Storm the Bastille

As far as I can tell, all of my Facebook relatives living in Russia hate Putin, and would like to see him in prison.

But they represent the educated, urban professional class.

I think Putin has significant support in rural areas, among social conservatives, and rightwing nationalists, aka the Russian equivalent of MAGA rubes.
I have a dear friend, albeit hopelessly Republican, whose wife took her elderly mother back to Russia last year for a visit.

I don't ever discuss politics with either of them, but I made a comment about my myriad Ukrainian American friends (Ironically, Boris called me today out of the blue!) hating Putin.

The wife said 'everyone in Russia loves Putin'.

I laughed to myself. Those who admit to hating Putin are already dead and buried, or in prison.
You have to be on the committee to be off the committee, commie cocksucker. Dookie, pull your fucking lying mouth out of your fat commie ass.

$50 says your neighbors don't know you are secretly a Putin cocksucker pining for the days of the Soviet Union. You're too much of a lowlife chickenshit to be that open about it in America, dookie.

What's worse? The idiot supporting someone like Jordan on the committee, or criticizing Pelosi for keeping Russian operatives off of the committee? If there were ANY Republicans besides Cheney and Kinzinger who weren't afraid of trump, they would be on the committee.
I accept your tacit confession that the criminal Putin oligarchy does not allow free and fair elections.

Nobody on this planet is all knowing. But I put more stock into what educated and politically active Russian citizens in Moscow & St. Petersburg are writing, than what American Trump supporters on obscure message boards are writing.
it doesnt matter. I dont know anymore then you do.
Putin is in charge of Russia, Xi in charge of China..everything else is their internal matters

The only problems come when Biden runs down the nation like he did with systemic racism
that China throws it back in our face, such as Anchorage
The only problems come when Biden runs down the nation like he did with systemic racism
that China throws it back in our face, such as Anchorage

What are you fucking talking about?

Anatta, YOU WERE THE RACIST ONE when you blamed China for you and Trump lying about COVID.

You have no shame.
BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

Anatta would never stand behind what he wrote here because Anatta doesn't believe the 2020 election was stolen...he's just saying it was because he wants to make friends with Nazis since no one else wants to be his friend.
it doesnt matter. I dont know anymore then you do.
Putin is in charge of Russia, Xi in charge of China..everything else is their internal matters

The only problems come when Biden runs down the nation like he did with systemic racism
that China throws it back in our face, such as Anchorage

I was responding to your attempt to confer legitimacy onto Putin, by stating he wins elections.

To me, that doesn't give him legitimacy. Russia's elections are not free and fair, the state media is owned by Putin's Russia United party and criminal oligarchs, and it can physically dangerous to organize a viable opposition party.
I was responding to your attempt to confer legitimacy onto Putin, by stating he wins elections.

To me, that doesn't give him legitimacy. Russia's elections are not free and fair, the state media is owned by Putin's Russia United party, and criminal oligarchs, and it can physically dangerous to organize a viable opposition party.

You don't's Anatta's JOB to propagandize for Putin.

Anyone who's been paying attention to Anatta's posts since at least 2018 would know that virtually everything he posts is Russian propaganda.
You don't's Anatta's JOB to propagandize for Putin.

Anyone who's been paying attention to Anatta's posts since at least 2018 would know that virtually everything he posts is Russian propaganda.

It doesn't even make sense from a geopolitical context. There is no upside in forming some sort of partnership with Russia to counterbalance China

The play here is to cultivate a partnership with India, because by South Asian standards they share our commitment to democracy, and they are an emerging 21st century superpower.
It doesn't even make sense from a geopolitical context. There is no upside in forming some sort of partnership with Russia to counterbalance China

The play here is to cultivate a partnership with India, because by South Asian standards they share our commitment to democracy, and they are an emerging 21st century superpower.

True, that's the play if you're not a Russian stooge.

For Anatta, everything has to be run through the prism of "is this good for Russia?", and he calibrates his response based on that.

His goal is the same goal Putin had when he was in the KGB: destabilize America any way you can.
What's worse? The idiot supporting someone like Jordan on the committee, or criticizing Pelosi for keeping Russian operatives off of the committee? If there were ANY Republicans besides Cheney and Kinzinger who weren't afraid of trump, they would be on the committee.
Those supporting Trump's treason are the worst.

Agreed. Jim Jordan is buried up to his neck in this and it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up doing time.
It doesn't even make sense from a geopolitical context. There is no upside in forming some sort of partnership with Russia to counterbalance China

The play here is to cultivate a partnership with India, because by South Asian standards they share our commitment to democracy, and they are an emerging 21st century superpower.

Divide and conquer is an old strategy. A more enlightened strategy is to establish good relations with all nations for trade and mutual support.

When the Somali pirates disrupted free trade in the region it was the united effort of nations supporting free trade that neutralized the problem. The Law of the Jungle still prevails in parts of the world. The Free World should band together for mutual protection. This includes India and both Russia and China.

When one of the group becomes the danger, then it causes problems.
It doesn't even make sense from a geopolitical context. There is no upside in forming some sort of partnership with Russia to counterbalance China

The play here is to cultivate a partnership with India, because by South Asian standards they share our commitment to democracy, and they are an emerging 21st century superpower.
But India goes back and forth with China. China is India's largest trading partner and India is only interested
( or capable of) challenging China in the Indian Ocean - not the South China Sea where they are threatening to invade (re-unify) with Taiwan and glom up all the mineral rights of the other littoral states with their 9-dash line.

Russia has a much more powerful military and is partnering with China in the Arctic for extractions
and looking for more Asian trade via the Great Northern Route.
In fact letting Russia have Syria is really in our interests as well, since they kill ISIS remnants.
Maybe we can finally pull out our forces?? *of course not*
True, that's the play if you're not a Russian stooge.

For Anatta, everything has to be run through the prism of "is this good for Russia?", and he calibrates his response based on that.

His goal is the same goal Putin had when he was in the KGB: destabilize America any way you can.
LMAO. you have 0 understanding of realpolitik
Putin doesn't even care about "destabilizing the US" that's our BS intelligence.

Putin cares about Nato expansion as any nation would with hostile powers on it's border
Putin cares about improving his economy from a "glorified gas station"

Sine the west has sanctioned him for everything -that forces him to go where?? To China
we fuck up our own selves interests with stoopid shit like sanctions
LMAO. you have 0 understanding of realpolitik
Putin doesn't even care about "destabilizing the US" that's our BS intelligence.

Putin cares about Nato expansion as any nation would with hostile powers on it's border
Putin cares about improving his economy from a "glorified gas station"

Sine the west has sanctioned him for everything -that forces him to go where?? To China
we fuck up our own selves interests with stoopid shit like sanctions

ROFL There's some Russian cocksucker language - blaming the West for Putin's criminal actions the past 20 years.

Putin is a murderer and you are supporting him, dipshit.
Divide and conquer is an old strategy. A more enlightened strategy is to establish good relations with all nations for trade and mutual support.
it's called "triangulation"and it worked for decades with Nixon's China card.
It doesn't anymore because we are so hostile to Russia even in the Black Sea they can't live with NATO expansionism and warships running up on Crimean restricted waters

we shot ourselves in the foot. I dont even know at this point if we de-tangle US Russian relations
but if we cant the beneficiary is China -not us
Divide and conquer is an old strategy. A more enlightened strategy is to establish good relations with all nations for trade and mutual support.

When the Somali pirates disrupted free trade in the region it was the united effort of nations supporting free trade that neutralized the problem. The Law of the Jungle still prevails in parts of the world. The Free World should band together for mutual protection. This includes India and both Russia and China.

When one of the group becomes the danger, then it causes problems.

Working cooperatively with Russia and China on areas of mutual interest should always be the goal.
LMAO. you have 0 understanding of realpolitik
Putin doesn't even care about "destabilizing the US" that's our BS intelligence.

What I know is that you have been caught using explicit Russian Active Measures on JPP, then when those are brought up, you completely ignore them and pretend it was never posted.

You lied about the mail ballot, you lied about COVID, you lied about the 2020 election, you lied about No Collusion.

You disseminated Russian Active Measures in 2018 with #Walkaway and #Blexit, then you did it again in 2019 with #NoCollusion, then you did it again in 2020 with lies about HCQ and mail in ballots.

And then in 2021, after posting that shit in support of the coup attempt -because you thought at the time it would succeed- you started lying to people about "natural immunity" to provide cover for Florida and DeSantis doing the worst job of any governor on COVID.

Shall I keep going? Cause I can.
ROFL There's some Russian cocksucker language - blaming the West for Putin's criminal actions the past 20 years.
you stupid fuckwad.
"Blame" /"democracy" dont mean a fucking thing in the dynamics of the real world.
Only power, and nations acting in their own interests is what's at play