulting voters like she did is generally never a good thing. Not everyone is a political partisan. Plenty of people essentially flip a coin so that remark did her no favors.

But despite all that you've put forth....SHE DID WIN THE POPULAR VOTE. The electoral vote is dubious in that it has in the past shown results contrary to the states they represent.
But despite all that you've put forth....SHE DID WIN THE POPULAR VOTE. The electoral vote is dubious in that it has in the past shown results contrary to the states they represent.

Ok. You’re free to rail against the system but ultimately we’ve elected the President same way every election and we all know the rules going into it. So if you’re going to make comments that play well and increase your vote total in areas like California and New York where you were already going to win and alienate voters you need in other states I’d argue that’s not a good strategy.
One of the things I like about JPP is that there are voices here, like yours & others that don't fit in nor are they interested in defeating the bad ppl, slaying the libs or killing the cons blah blah blah.........

IMHO most political forums run on the L R~ D Vs R paradigm.. Views outside that box are viewed as odd & not settling in the well defined lanes of engagement, which for most is argumentation & name calling..

That's why they're here, not to learn nor explore ideas & events..

There's such a tribalism to all this. It's like if you vote for someone that person is a member of your family and if you insult that person I voted for you've insulted my family and I am going to defend my family. Once that is the mindset you lose all objectivity. And it's no different if you didn't vote for someone and thus it doesn't matter what they do you are against it.

And look at the board for instance how people gather in teams almost and defend each other because they are on the same team. It's a tribal mindset. When you follow politics for a long time and see multiple administrations from each party come and go and start to recognize each side says one thing when they are in power and something different when they are out of power you recognize this is all a game. Thus why people spend their time screaming and name calling at each other on here, wishing death on each other, wanting to country to separate etc.

I mean I can be as partisan as the next guy and I've called people names so I'm not sitting here holier than thou, and to each his own, but on the whole it's not for me. It's why I tune so much out these days because I can't take it.
Stern told the truth. Trump has no respect for anyone. He only thinks of himself. But he has disdain for his Trumpys. He does not care about them and does not govern for them. He is governing for trump and incidentally for the wealthy. I suppose the rightys think the plutocrats care about them. I don't know how anyone can wallow in a con and not learn. Trump is not tricky. He fired his 4th IG Friday. What did that do for you? But it chops down another branch of the oversight of the executive. Rightys stop being stupid.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
But despite all that you've put forth....SHE DID WIN THE POPULAR VOTE. The electoral vote is dubious in that it has in the past shown results contrary to the states they represent.

Ok. You’re free to rail against the system but ultimately we’ve elected the President same way every election and we all know the rules going into it. So if you’re going to make comments that play well and increase your vote total in areas like California and New York where you were already going to win and alienate voters you need in other states I’d argue that’s not a good strategy.

Sorry, but all that just tries to by-pass the FACT that unless the candidate wins both popular and electoral (with decent representation), we are NOT getting the President the majority of the people want. Yeah, Clinton was a boob to mouth off like she did....but she's a princess compared to Dump....and that jackass stated for all posterity that he didn't campaign for the popular vote....JUST the electoral. Jeezus!
Stern told the truth. Trump has no respect for anyone. He only thinks of himself. But he has disdain for his Trumpys. He does not care about them and does not govern for them. He is governing for trump and incidentally for the wealthy. I suppose the rightys think the plutocrats care about them. I don't know how anyone can wallow in a con and not learn. Trump is not tricky. He fired his 4th IG Friday. What did that do for you? But it chops down another branch of the oversight of the executive. Rightys stop being stupid.

It is you who refuses to learn ....and it takes a whole lot of effort to resist reality to the degree that you do....why do you do it?

Sorry, but all that just tries to by-pass the FACT that unless the candidate wins both popular and electoral (with decent representation), we are NOT getting the President the majority of the people want. Yeah, Clinton was a boob to mouth off like she did....but she's a princess compared to Dump....and that jackass stated for all posterity that he didn't campaign for the popular vote....JUST the electoral. Jeezus!

There wasn’t a majority winner in ‘92, ‘96, ‘00 or ‘16. So again, you’re free to rail on the system but we all know the rules ahead of time. And I’m not following your last part. You’re saying it’s bad someone wanted to just win the EC, not the popular vote, when the EC decides to winner?
Hello Phantasmal,

There are 36% of the public that she was right about. If you still support Trump, you’re a deplorable.

She never said it was all of DT's supporters but that didn't stop them from taking it that way. Really, it didn't matter what she actually said if they were going to just put words into her mouth and react to what they made up. They were determined to oppose her just because she's a woman. There, I said it, what everyone has been dancing around and afraid to say.
Hello cawacko,

And the thing is her husband signed the Defense of Marriage act while President. She referred to people as Super Predators. Her husband signed that crime bill that put more black people behind bars than any other legislation. She wasn’t exactly sitting as a paragon of virtue when calling out others on the subject. (Not suggesting in any way Trump can’t be called out but the whole glass house thing).

At the end of the day around 8 million people who voted for Obama voted for Trump. Why? I couldn’t begin to tell you as I didn’t vote for either. Is it possible racist and sexist people would vote for a black man but not a white woman? It’s possible. But that answer is the easy way out if you ask me.

I still fall back to insulting voters like she did is generally never a good thing. Not everyone is a political partisan. Plenty of people essentially flip a coin so that remark did her no favors.

I see you're still clinging to the belief that she said it was all of his supporters, when in reality she said it was half of them:

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

Hello Phantasmal,

So, Trump didn’t insult potential voters? Or, again, was it just the Hillary factor? I’m not seeing how Trump could do it, but Hillary lost voters. I think it’s all based on the prejudices against Hillary.

What a good point.
Hello cawacko;,

I’ll throw this out as well. At the end of the day obviously I can only speak for myself and what makes me vote the way I do. So I’m just projecting when I speak about others. But when I hear people on the right say something like “I don’t understand why those damn black people don’t leave the plantation and vote Republican” you kind of go “really?!”

And it’s the same when people on the left call all those they don’t like racist and/or deplorable. I’m sure they feel a lot better about themselves saying that but is your goal to actually win an election and encourage people to vote with you?

Of course no one pays me for my political opinions so what do I know.

I agree. I have been one to, right here in this forum, express a view that this whole 'we/they soundbyte' approach from both sides is flawed. There is such a tendency for people to think everyone who shares their own political view is good, and everyone who does not is bad. It's just not that simple.

I am liberal, yet I have criticized the remarks of liberal posters who have claimed that, for instance, 'all of the president's supporters are idiots.' I have routinely said 'no, that is not true.' There are idiots on both sides, and there are very smart people on both sides. It has a lot more to do with perceptions, beliefs, values, and motivations.
One of the things I like about JPP is that there are voices here, like yours & others that don't fit in nor are they interested in defeating the bad ppl, slaying the libs or killing the cons blah blah blah.........

IMHO most political forums run on the L R~ D Vs R paradigm.. Views outside that box are viewed as odd & not settling in the well defined lanes of engagement, which for most is argumentation & name calling..

That's why they're here, not to learn nor explore ideas & events..


Hello cawacko,

I see you're still clinging to the belief that she said it was all of his supporters, when in reality she said it was half of them:

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”


I'm not clinging to anything. She called millions of Americans deplorables. That's not in question, that's a fact. And when you're trying to win an election that's generally not a good idea. And think about it, Trump had the highest disapproval rating of any candidate over the past 50+ years and he himself insulted plenty of people so Hillary's strategy was to do the same? Doesn't seem like a great idea to me.
Hello cawacko,

I'm not clinging to anything. She called millions of Americans deplorables. That's not in question, that's a fact. And when you're trying to win an election that's generally not a good idea. And think about it, Trump had the highest disapproval rating of any candidate over the past 50+ years and he himself insulted plenty of people so Hillary's strategy was to do the same? Doesn't seem like a great idea to me.

It's easy to say it didn't work for her now that we know how the election came out.

The big problem with the statement was not what she actually said. It was the way it could be misconstrued.

And really, the right was just looking for anything they could exploit. They were determined to 'swiftboat her' and that's all there was to it. If they didn't seize upon that statement they would have used another.
Hello cawacko,

It's easy to say it didn't work for her now that we know how the election came out.

The big problem with the statement was not what she actually said. It was the way it could be misconstrued.

And really, the right was just looking for anything they could exploit. They were determined to 'swiftboat her' and that's all there was to it. If they didn't seize upon that statement they would have used another.

The statement speaks for itself. She wanted to President of the U.S. and she called millions of people deplorables. One doesn't have to have taken Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friend's And Influence People" class to know insulting so many folks like this probably isn't the best way to win them over.

So stop making excuses for it like she was a victim here.
Hello cawacko,

The statement speaks for itself. She wanted to President of the U.S. and she called millions of people deplorables. One doesn't have to have taken Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friend's And Influence People" class to know insulting so many folks like this probably isn't the best way to win them over.

So stop making excuses for it like she was a victim here.

DT insulted far more people than Hillary did.
So you're continuing to make excuses for her and essentially arguing it was a good strategy to follow what Trump was doing.

You mean to win? It certainly was not presidential and was dishonest. Trump made it OK to hate in public. Trump has divided the people deliberately. America is a worse place after he lucked into office.
You mean to win? It certainly was not presidential and was dishonest. Trump made it OK to hate in public. Trump has divided the people deliberately. America is a worse place after he lucked into office.

If it wasn't Presidential why did she do it Nordberg? To be non presidential, dishonest and to lose. That's not a good record.