Storm the Bastille

it's called "triangulation"and it worked for decades with Nixon's China card.
It doesn't anymore because we are so hostile to Russia even in the Black Sea they can't live with NATO expansionism and warships running up on Crimean restricted waters

we shot ourselves in the foot. I dont even know at this point if we de-tangle US Russian relations
but if we cant the beneficiary is China -not us

Idiot - Nixon and China was during the Cold War. The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union collapsed over 25 years ago. Get a fucking clue.

Your defense of Russia is noted, comrade Dookie. The Black Sea is international waters. Get a fucking clue.

Any hostility to Russia is earned. If you didn't have your head shoved so far up Putin's ass that you can watch him drink vodka, then maybe you'd see that murdering people and attacking sovereign nations is wrong.
Putin cares about Nato expansion as any nation would with hostile powers on it's border
Putin cares about improving his economy from a "glorified gas station"

Putin needs a distraction from the SHIT TERRIBLE JOB he has done on COVID and the Russian economy.

Russia's economy is hanging by a thread right now, and sanctions are going to push that country over the fucking edge.

If those sanctions are instituted, Putin will be gone by the end of the decade...maybe even by 2025.

He has no true power in Russia and if this planned invasion of Ukraine is anything less than perfect, he's gonna be looking for an escape hatch just like Trump.
Working cooperatively with Russia and China on areas of mutual interest should always be the goal.

Agreed. I watched a short bit about the ISS; what happens if everyone down here starts shooting at each other?

War isn't good for business.
But India goes back and forth with China. China is India's largest trading partner and India is only interested
( or capable of) challenging China in the Indian Ocean - not the South China Sea where they are threatening to invade (re-unify) with Taiwan and glom up all the mineral rights of the other littoral states with their 9-dash line.

Russia has a much more powerful military and is partnering with China in the Arctic for extractions
and looking for more Asian trade via the Great Northern Route.
In fact letting Russia have Syria is really in our interests as well, since they kill ISIS remnants.
Maybe we can finally pull out our forces?? *of course not*
21st century economic and demographic projections point to Russia as a fading power, and India as an emerging superpower. I doubt in the year 2060 India's interests will be limited to the Indian Ocean.

Lasting alliances only really work between nations with similar values. The biggest crossroad of the 21st century is the choice between democracy and rising authoritarianism.

In Asia and the Pacific Basin, the forces of democracy are India, Australia, S. Korea, Japan, United States. It is likely to stay that way.
you stupid fuckwad.
"Blame" /"democracy" dont mean a fucking thing in the dynamics of the real world.

Only power, and nations acting in their own interests is what's at play

Nyet, comrade Dookie.

Your pointy-headed view of the world is just like the murderer Putin's. Color me surprised. LOL
Sine the west has sanctioned him for everything -that forces him to go where?? To China

Good! Let him go to China...maybe he can get a better deal out of them for Russia than Trump got for us, which was no deal and $30B wasted buying the votes of farmer trash.

we fuck up our own selves interests with stoopid shit like sanctions

Nice try, but propagandizing for Russia isn't going to win you any debates on JPP.

China doesn't even need Russia for anything.
What I know is that you have been caught using explicit Russian Active Measures on JPP, then when those are brought up, you completely ignore them and pretend it was never posted.

You lied about the mail ballot, you lied about COVID, you lied about the 2020 election, you lied about No Collusion.

You disseminated Russian Active Measures in 2018 with #Walkaway and #Blexit, then you did it again in 2019 with #NoCollusion, then you did it again in 2020 with lies about HCQ and mail in ballots.

And then in 2021, after posting that shit in support of the coup attempt -because you thought at the time it would succeed- you started lying to people about "natural immunity" to provide cover for Florida and DeSantis doing the worst job of any governor on COVID.

Shall I keep going? Cause I can.
You are a psychopath . You want members of the Republican party dead, and you want boomers dead
You cant stand being around children. You applaud doxing to violently provoke confrontations/beatings
You never understood anything about COVID microbiology. or even basic stuff like natural immunity
because all you hear is Fauci screaming VAXX
21st century economic and demographic projections point to Russia as a fading power, and India as an emerging superpower. I doubt in the year 2060 their interests will be limited to the Indian Ocean.

Lasting alliances only really work between nations with similar values. The biggest crossroad of the 21st century is the choice between democracy and rising authoritarianism.

In Asia and the Pacific Basin, the forces of democracy are India, Australia, S. Korea, Japan, United States. It is likely to stay that way.

OTOH, India is like Japan in the late 1930s; highly industrialized but dependent upon supplies and resources.

Russia, like Brazil, has vast untapped resources. Brazil is destroying the rainforest to exploit their resources. Global Warming will benefit Russia by melting the tundra. Russia will have a rich future in 50-100 years.
Nyet, comrade Dookie.

Your pointy-headed view of the world is just like the murderer Putin's. Color me surprised. LOL
see how far "human rights" gets you with China, or complaining they are undemocratic.
China doesnt GAF. it's bent on world hegemony,and it's hitting our education system, malign trade.
while you fantasize of Dead Putin.
You are a psychopath . You want members of the Republican party dead, and you want boomers dead

You're the psychopath, Anatta.

You lied about a mail in ballot.

You told people to take a Malaria drug.

You're telling people to go get COVID because "natural immunity is better than the vaccines." You know that's not true, but you said it anyway...the only conclusion we can come to is that you said that shit because you wanted people to die.

So you're the psychopath who wants dead Republicans because you keep telling Republicans to kill themselves!

I'm just not stopping you...that doesn't make me a psychopath, it makes YOU the psychopath because you're telling people to go and purposefully get COVID.

You're the one who -for 12 months- has been telling everyone that if you had COVID once, you can't catch it again so there's no need to get the vaccine.

That's psycho behavior.
You cant stand being around children.

So what?

You applaud doxing to violently provoke confrontations/beatings

When did I ever do that?

I don't doxx people; I am just smart and clever enough to get YOU IDIOTS TO DOXX YOURSELVES.

Which you stupidly do when you fall back on these bullshit anecdotes...don't you understand that when you do that, you doxx yourself?

OTOH, India is like Japan in the late 1930s; highly industrialized but dependent upon supplies and resources.

Russia, like Brazil, has vast untapped resources. Brazil is destroying the rainforest to exploit their resources. Global Warming will benefit Russia by melting the tundra. Russia will have a rich future in 50-100 years.

Abundant natural resources are not a guarantee of vibrancy and staying power, otherwise Nigeria, Libya, Venezuela, Democratic Republic of the Congo would have been role models for the developing world.

India has a strong entrepreneurial spirit, a legitimate free market, the rule of law, a functioning democracy -- all pretty much lacking in Russia, whose claim to fame is a corrupt oligarchy.
You never understood anything about COVID microbiology.

You said at the start, that this thing was "no worse than the flu".

You also said, at the start, that the "warm weather woudl kill it".

You also said, at the start, that "kids couldn't catch it or spread it".

You also said, at the start, that masks don't work.

You also said, for 12 months, that "natural immunity is better than a vaccine" and that if you caught COVID once, you had "natural immunity" forever.

Then you quietly moved those goalposts to 8-10 months of natural immunity when the reality is that 1/3 of those infected with COVID don't develop immunity at all, while natural immunity itself wanes within 90 days.

Every time you have opened that big, fat mouth of yours, you've put your tiny, size-3 foot into it.
21st century economic and demographic projections point to Russia as a fading power, and India as an emerging superpower. I doubt in the year 2060 India's interests will be limited to the Indian Ocean.

Lasting alliances only really work between nations with similar values. The biggest crossroad of the 21st century is the choice between democracy and rising authoritarianism.

In Asia and the Pacific Basin, the forces of democracy are India, Australia, S. Korea, Japan, United States. It is likely to stay that way.
Russia is not a fading power because it's getting economic ties to China. It has the Great Northern Route opening up -that means much more trade with Asia and China
It's becoming an Asian Superpower even as it wanes in the west. and we largely did it because of stupid stuff. Putin's military is every but as good as NATO, and now it's is partnering with China with a unified military command structure. Putin and Xi have said their common enemy is the west.
We have managed to shove Putin completely into the Sino Orbit -undoing the Nixon China card.

Democracies have nothing to do with power projection.
China is the largest army and will soon be close to our naval power while militarizing space.

India has no interest in the Pacific -but we do. at best we can isolate India from the "One Belt one road"
connection, and use them as a check on China's influence in central Asia -not the Pacific at all
Yes they are important, and Trump worked to court Modi, but they aren't globally important outside of Asia
see how far "human rights" gets you with China, or complaining they are undemocratic.
China doesnt GAF. it's bent on world hegemony,and it's hitting our education system, malign trade.
while you fantasize of Dead Putin.

Russia is why next door to China. If what you claim is true, why is fucking Putin being a pussy about it? Is Vlad a chickenshit coward only good for scaring old women and children? Or poisoning people?
or even basic stuff like natural immunity

For 12 months, all of 2021, you repeatedly said that "natural immunity is better than vaccines."

That was your major theme of 2021.

But then, all your Nazi pals started getting COVID a second time...which should not have happened because you told them that they had "natural immunity".

So then you moved the goalpost to say that you get 8-10 months of natural immunity...but you didn't cite that source, which leads me to think you just made it up.

So you shifted the goalposts on "natural immunity" after saying for a whole year that it was indefinite and a COVID vaccination is not better than "natural immunity".

It's obvious why you are still clinging to that natural immunity bullshit; you've developed your entire argument against COVID vaccinations around that lie.

So you can't say it was a lie now because that would mean you've been bullshitting everyone this whole time.

You said that "natural immunity" was permanent, even when I told you countless times it isn't...then I said, "fine, I'm going to stop correcting you because you're killing all the people I want you to kill."

No one whose vote I care about would listen to you anyway, so if your shitty advice results in thousands of Republicans dying, then I'm just gonna comment on it and let you kill them.

You're killing Republicans for me. I don't even have to lift a finger. I don't have to do anything than stand by and watch you metaphorically punch yourself in the dick over and over.
Abundant natural resources are not a guarantee of vibrancy and staying power, otherwise Nigeria, Libya, Venezuela, Democratic Republic of the Congo would have been role models for the developing world.

India has a strong entrepreneurial spirit, a legitimate free market, the rule of law, a functioning democracy -- all pretty much lacking in Russia, whose claim to fame is a corrupt oligarchy.

The difference is developed nations versus developing nations. All the strife in the world boils down to the old war between the Haves and the Have nots.

Putin wants what Ukrainians have.

China wants what Taiwan has.

Agreed on the cultural aspect. It's like getting a job in a field one desires; if they are "hungry" enough, they'll get it. India is trying harder to get ahead. Too many Americans are on cruise control. I don't know enough about Russian culture, both city and country, to know what they want.
Russia is not a fading power because it's getting economic ties to China. It has the Great Northern Route opening up -that means much more trade with Asia and China
It's becoming an Asian Superpower even as it wanes in the west. and we largely did it because of stupid stuff. Putin's military is every but as good as NATO, and now it's is partnering with China with a unified military command structure. Putin and Xi have said their common enemy is the west.
We have managed to shove Putin completely into the Sino Orbit -undoing the Nixon China card.

Democracies have nothing to do with power projection.
China is the largest army and will soon be close to our naval power while militarizing space.

India has no interest in the Pacific -but we do. at best we can isolate India from the "One Belt one road"
connection, and use them as a check on China's influence in central Asia -not the Pacific at all
Yes they are important, and Trump worked to court Modi, but they aren't globally important outside of Asia

NATO is the most successful political and military alliance in human history precisely because it was built on a foundation of core shared values: democracy, free markets, the rule of law, civil liberties.

Any strategic partnership with Russia would be a matter of convenience, and those partnerships never last.

India has the world's 6th largest economy, Russia isn't even in the top ten. Outside of oil, arms, and vodka, Russia doesn't export much to the world markets.

As I understand it, India is a major player in IT and computer hardware on developing world markets, and India has given every indication of having a true entrepreneurial spirit in the way Russia does not. Probably because rule of law and a dynamic civil society does not exist in Russia
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you stupid fuckwad.
"Blame" /"democracy" dont mean a fucking thing in the dynamics of the real world.
Only power, and nations acting in their own interests is what's at play

Russia and China would like nothing more than a weak federal government in the United States. That’s why they hate the EU, they need a week federal government for Europe. They both have a very strong central government, and it makes them powerful.
Russia and China would like nothing more than a weak federal government in the United States. That’s why they hate the EU, they need a week federal government for Europe. They both have a very strong central government, and it makes them powerful.
that makes no sense whatsoever + our feds are "stronger" ( more powers) then ever in our history already.

The political climate is much more important. Americans are sick of war but the foreign policy establishment is not and still thinks in terms of "boxing in Russia" by NATO expansion.
That right there is threatening to Russian security, and they react back by massing troops

when we send advance weapons like JAVELIN by the case they add more armor

The worst is Biden ginning up the war drums -to the point Zelensky had to tell him to tone it down