Suck It Topper


Looks like Bama is the shit.


Not the best performance from Bama, but was by far the best performance from LSU this year.

Still not enough.

And just as a reminder, we did not each have a loss when we met. You took both loses, and we took none.

Next up is MSU, then Auburn. And then we will meet UFL in the SEC Championship. And just like in the first SEC Championship, Bama will win.

After that, it will probably be Texas Tech for the whole bag of marbles. Having watched TT play, I think our Defense can slow them down to a crawl, and our running game can score on them repeatedly.
Our qb was pathetic, it wasn't even our 3rd best game.
I did tell you Saban was a football god.
I was glad Bama had that kind of game. My nails are not so happy today, but they will recover. Bama really needed to play under adversity, and fight to win. It was the one remaining question they needed to answer this year, can they 'come together' when they need to, and win the game. They needed to be tested that way, and I think they passed with flying colors.

Mississippi State is not a 'pushover' team, that game will be tougher than Auburn, in my opinion. Sly Croom has those boys fired up when they play Bama, and the past couple of years, they've had our number. The Iron Bowl... anything can happen, we all know this too well! And the SECCG with Florida, will be no cakewalk. They are arguably the best playing team in the NCAA at this moment, and Tebow is phenomenal. Beating them will be more than deserving of a BCS National Championship shot... For that, I get the feeling it won't be Texas Tech.... I don't know, it just seems odd for some reason.

I know they say the computers figure all this stuff out, but I can't help but believe the 'computer' has some bias toward teams who bring in lots of cash to the promoters of the game. Call me crazy, but it always seems we end up with the two teams who will generate a large fan base and a lot of revenue, as opposed to "the two best teams" in football. If Bama wins out, they are in, no question... but Tech? I can see some 1 loss team 'magically' leapfrogging them in the end, to play in the Big Game. If they lose, that will take care of itself, but I bet it will happen, even if they win out.
Our qb was pathetic, it wasn't even our 3rd best game.
I did tell you Saban was a football god.

I think you have mentioned it a time or two. Lots of folks in Tiger Stadium seemed to think differently about him. :p

Dixie, I agree that MS State will be the tougher of the two remaining regular season games. The best part is that Florida will watch us play these last two and think they will know what to expect. I think they will be in for a surprise.
lots of Morons in La heck they voted for Mcain.
I love Saban, I waited 43yrs of my life for that title.
And he got millions for the athletic facilities and left it a top knotch program.
Topper, we are not giving you hell because of Saban.

We are giving you hell for the "you are irrelevant" comments.

And now we are going to show MS State and auburn what another loss feels like. And then FL gets to taste the same.
And the Tide is one game away from a perfect regular season.

People said Clemson would beat us. Then they said Georgia would beat us. Then they expected Ol' Miss to beat us, like they did Florida. Then the sports gurus thought UT or LSU would pull off the upset.

Now its just an auburn team who can't play offense between us and a perfect regular season.

Oh but Florida is a juggernaut that can't be stopped, I keep reading.

If Ol' Miss beat them than the Tide will do even better.

You guys STILL don't know how good SABAN is. LSU was just like MISS state a decade ago. Saban totally changed that.
Topper! LSU just lost to Ole Miss by 18 points.

Thats the second biggest margin of loss ya'll have had all season.

Maybe Ole Miss ain't that bad after all. They did beat Florida and LSU.
They barely beat Florida but I see your point.

They're just Giant Slayers. They play really well against high ranked teams.

Looks like Bama is the shit.


Bama is over rated like the Buckeyes were last year. Right now it's pretty obvious that Florida and USC are the best two teams in the nation. Realistically, for Bama after they lose the SEC championship game they will probably play whomever get's screwed in the Big 12 South lottery in the Sugar Bowl.

This years another example of why it would be nice to have some sort of post season play-off as the two best teams are probably Florida and USC and there's practically zero chance of USC playing in the Championship game.

Though it would be interesting if the whomever is choosen to represent the Big 12 South would lose to Missou as it opens the possibility that one of the Big 12 South teams (Oklahoma or Texas?) or USC could play in the BCS Championship game and I think that would be the first time that a non-conference champion would play for the national title.
Our qb was pathetic, it wasn't even our 3rd best game.
I did tell you Saban was a football god.

Saban? Ehhh he was all right in the Big 10, nothing special though he does make a fine SEC coach. It probably helps down there to have a coach that can speak english correctly. :pke:
Bama is over rated like the Buckeyes were last year. Right now it's pretty obvious that Florida and USC are the best two teams in the nation. Realistically, for Bama after they lose the SEC championship game they will probably play whomever get's screwed in the Big 12 South lottery in the Sugar Bowl.

This years another example of why it would be nice to have some sort of post season play-off as the two best teams are probably Florida and USC and there's practically zero chance of USC playing in the Championship game.

Though it would be interesting if the whomever is choosen to represent the Big 12 South would lose to Missou as it opens the possibility that one of the Big 12 South teams (Oklahoma or Texas?) or USC could play in the BCS Championship game and I think that would be the first time that a non-conference champion would play for the national title.

I keep hearing that we are over rated. But no one has managed to beat us. And that includes the team that beat Florida by a point.

After we win the SEC Championship, will we have more respect? lol I won't be particularly worried either way.

Florida is a top team, no doubt. But I think b y the 4th Quarter their defense will be exhausted. I doubt they will be more than a touchdown or so ahead, and Bama will win out.

But I think the SEC Championship is going to be a better game than most of the bowl games.
I think you have mentioned it a time or two. Lots of folks in Tiger Stadium seemed to think differently about him. :p

Dixie, I agree that MS State will be the tougher of the two remaining regular season games. The best part is that Florida will watch us play these last two and think they will know what to expect. I think they will be in for a surprise.

Don't think so. Bama's a good team, but your not the same caliber as Florida or USC. Bama's offense matches up well but they don't match up as well defensively with Florida or USC.

Believe it or not and I don't say this as a Buckeye fan but following the numbers Ohio State and Alabama would be a great match up with an edge to Bama. There better than the Bucks offensively (with Pryor as a wild card) but the Bucks are a bit better defensively and on special teams. It would be a great match up.

Here's the match ups I think would be best.

BCS Championship, Florida vs USC

Rose Bowl, Penn State vs Big 12 South Runner up (Texas or Oklahoma)

Sugar Bowl, Alabama vs Ohio State

Fiesta Bowl, Big 12 South runner up vs Utah

Orange Bowl, Texas Tech vs Utah

It will more likely be

BCS Championship game, Florida vs Oklahoma

Rose Bowl, Penn St vs Ore St.

Sugar Bowl, Alabama vs USC or Utah

Fiesta Bowl, Texas vs Utah or USC

Orange Bowl, Florida State vs Cincinnati

The whole apple cart gets upset if Missou beats Oklahoma, so that makes the Big 12 championship game very interesting game if Missou can be competative against Oklahoma. If Missou wins, then Oklahoma and Texas Tech are pretty much eliminated from BCS consideration. If Oklahoma wins, they will probably play the winner of the Florida/Bama game in the BCS championship. Since I think the best two teams in the nation are Florida and USC, I'd like to see that match up and that won't happen unless Missou wins. Still probably won't happen. Though I think USC is a better team then Texas, Texas did play a tougher schedule.
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I keep hearing that we are over rated. But no one has managed to beat us. And that includes the team that beat Florida by a point.

After we win the SEC Championship, will we have more respect? lol I won't be particularly worried either way.

Florida is a top team, no doubt. But I think b y the 4th Quarter their defense will be exhausted. I doubt they will be more than a touchdown or so ahead, and Bama will win out.

But I think the SEC Championship is going to be a better game than most of the bowl games.

Well, over rated is a relative term. I think, right now, Florida and USC are the best two teams in the nation. Don't get me wrong. Alabama is certainly deserving of their present ranking and if they beat Florida, hey I"m all wet. Personally I would bet that Florida beats Bama by at least 7.

As for the SEC championship game, it will be a great game but if the Big 12 game is competitive, particularly if Missou wins, that will be an even bigger game just because that its impact on the BCS will be so great.

Who ever wins the SEC Championship game goes to the BCS Championship game, end of story there.

Not so with the Big 12 Championship game where all hell will break loose if Missou wins. That game has a chance to be the biggest game of the year but only if it's close or Missou wins. But you're point is still valid. If Missou loses then my predictions as to the pairings will be pretty accurate and then the SEC championship game will have been a better match up than 3 of the BCS games. That all changes though if Missou wins.