Storm the Bastille

lol.. you need to contact the FBI.. I'm a white guy commenting on the frustrations of 1/6 on an obscure messageboard..OMG the humanity!!

It's obvious that when you started this thread, you thought the coup was going to succeed.

Now you're daring us to turn you into the FBI...OK. Consider it done!

I have sent your post along with the ones you made about fake mail in ballots to the FBI and they can sort all this shit out.
my neighbors are from Vladivostok and Moscow (really)

A lie, of course...Anatta's neighbors are not from Russia.

He made that up as a part of this Active Measure, because before this thread, he had never mentioned his Russian neighbors:

I didn't ask for a mail in, I would have never known it was sent except my Russian neighbor
( who values American democracy more then most Americans) was kind enough to bring it over
return postage paid envelope included.. what could possibly go wrong?? :palm:

And he lied like this to try and undermine the election, but ALSO to make Russia look better to everyone since he's been their mouthpiece on JPP for as long as I've been on this board.
thank the gods you at least understand the demographics.
Putin has to face elections like anyone else -he might be able to throw opposition in jail but he STILL has to have enough popular support to win.

My relatives in Moscow and Saint Petersburg also say Putin games the elections against opposition candidates.
It's obvious that when you started this thread, you thought the coup was going to succeed.

Now you're daring us to turn you into the FBI...OK. Consider it done!

I have sent your post along with the ones you made about fake mail in ballots to the FBI and they can sort all this shit out.
ROFL..of course you did..more delusions..
My relatives in Moscow and Saint Petersburg also say Putin games the elections against opposition candidates.
your relatives arent unbiased. or all knowing.
and it doesn't even matter what Putin does internally anymore then what Xi does.
The only thing that matters is US relations to Russia and China -and Putin and Xi are their leadership
ROFL..of course you did..more delusions..

You don't have to believe me, but I am a very petty person and if there's a chance I can ruin your life by simply sending your shit propaganda posts to the FBI, I'm gonna take it because I think you are a danger to public health who needs to serve some time in prison for running a Russian Active Measure scam on the dimwit Nazis on JPP to divide the nation.

You're a walking Dirty Bomb; you're spreading your COVID all around.
your relatives arent unbiased. or all knowing.
and it doesn't even matter what Putin does internally anymore then what Xi does.
The only thing that matters is US relations to Russia and China -and Putin and Xi are their leadership

His relatives are real, unlike the Russian neighbor you made up out of thin air to undermine the 2020 election.
You don't have to believe me, but I am a very petty person and if there's a chance I can ruin your life by simply sending your shit propaganda posts to the FBI, I'm gonna take it because I think you are a danger to public health and democracy who needs to serve some time in prison for running a Russian Active Measure scam on the dimwit Nazis on JPP to divide the nation.
you are a deranged psychopath who approves of doxxing to harm individuals and wants dead Republicans
That is a bit more then "petty" - it's psychopathic.
You also suffer from grand delusions that simply discussing Russian relations is "Active measures"
But I encourage you to waste your time on your petty affairs. Less time here
BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

The left is still fapping over all of the property destruction. Property is theft.
your relatives arent unbiased. or all knowing.
and it doesn't even matter what Putin does internally anymore then what Xi does.
The only thing that matters is US relations to Russia and China -and Putin and Xi are their leadership
I accept your tacit confession that the criminal Putin oligarchy does not allow free and fair elections.

Nobody on this planet is all knowing. But I put more stock into what educated and politically active Russian citizens in Moscow & St. Petersburg are writing, than what American Trump supporters on obscure message boards are writing.
you are a deranged psychopath who approves of doxxing to harm individuals

Harm individuals, how?

I don't doxx people; I get people to doxx themselves.

I'm not the one who made up a whole story out of thin air to undermine the 2020 election...that was you.

I'm not the one the one telling people to go out and catch COVID because "natural immunity is better than the vaccines"...that was you.

I'm not the one who lent support to the terrorists on 1/6 when the coup might have succeeded...that was you.

I'm not the one who disseminated #Walkaway and #Blexit during the 2018 elections to try and swing the election to the Nazis...that was you.

I'm not the one who ran around telling everyone masks don't work...that was you.

So when it comes to psychopathy, the only one of us who is actively trying to get people killed is you.

So I suppose that makes you the psychopath...after all, you lied about having a Russian neighbor, you lied about getting an unsolicited mail in ballot, you lied about the 2020 election being stolen, you lied about No Collusion.

I haven't lied about anything because I don't think it's necessary for me to tell lies in order to make a point.
Free speech doesnt have consequences. criminal speech does. The fact you blur the distinction
shows who is putting out the disinformation

Free speech these days is just muted because the platforms dont want it

Wrong. It is not criminal to stand on a corner downtown and yell "Ni**ers! Ni**ers everywhere!" But when someone punches you in the nose, or the cops come and arrest you for disturbing the peace, or someone videos you and posts it online and you lose your job -- there's your consequences.

Please continue to defend #January6Insurrection, #TheNextCivilWar, #TRE45ON, and #OverthrowTheGovernment, Tovarisch.
wants dead Republicans


But wanting dead Republicans and actually killing them are two different things; I'm guilty of the former for sure, but you're guilty of the latter.

I want dead Republicans and you're the one who is killing them.
You also suffer from grand delusions that simply discussing Russian relations is "Active measures"

It's not that you're discussing Russian relations, it's that you're doing so using Russian Active Measures.

And it dates back to when I first joined this board in 2018 and noticed you disseminating the #Walkaway and #Blexit hashtags for 6 months leading to that election.

That's when I first knew who you were and what you were doing here because you made it obvious to everyone.

And then later, you employed every single active measure that DHS and the FBI warned about.

Every. Single. One.

How do you account for that?

How do you account for what DHS said in Sept 2020 when they seemingly called your actions out by everything except for your name? Because this describes exactly what you did on JPP (and elsewhere I'm sure) in 2020:

We assess that Russia is likely to continue amplifying criticisms of vote-by-mail and shifting voting processes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic to undermine public trust in the electoral process.

That's you!

That is exactly what you did on this board!

You can't even deny it because it's so overt.

You started off 2020 lying about COVID, and then when those lies predictably fell apart, you shifted to attacking vote-by-mail to undermine confidence in the election before it even happened.

How can you explain that?
Jim Jordan among GOP leader Kevin McCarthy's picks for Jan. 6 select committee

You have to be on the committee to be off the committee, commie cocksucker. Dookie, pull your fucking lying mouth out of your fat commie ass.

$50 says your neighbors don't know you are secretly a Putin cocksucker pining for the days of the Soviet Union. You're too much of a lowlife chickenshit to be that open about it in America, dookie.

Citizens as individuals can openly criticize Putin, but any organized political opposition to him is kept on a tight leash.

...if they do it too loudly then they are murdered.

Vladimir Putin is a murderer of Russians and foreigners alike. The only reason he's still in power is because of cowardly cocksuckers like Dookie bending the knee for him.

One day a Russian patriot will stand up and free Russia of Vlad the Dictator.

I'm pro US/Russian relations improvement.
Maybe if we had paid attention and take Red lines as a real thing we wouldn't be looking at war with Russia by NATO

we keep our meetings secret. Usually dress up in Disney costumes

Sure, me too Dookie. War is bad for business. However, si vis pacem, para bellum always applies. There is no compromising with bullies or terrorists. If they stay in their lane, fine. If they try to go outside then they must be met with overwhelming force or we risk being sucked into a war of attrition on their home turf.

Best for everyone if Putin's generals just take him out.

Meanwhile, all the Putin cocksuckers on US territory should meet their Russian brethren yearning to be free.