Suicide by Tylenol


Willin to be Chillin
Please DO NOT attempt this. And please spread the word. I thought this notion was over years ago.

Got a call about 2am in HS from my buddy's girlfriend who had OD'd on Tylenol trying to kill herself. I was ready to call 911...but the stigma in a town like that etc.... So I drove as fast as I could and got her to the ER... She survived.

Just recently a sorta friend's daughter did the same thing and is permanently brain damaged.

Please seek help if you need it. There are hotlines and other resources. And contrary to belief, trying to OD on Tylenol does not always work and can be worse.

Maybe I should have spoken up all those years ago.
Tylenol at higher doses can give you liver failure.

That's what usually kills a Tylenol suicide attempt person. If they can be treated in time (they usually give mucomyst) and the damage isn't too great, they'll survive. Otherwise, transplant or death. Not a quick way to go, nor a pleasant way either.
That's what usually kills a Tylenol suicide attempt person. If they can be treated in time (they usually give mucomyst) and the damage isn't too great, they'll survive. Otherwise, transplant or death. Not a quick way to go, nor a pleasant way either.

I wasn't talking about suicide,but normal use at high doses.
I wasn't talking about suicide,but normal use at high doses.

High dosage over a period of time can and most likely will damage your liver. We are not talking about 2 or 4 pills a day, but something like 8 or more a day will bring you liver happiness. Try it Mason and report back to us with your results.
High dosage over a period of time can and most likely will damage your liver. We are not talking about 2 or 4 pills a day, but something like 8 or more a day will bring you liver happiness. Try it Mason and report back to us with your results.

I already did,was taking normal dose,but was taking a sinus OTC pill,that I didn't know had Tylenol,screwed up my liver enzymes.
Learned my lesson,to always read labels.
My doctor said don't take Tylenol.I don't think it does shit anyway.
A lot of people believe depression is just a mamby pamby sad feels. But it is real. I have experienced minor depression and know others who have serious clinical depression. It is real people. This isn't the 1800s anymore.

It is okay to talk to people who you believe are depressed about it. They may try to shrug you off, but most likely, they really don't want to admit it and want you to keep talking to them.

Suicide is preventable.
A lot of people believe depression is just a mamby pamby sad feels. But it is real. I have experienced minor depression and know others who have serious clinical depression. It is real people. This isn't the 1800s anymore.

It is okay to talk to people who you believe are depressed about it. They may try to shrug you off, but most likely, they really don't want to admit it and want you to keep talking to them.

Suicide is preventable.

Good post. Sometimes when someone is seriously depressed, rather than appear "sad" or mopey, they may be angry, hostile, irritable. If you have a friend or family member who has a change in personality, talk to them, try to find out what's going on.
I knew someone who was taking cold medicine containing Tylenol and also regular Tylenol. She was only like 31 and almost wound up on a liver transplant list. She survived and didn't need it but she was one of the lucky ones.
Tylenol at higher doses can give you liver failer.

Unless you have first hand liver failure from Tylenol, you're opinion doesn't matter; so STFU and STFD.

I knew someone who was taking cold medicine containing Tylenol and also regular Tylenol. She was only like 31 and almost wound up on a liver transplant list. She survived and didn't need it but she was one of the lucky ones.

That's what happened to me,they throw Tylenol in a lot of OTC meds.Always read labels
The danger is they put it in OTC meds,so if you don't read labels,it's easy to take to much

Excellent point. You could easily OD yourself by taking Nyquil as prescribed, with APAP (tylenol) in between dosages, if you're not paying attention. This article points out that liver damage is even more likely if alcohol is also consumed. Liquid Nyquil contains 10% ETOH, per their website!