Suck It Topper

Best of luck to you. I know how you feel. Last year came as a surprise to Buckeye fans. We thought this year would be the year. Tressel is taking a lot of heat over Pryor. His disloyalty to Todd Boekman was devastating to the moral of seniors. The seniors who passed up the pros to come back for their senior year were just livid about Tressels promoting Pryor over Boekman and I don't blame them. It appears Tressel blew of a shot this year at the championship to nab Pryor. Personally I think it was a very bad decision on Tressel's part.

Hey Motley let me ask you this. I preface this by saying I was born in Columbus and most of my family went to Ohio State so even though I went to USC I still love the Buckeyes. I completely understand what you are saying but Boekman started against USC and after that game the realistic chance of tOSU reaching the championship game was almost none. So I don't believe Tressel's decision to play Prior effected the Bucks championship hopes one bit. Even if they had beat Penn State the Bucks would not be one of the two teams going to Miami.
that's funny shit, what morons. Pryor is 10x the athlete as the soon to be carsalesman QB. They won inspite of him not because of him.
that's funny shit, what morons. Pryor is 10x the athlete as the soon to be carsalesman QB. They won inspite of him not because of him.

Both QBs for Ohio State have completion % in the low 60s. And neither is ranked in the top 40 QBs nationally.

Seems a moot point, other than the promise to a freshman that slapped the senior who has been working and waiting for his chance.
And unlike your QB who's daddy bought a wing on the campus building, Pryor can and does run very effectively. He'll pay huge dividends in the future besides being better than the cracker senior.
And unlike your QB who's daddy bought a wing on the campus building, Pryor can and does run very effectively. He'll pay huge dividends in the future besides being better than the cracker senior.

Who's daddy bought a wing in the campus building?
the drinking game douche bag
John Parker Wilson
How many gb's get 3 names called every play.
LSU fans drink everytime his name is called out.
the drinking game douche bag
John Parker Wilson
How many gb's get 3 names called every play.
LSU fans drink everytime his name is called out.

douche bag? wtf? I asked a simple question, and a simple answer would have sufficed.

I guess, given their playing ability, LSU fans have to find something else to do besides cheer for their team.
geez I called your loser QB a douche bag, you bama fans are sensitive. Must be all the losing
geez I called your loser QB a douche bag, you bama fans are sensitive. Must be all the losing

No, I asked you a question and you responded with "the drinking game douche bag".

So either you called me a douche bag or you need to review 3rd grade lessons in sentence structure.

I am not sensitive because of all our losing. Haven't done any of that since 2007. Unlike LSU, who has become irrelevant in the SEC.
Gators are 10 point favorite by the way
Gators are 10 point favorite by the way

And clemson was favored, and Georgia was favored. No biggie. Who is favored isn't the point. Its who wins.
seriously what other player gets all fist and last name much less middle called every time he throws a pass.
Brady goes deep to Moss
Sanchez incomplete to some other 28 yr old trojan
John Parker Wilson pass to Julio
seriously what other player gets all fist and last name much less middle called every time he throws a pass.
Brady goes deep to Moss
Sanchez incomplete to some other 28 yr old trojan
John Parker Wilson pass to Julio

Because if they said "Wilson pass to Julio is complete at the 22 yard line" too many auburn fans would be looking for a middle aged man with his lower face covered.